New here and desperate for success!

Hello, all! My name's Caitlyn, I'm 22, and I am desperate for successful weight loss! For whatever reason, I have gained about 30ish pounds in the past year or so (moved into a new house, less exercise, PCOS, etc). I struggle with self-esteem and depression, usually related to my appearance. This may sound harsh, but losing weight is a life-or-death situation for me. Not because I am obese, but because I may really do some damage to myself if I can't get to a "happy weight/shape." Yes, I am in therapy.

I would ideally like to lose about 30-40lbs, but I'm more concerned about how I feel/what I look like. I also do not like to weigh myself. I "guesstimated" my current weight when I signed up, but I think it's pretty close. I don't plan on weighing myself for at least a month after starting MFP. I'm hoping I'll just be able to feel/see the weight loss without having to get on the scale. It says I should eat 1,200 cals a day and burn 1,800 calories a week (only 257 a day!) in order to lose 1.13 lbs a week. I'm wondering if I may be able to lose more if I burn more than 257 calories a day?... hm...

I would really appreciate any suggestions or tips or advice of any kind on getting started and being successful.

Oh, and I also don't really like most vegetables :( haha

Thank you in advance!


  • SarahMS79
    SarahMS79 Posts: 45 Member
    wow...I don't even know where to I don't know what your beginning weight is and I know you said you don't like scales but suck it up sister...I'd get on a scale and get a starting weight.

    You're going to hurt yourself if you don't lose weight??? What did your family and shrink say about that??? That's ridiculous. Your picture looks lovely and you don't look morbidly obese. Sounds like some serious mental issues may want to fix that first.

    I am several years older than you and I have to say I've been down in the dumps before about my looks and my weight. I hope someday you realize what other people think really doesn't matter. You gotta do you, you are number need to want to lose weight and be healthy for one else.

    If you are overweight and want to lose...then eat less move more. Track what you eat...exercise regularly and you will see a loss. Remember 3,500 calories burned is 1 pound.

    I'm rambling and I know...but unless your 100% dedicated to doing something about your weight...then you may as well forget it. Maybe even discuss this want of losing weight with your doctor. I'd think you need a grip on reality and mental health before you start starving yourself because you want to lose weight...which is going to make you exhausted...and hungry and depressed even more...

    Good luck
  • cmcc317
    cmcc317 Posts: 2 Member
    I guess I shouldn't have gotten so personal or been so honest about where my mind's at. I was only hoping for some support.

    yes, I know I have "some serious mental issues going on," which is why I thought I had already mentioned that I AM in therapy. I mean, I guess it could sound ridiculous to some people that I would want to hurt myself over my weight, but I know I am not the only one to ever feel this way. unfortunately there are millions of people out there who hate their appearance so much that they just want to give up, thinking that there is no other option or hope. at least I'm aware, and I'm trying to make a change. I am trying to love myself for exactly who I am and who I'm not. this is just my personal journey and my personal feelings.

    I'm sorry for being so blunt and open about how I feel, but I don't think that gives you the right to reply with attitude. I don't appreciate you telling me to "suck it up" or to laugh or to tell me to "get a grip on reality." if you can't understand where I'm coming from, that's completely fine. but please don't be so quick to judge or to be rude.
  • SarahMS79
    SarahMS79 Posts: 45 Member
    wow dear....I didn't mean to sound rude or to judge in any way...
    you put your business out there in the open for everyone to see
    if you think my words are the meanest that you will hear on this website then you are sadly mistaken
    I meant suck it up...seriously...suck it up for your own good and get a starting weight...I didn't mean it rudely
    you can't hear my tone you can only read my words
    I tried to compliment you and say you looked lovely...I tried to encourage you by saying it doesn't matter what others think, you are your own number 1
    I have been down and depressed all my life...I've hated myself for my weight and my looks so I thought I was trying to relate to you
    but I'm sucking it up and being realistic and doing something about it. I said get a grip on reality...meaning you don't sound mentally healthy and you should discuss these feelings with your doctor...
    I'm not going to argue with a 22 year old.
    I wish you luck...seriously, you're going to need it here...
    and just like that...I'm gone
  • aliciagudino
    aliciagudino Posts: 59 Member
    Hi there. So, wow to that one woman. Jees.
    The only thing I agree about with those posts is that you should weigh yourself. That way, you know where you start and you can make a goal to where you want to be. If you don't get on the scale, you are just fearing reality. Get on the scale, and do the work from there :) Trust me, anyone who wants or needs to lose weight is not best friends with their scale! But you gotta do what you gotta do. Make that your starting point. You need to know where you're at. If you don't want to step on the scale after that, healthy, work out, and step on it when you're ready to see your awesome results. It's okay not to be obsessed with the scale, some people weigh every day. That's just as bad as not weighing at all. But I do think you need to know where you start.
    Feel free to add me! I am looking to lose about 30 lbs as well. I have struggled my whole life with my appearance. I have never been obese but I also have never been "fit" and even if I were, I never noticed it because I always saw the flaws. A lot of things in my life will change for me, if only my appearance changed. No matter how silly that seems to SOME people, I get it.
    I think that it is good you realize you need to work on some things. Stay in therapy, it'll only get better :)
  • JSE81
    JSE81 Posts: 114 Member
    Hey welcome to the community, feel free to FR me.

    I think you look great though, put that self harm nonsense behind you and get on with life. You're young and beautiful and have your whole life ahead of you.
  • dlpau
    dlpau Posts: 25 Member
    Hey welcome to the community, feel free to FR me.

    I think you look great though, put that self harm nonsense behind you and get on with life. You're young and beautiful and have your whole life ahead of you.

    I'll second this. Good luck with MFP and feel free to add me.
  • jquiz526
    Ugh, the scale and I are not friends! But I agree with at least knowing where you start at. I'm not too focused on the number on the scale, and I've taken things slow and steady and that approach has given me the best results. And ugh to people who are quick to judge! As someone who struggled with an eating disorder in the teenage years and severe anxiety, and being with a spouse that has PTSD, those "mental issues" are something that you just don't get over. But perhaps if someone hasn't been down that road, or hasn't seen a loved one struggle, then maybe I can be more understanding about that. I've had body image/weight issues since I was a teen, but now that I'm 24 I'm in a much more positive and balanced phase. I'll add you! I'm on here daily, and I talk to all of my friends by either leaving them comments or messaging them.
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Cmcc good on you for being brave enough to put your thoughts and feelings out there, hiding, ignoring or pretending these things don't exist is no way to manage or work through your concerns. I also feel weighing is useful but this is your process consider others advice and do what's right for you. For me, I always wished I'd taken 'before photos' but I wouldn't even look in the mirror let alone photograph the horror lol. I wish I could see the progress, I find it's the successes that spur you on.

    Good luck