Nausea after fatty foods?

I ate a burger and fries today from a local restaurant and now 6 hours later I'm feeling pretty nauseous. I haven't had that kind of food in a while, maybe my body is reacting to it? I'm also a bit gluten intolerant, but I had no bun... Could the fries affect me because of they 'might' have gluten?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Fries have gluten. Flour is more than likely used to help seasonings stay on before frying. Odds are the burger had some gluten/wheat filling added to it.oh yeah the ketchup you used probably did as well unless it was Heinz.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of having legit gluten issues. It's not just about simply avoiding bread and pasta. Gluten is in a ton of food and cosmetic products...

    Or you got a bad burger
  • Strange that once I stop having "gluten" I react so much more harshly now that a little bit sneaks in. Darn! Haha, thanks for the warm welcome : )
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Since it has been 6 hours, gluten would be my guess, too. From personal experience, if I eat something greasy, even before I became vegan and fried foods was a regular part of my diet, I would feel nauseated. For the life of me, I can not eat anything from Long John Silver's. There's just something about the grease that one particular place uses that my stomach could never tolerate.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Strange that once I stop having "gluten" I react so much more harshly now that a little bit sneaks in. Darn! Haha, thanks for the warm welcome : )

    Yeah that seems to be how it works for me. I have a wheat allergy. But if I eat small amounts of it for like a week then it takes a while to get a reaction. But when I completely clean it out and im 100% on 'm aking food myself and dinner sneaks in, I immediately break into hives .

    I recently took a trip to new Orleans where I knew id be glutened on massive level so I prepared by having a liitle something gluten a few days before the trip :laugh: