What jumpstarted your weight loss??

Hello fellow Fitness Pallers!! I'm a returner to Fitness Pal. I did it for a few weeks a few months ago and loved it. I just found it hard to stick to it when I could only enter the info at work. But now I've got access at home and hopefully it will make it easier because I continue to pack on the pounds!!
I am looking for any ideas for a healthy way to curb my sweet tooth. The only thing I have found so far is Sugar Free Jello. But after a few weeks of dieting, I am so sick of Jello I don't want it anymore and have to find something else sweet.
I have a steady walking buddy but I often find myself so busy with 2 jobs and everything else that I end up skipping walks for a week at a time. And getting up early to go before work really is not an option, I am no early riser. :) I am not lazy by any means. I would love to go to the gym every day and work on this as I know I need the help and I am overweight.
I need ideas on how to jump start my weight loss program. I have given myself incentive- once I reach my goal I get to go on vacation somewhere warm (I've never been on vacation) I will reward myself throughout as well with other things, spa days, pedicures, etc. But I need the initial boost to get me started. If you have any ideas please let me know.


  • apbanana

    I motivated myself by signing up for a run. You can sign up for an event that requires a physical challenge. It helped me stay on the ball. hope that helps =0

  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    I totally understand about having a sweet tooth! I was really bad around Halloween and I'm still trying to avoid candy that is sitting at home. What I do is allow myself 1 or 2 small treats a day. I know if I try to deprive myself I will fail so I have to allow myself to eat them but in way smaller amounts. I also chew gum when I am getting a sweet craving and I always keep water with me! Good luck and I am sure you will do great!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I found it hard and sometimes still do to find the 30mins a day to exercise. So I took the thought of 30min out of my head and just thought exercise. I do the steps instead of escalators and congratulate myself. I have a very old stationary exercise bike and all it does is pedal, no record of speed, etc. But if I get a phone call or have mail to go through I get on the bike sometimes its only 3 mins. But its exercise. If you add a little to a little, and then do it again, soon that little shall be much.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I'm not a natural early riser either, but if I don't wake up early enough to get my workout in before work, it's not going to happen. My job is too unpredictable. I know you may not like doing that but really if that's what it takes then do it. It all boils down to how much you want it. I get up 5 days a week now at 5am and it's like second nature. And that is what jumpstarted my weight loss, because when I worked out in the evenings I'd end up missing 3 out of 6 planned workouts each week because of my erratic schedule.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    OK -I have a sweet tooth too. I have tons of stuff in the house but I am not a person to eat the whole pack - so be careful if you are!

    Jello Mousse Temptations - Chocolate Indulgence
    Healthy Choice or Weight Watchers Fudge bars (ice cream type)
    Skinny Cow anything - frozen ice cream
    Cupcakes made with Cake mix and a can of diet soda - I like lemon cake with Diet 7up or sprite. Don't add anything extra
    Smarties (candy) - 25 cals a pack
    Dum Dum Pops - the mini (from halloween) are 3 for 56 calories
    Most "real" gingersnaps are 3 or 4 for 118-120 calories
    100 Calorie packs from Hostess
    Little cakes from Weight Watchers - lemon, carrot, chocolate
    The new Extra Dessert Delights gum is awesome - my favorite is Chocolate Mint
    If you have a Trader Joes - they have dark chocolate carmel wedges - 2 for 60 calories
    Emerald 100 cal pack of cocoa roast almonds
    Orville Redenbacher mini bags of kettle corn - 100 cals
    Diet Swiss Miss hot chocolate
    Vitatops (in the freezer section) - 100 calories and can be pricey - I wait for a sale
    90n calorie Fiber One bar in Chocolate Peanut Butter
    Gushers - in the fruit leather section of grocery store - 90 cals a pack
    Apple butter or Pumpkin butter on a Lundberg brown rice cake

    That's enough for now - I have more if you need them :-) Good luck!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    If you have thought out a Plan, you've thought about it, then just choose a day and start. Don't eat excessively the day or so before you start because it will only make you hungry and hard to stick to your Plan on the first day. Be willing to be flexible with yourself as you learn more about how your body loses weight, and be kind and very patient with yourself BUT do not give yourself too many "mess-up, start over times," after about the 6th or 7th you should have learned...LOL Remember, whatever Plan you choose will work if you are CONSTANT and Patient with it. OH, stay away from all of the weight loss "Gurus," if you hear too many voices you will be all over the place and fail.

    Just Start.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I found it hard and sometimes still do to find the 30mins a day to exercise. So I took the thought of 30min out of my head and just thought exercise. I do the steps instead of escalators and congratulate myself. I have a very old stationary exercise bike and all it does is pedal, no record of speed, etc. But if I get a phone call or have mail to go through I get on the bike sometimes its only 3 mins. But its exercise. If you add a little to a little, and then do it again, soon that little shall be much.

    I really like the idea of riding while you talk on the phone. I usually use that time to cleant he kitchen, but I like the idea of cycling better!

    I use sugar free gum a lot. I know that it isn't as satisfying as a real treat, but it's usually enough to get me through en eating crisis where I just want to munch. I also find that planning my food for the next day in the evening is very helpful. If I've already decided what to eat I'm less likely to make bad choices. Good Luck! You can do this!
  • jgeiszler
    I'm a big fan of Weight Watchers frozen desserts. They have cookies and cream ice cream bars, and english toffee ice cream bars (anywhere from 70 cal - 130 cal each)
  • mgaither
    mgaither Posts: 115
    I LOVE sweets too!!!!!

    You can wash and core an apple, microwave it for five minutes and add some cinnamon! So good. Add some sugar free caramel topping or some vanilla frozen yogurt for a special treat!

    For chocolate, I only allow 1 dark chocolate dove bar in the house at a time. Then, there's no temptation to eat the whole bag.

    Or try a small spoonful of dark chocolate chips in some Greek yogurt (I also add a small spoonful of granola!)
  • queenofdisney
    I lost 70lbs then plateaued but what has jumpstarted me recently is my wedding! October 14, 2011 so on that date this year it kicked me into gear and I've lost 6.4 more lbs :)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    I'm a big sugar addict myself, a while back i lost 20 lbs counting calories and i ate whatever i wanted i just would have to make a decision based on my calories. So if i had 500 calories left i could eat a healthy meal or i could eat say a honey bun but i would have to live with the consequences or workout i order to justify it. I've found that if i try to completely eliminate them it will work for a while and then i'll binge being able to track my calories has worked miracles
  • dawnalis
    I don't really have a sweet tooth at all, my weakness is for salty snacks so I snack on a couple almonds or whole wheat breadsticks with hummus instead, but I watch the biggest loser religiously and apparently Extra sugar free gum has come out with some new dessert flavoured gum so maybe that would help with a sweet tooth!!
  • blel0906
    I also have a terrible sweet tooth and indulge a little every day...just discovered Philly Swirls with a candy spoon (89 calories, fat free), I also like Skinny Cow ice Cream Sandwiches, Sara Lee Cheese Cake Bites (I have trouble controlling myself with these but 20 cals a bite) and apple slices with carmel dip..

    Also not a morning person when I signed up I committed to 30 min's of excersise 3 days a week...i walk in the evening I enjoy it so much I pretty much walk every night 30 mins-1 hr...its a great way to unwind in the evening

    I gave up Diet Soda as well and little by little my sweet tooth seems to be getting under control...I'm not craving baked goods and chocolate like I used to...
  • Lilliesmom2010
    First of all Welcome Back!! :flowerforyou:

    Everyone asks me how can I do it? For me at first it was just a matter of trying my hardest to figure out what I can eat for meals and then what I liked to have. Example, I used to eat 2 slices of toast, 2-4 scrambled eggs and cup of coffee (sugar and creamer). Now I choose wiser choices and more filling example, 2 slices of toast no butter but jelly, 1 scrambled egg, cup of coffee (sugar and creamer) and light yoplait yogurt mixed in Fit and Active Dried fruit. So I went from way over max on eggs and chrol to more filling and healthier choices with less calories, fat, and chrol.

    I watch the labels on products, just because it says it's healthier doesn't mean that it is. I find lots of products that say fat-free or sugar free but they are actually higher in calories or carbs then just having the regular item. Instead of having a full serving, try to have half serving size and mix it with something else. I measure everything I eat! That was my main problem portion control wasn't even known in my house, we ate until we were full. I will tell you the first week is the hardest as your body adjusts, but with every day it does get easier and comes more natural.

    If you have an Aldi's food store where you live, I highly recommend going there and buying things from the Fit & Active brand!! Not only are they cheaper then most grocery stores, but the calories are lower and that's what drove me to the brand. Plus they taste good! :love:

    I wish you the best of luck and stay with it!! You'll be really happy when you find out what works for you.
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Try freezing the Dannon Light & Fit yogurts - 80 calories and really satisfying!
    Also, drink plenty of water and brush your teeth frequently, at least it works for me! Good luck!
  • mynameisdumbnuts
    I'm a sugar addict, too. What works for me is to suck on a piece of salty licorice. I hate the way it tastes when I bite into it, but if I suck it, it's divine. It lasts a while, too, and generally is enough to quell my sugar cravings. I got mine at the grocery store (Kroger if it means anything to you). One piece is 18 calories.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    First of all Welcome Back!! :flowerforyou:

    Everyone asks me how can I do it? For me at first it was just a matter of trying my hardest to figure out what I can eat for meals and then what I liked to have. Example, I used to eat 2 slices of toast, 2-4 scrambled eggs and cup of coffee (sugar and creamer). Now I choose wiser choices and more filling example, 2 slices of toast no butter but jelly, 1 scrambled egg, cup of coffee (sugar and creamer) and light yoplait yogurt mixed in Fit and Active Dried fruit. So I went from way over max on eggs and chrol to more filling and healthier choices with less calories, fat, and chrol.

    I watch the labels on products, just because it says it's healthier doesn't mean that it is. I find lots of products that say fat-free or sugar free but they are actually higher in calories or carbs then just having the regular item. Instead of having a full serving, try to have half serving size and mix it with something else. I measure everything I eat! That was my main problem portion control wasn't even known in my house, we ate until we were full. I will tell you the first week is the hardest as your body adjusts, but with every day it does get easier and comes more natural.

    If you have an Aldi's food store where you live, I highly recommend going there and buying things from the Fit & Active brand!! Not only are they cheaper then most grocery stores, but the calories are lower and that's what drove me to the brand. Plus they taste good! :love:

    I wish you the best of luck and stay with it!! You'll be really happy when you find out what works for you.

    Thanks for sharing! That is a lot of great advice that I intend to use!
  • brookenicole12
    for my sweet tooth (sweets are my weakness) i buy those jello brand mousse cup things and if u freeze them taste like chocolate icecream and only 60 cals...that or i used an idea i got from here...i bought fat free ready whip (only 5cals) so when eveer i get that sweet tooth i just eat a shot of that..lol