Introducing myself and goals and looking for friends

Hey everyone,

So my name is David I'm 19 and studying in University. I started in November here but the people I added seemed to stop and aren't logging on frequently. I started at 115kg and currently at 109kg. Not much but still progress, my ultimate goal is to eventually hit 80. I don't believe in diets but I believe in eating what I want within a certain calorie range and always sticking to the calorie range. Because in the end you're not going to diet for your entire life. Anyways looking for accountability buddies and people to help me out and give me advice, I'll obviously give you advice help you out and do what I can.


  • cruciia
    cruciia Posts: 94 Member
    Hey David!

    I'm 23 and also studying, but I agree with your philosophy of eating what you want within your calorie range. Feel free to add me as a friend, and congrats on losing 6kg!