Hi Folks

I hope you are all well today.

I woke up a few days ago and decided enough was enough. No big dramaz or road to Damascus experience I just decided that losing weight was something I could do and therefore I would do.

I got myself a scale and stepped on it. Ouch. But I refuse to fall prey to hating myself for the shape of my body. I am just going to try and eat better and move more and I know the results will come. I was 85.7kg when I got on the scales that day. This morning I was 82.9kg. I know a lot of that is water weight but hey it's a start :) I want to ideally get down to around 60-62 so it's a marathon not a sprint.

Feel free to say hi.


  • cindyfleetwood
    cindyfleetwood Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Hon,
    Of couse you can do this!!!!!
    Lets do it together.
  • SophiaSilfaery
    SophiaSilfaery Posts: 19 Member
    We will! I just want to be able to wear straight cut jeans :)
  • reeny34
    reeny34 Posts: 72
    I hope you are all well today.

    I woke up a few days ago and decided enough was enough. No big dramaz or road to Damascus experience I just decided that losing weight was something I could do and therefore I would do.

    I got myself a scale and stepped on it. Ouch. But I refuse to fall prey to hating myself for the shape of my body. I am just going to try and eat better and move more and I know the results will come. I was 85.7kg when I got on the scales that day. This morning I was 82.9kg. I know a lot of that is water weight but hey it's a start :) I want to ideally get down to around 60-62 so it's a marathon not a sprint.

    Feel free to say hi.

    A week into the new year, I also decided that enough was enough and that I wanted to do something about my weight. When I went on the scales I was 85kg and now I am 82kg. I also want to get my weight down to around 60-62.

    Let's do this!!
  • SophiaSilfaery
    SophiaSilfaery Posts: 19 Member
    Woop, added you :)