Hello everyone.. :)

My story is in May 2011, I weighed 450lbs. I got down to 189lbs By November 2012. Not always the best ways either. from November 2012- December 2013, I developed a horrible eating disorder which was already present in the past, but not so dramatic. I went up and down in my weight up until July where I wouldn't vomit so much for the rest of the year (even though I still did very often still, just not as much). I gained over around 60-70lbs in 6 months. I'm 255lb I'm fed up with living this type of life. The eating problem is hell. I set an appointment with a therapist for Monday. (I've been on my new eating lifestyle routine since Sunday night now) I met someone I care about. my life is going in the right direction currently. But I do want to lose my weight I gained. I'd like to lose an extra 15lbs from what I was previously and sit nicely between 175-180 in maintenance. I already looked very thin at 190lbs, but still have some fat on my stomach, I think another 15lbs off from that would be perfect. My original goal in 2011 was 160lbs, but I would look ready for death. My goal is to do this by Halloween 2014 (this year). any comments would be grateful. thanks. I'm Matt by the way. I'm just going to be watching my calories, by a calculator.. and doing about 30 mins of exercise a day. Sorry this post is all out of order.. :)


  • JSE81
    JSE81 Posts: 114 Member
    Hey Matt, welcome man. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Hey. It's good you are reaching out for help. Here for you to discuss it with or just to say hi if you like. I'm no expert but I kind of went through a little of this decades ago.
  • mvj9842
    Thanks for the responses guys, means a lot.
  • dlpau
    dlpau Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome Matt, Good luck with your progress. Feel free to add me :D
  • james231287

    You're in the right place - feel free to add me.

  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome, sounds like you've been through quite a bit with it, but good things seem to be happening for you. I wish you lots of luck. I started tracking this Monday, so at a similar point to you now, though with more to lose. And massive congratulations on still being so far below your start weight :-)
  • mvj9842
    Hey girldownsouth. Thanks! its good to hear people in the same position as me - like just starting :). My first cheat day is already tomorrow. I'm going to have them on Fridays, which I only eat up to my maintenance with exercise- so I'm excited about that. Before when I used to diet I would only have one cheat meal a month, and it would end up being a cheat day, total binging. I'm trying to break the binge habit!