Working-out with long hair

My hair is long and thick. It takes me forever to do it after a shower. Just wondering if others on here with long hair wash it after each work-out, or use dry shampoo.


  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    My hair is long and thick. Almost to my waist. I only wash my hair every other day. I leave my hair down when I workout andif the underneath gets sweaty, I spray in conditioner on the underneath and blow it dry when I get home.
  • Tabbycat54
    Tabbycat54 Posts: 98 Member
    My hair is long and a medium thickness. I typically will shower after a workout about half the time. Other half, to be completely honest, I forget and pass out when I get home then shower in the morning. Actually never thought about dry shampoo to do that after a workout. Gonna have to try it =D
  • nicole595
    nicole595 Posts: 39 Member
    I will often tie my hair up while I exercise and then put it in a knot on the top of my head when I shower after working out, and just don't get it wet. I figure the really stinky part of me has been cleaned hahaha, too bad for everyone else what my hair looks like!
  • daniellabella986
    daniellabella986 Posts: 325 Member
    It depends - I'll usually shower but sometimes I'll put my hair up and not let it get wet and use dry shampoo after. I'll usually do that if it's been a lighter workout and I haven't sweat too much because my hair curls once it's really wet.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I have long super thick hair! Yeah...I wash it every time I work out otherwise it's yucky...maybe I use dry shampoo wrong but my hair always feels funky afterwards! If I'm in a hurry I throw it into a messy bun or braid
  • ap6721
    ap6721 Posts: 6
    I have long thick hair. My usual routine is to wash it every other day unless it's a super hard/sweaty workout. Day 2 is usually a top knot or something.
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    I also have long thick hair and I will pull it up in a ponytail when I work out, most of the time I take a shower because my hair gets yucky but I just bought dry shampoo so I will try it and see if I like it.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I take a shower and wash my hair once a day, in the morning. I wear it in a bun while I work out.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I tie it up so it's off the neck and face as much as possible to keep the sweat to a minimum. I use baby wipes after I work out to clean up a bit since I don't go home immediately after and honestly I have run them along the hairline without issue. I never thought of the dry shampoo thing - I may have to try that.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    I will often not wash it after a workout, I pull it up into a bun/knot so that it's not picking up sweat from the back of my neck, then shower with a shower cap. I also read that it can help to use a sweatband, but I don't get a particularly sweaty face, so don't bother.
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    I have long thick 30 inches of hair down to my butt and then some...i tend to braid it to the side when i workout and then it doesn't stick to the back of my neck etc..i wash it every other day and just put it up when i don't want to get it wet in the shower...

    not tried dry shampoo either i will check it out


  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I have long hair and put it in a pony tail I wash it with shampoo about 4 times a week but I do use conditioner everyday otherwise I would not get a comb through it. It keeps it smelling nice too
  • cbroadberry
    cbroadberry Posts: 130 Member
    I have long thick hair, and wash it after i workout. I workout before work, so dont want to go with greasy hair. (mine always goes greasy after a workout) I towel dry it then put it in a bun, keeps it out the way all day and doesnt matter that i havnt bothered to dry it!

    I have started going more times a week now though, so could do with an alternative. I find my hair gets damamged if i put it in a bun too often & really dry if i wash it every day.

    I guess i could alternate my sweaty workout (maily cardio) and less sweaty workout (mainly bodyweight excersizes) days and not wash on the 2nd...

    Interested to hear from others who have already found what works for them! x
  • TheNewHaleyLopez
    I have long super thick hair! Yeah...I wash it every time I work out otherwise it's yucky...maybe I use dry shampoo wrong but my hair always feels funky afterwards! If I'm in a hurry I throw it into a messy bun or braid

    i experience this too. I just choose when I am going to work out wisely and also usually put my hair up somehow after my shower. My gym has an awesome shower so i pack shampooe, conditioner, shaver and body wash for myself and my girls and we usually add in another 45 minutes after a workout to get ready. This is the 3 to 4 days a week they have swim. Since I have a 4 year old and a 21 month old I get right in the pool with them and while my oldest is in class I do water walking with my other one hanging on to me. This way she can practice her own swimming skills and I am utilizing my time for a workout. After swimming we definately need a shower. On days that i put them in the daycare and workout in the gym I sometimes shower there or just come home and do it. But if I do not shower my head itches and I do not feel refreshed!
  • balletpolegirl
    balletpolegirl Posts: 73 Member
    I use dry shampoo to keep my hair looking clean at the roots, and a spray on leave-in conditioner on the ends.

    I tie my hair up when I work out, so it doesn't get sweaty at the back of my neck.
    Then keep it up when I shower so I can keep it out of the water.

    I have long thick hair which I used to wash every other day, but now I try to keep washing down to once a week as I think getting hair wet weakens it and I'd like to grow it a few inches longer.
  • frizbeemom
    frizbeemom Posts: 101 Member
    I have long hair again and don't shampoo every day. I can't work out unless it's pulled up into a high pony tail though. My head doesn't get overly sweaty though. If it did, this probably wouldn't be the best option. :)

    When I had shorter hair that wasn't as easy to pull back into a pony tail during workouts, my hair got more sweaty during workouts. At least I thought so.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Caveat - I barely sweat while working out, unless it's a hot yoga class or I'm running outside in July. But I only wash my hair every 4 days or so. Wash in the evening and let it air dry overnight, straighten the next day. That will get me 2-3 days with no problems. Dry shampoo will get me an extra day or two of wearing it down (I love DryBar), and then I can pull it up into a ponytail or bun if needed.
  • amwood89
    amwood89 Posts: 165 Member
    Yep, I have long(ish) thick hair, plus I have a fringe. I tie my hair in a bun when I work out & clip my fringe back so it doesn't get all sweaty! I wash my hair every other day in the evening. I use dry shampoo on the days when I've worked out & not washed my hair. I generally have a shower when I get in from the gym & then spray it with dry shampoo. I little more dry shampoo in the morning too & comb it out so my hair feels nice & fresh. It's a nightmare if you have to wash your hair every day - I couldn't do it! (unless it looks horrific & dry shampoo won't cut it! Plus, it tends to damage your hair if you wash/dry/straighten every day.
  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    I have pretty long hair (mid-back now, was tailbone length before I chopped it at Christmas) and I always shower after workouts but only wash my hair every 2-3 days - I'll wash it after swimming, obviously, but other than that I just keep it up in a bun and out of the way so it doesn't get sweaty or wet in the shower. Dry shampoo is good if I'm trying to stretch to that third day, but I don't generally find it necessary.