Help required with a home fitness plan


I'm looking to structure a fitness plan that will work for me.
I've dropped 16lb in the past few months by watching what I eat (cutting out the crap) and now weigh 212 pounds.
Still over 15 stone and I would like to drop another 14 pounds.
I'm male in my late 30's.
I think I’m getting the food intake and calorie count correct, but am now trying to increase fitness and get into better shape.

I plan to follow a couch to 5k programme, even if it means repeating weeks to build up my stamina and ability.
That should cover the cardio end of things.

There is bound to be a "ready made" home workout I could use.
I like the structure of the couch to 5k, and I'm looking for something similar for the days I’m not doing C25K.
I have a set of dumbbells and would like to incorporate some strength/toning work into the days I’m not out at C25K.
I don’t want to be making up a routine; if there are already good full body programmes already out there.

All help would be appreciated.


  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    i attempted c25k 2 years ago and failed miserably lol, i ended up just running as much as i could then walking a bit, until i had done 5k (was training for race for life)

    this sites not bad if thats the sort of thing your looking for
    good luck x
  • aafff5
    aafff5 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for that response.
    I may have to mess around with the C25K also, but will give the plan a go anyway.
    I'm hoping for an easy to follow poster/chart that i can stick up on the wall and follow rather than a folder full of exercises.

    Anyone got the answer?
  • dsnapp3
    dsnapp3 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi aafff5,

    Check out and the Beginner Bodyweight Plan. You can follow that as a circuit routine right at home and get both some cardio and strength training. I've traditionally done a lot of cycling, rowing - more cardio based work. But over the last 3 months, I've been doing bodyweight training starting with a variation of the Beginner plan (squats, lunges, pushups, pull ups, planks, etc). What a major difference it's made in my overall fitness on just 3 days a week. I still cycle or row on a few other days as well. If you search nerdfitness on this forum, you'll see it gets a good rap.

  • marilandica
    marilandica Posts: 88 Member
    Honestly? My initial fitness plan went like this -- "always take a walk on a nice day." That evolved over several months into walking 5 miles/day in 70 minutes or less, rain or shine, plus hiking or other exercise on the weekends. Mind you, I've always been physically active (I garden and do a lot of other outdoor activities), but I was never a regular exerciser.

    Sometimes I think "plans" get in the way of just getting moving.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    I do jillian Michaels. I hear a lot of men do it as well. It incorporates the weights with the cardio. I was watching her advertisement for her body revolution the other night and many men find that it does wonders. MY son in law did the 30 day shred with me, level one, back in October, he is in the military and in pretty good shape and he struggled with it, so it really is quite intense.