Low Cal Lunch Ideas??

Hi, so I'm currently trying to lose weight by counting my calories. Yesterday I did fantastic, and today is going off to a good start. Does anyone know of any (homemade) lunch that ranges in the 300-400 calorie mark??


  • GodivaTrailrider
    GodivaTrailrider Posts: 14 Member
    There are heaps.
    Soups are good.
    I also like Mixed Bean Salad and a small tin of tuna in brine ..
    Crackabreads with Philadelphia
    Greek Salad.
    Depends what facilities you have I guess
  • kristinhills90
    kristinhills90 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm on a pita pizza kick right now. I take a whole wheat pita & spread a very small amount of marinara sauce on, then I add 2 oz of shredded chicken breast that I seasoned with natures seasoning, a sprinkle of cheese & then cook until the cheese is melted. Comes to around 300 calories. Of course you could play around with the toppings, I think spinach could be good on it too.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I do:
    salads with either tuna or shrimp---lots of veggies and I allow myself 5 homemade croutons with balsamic vinegar not dressing
    1/2 tuna sandwich with 14 stix pretzels
    tuna whole wheat wrap
    progresso light soups
    1 slice homemade cheese pizza with a piece of fruit
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Home made veggie soups are great.

    Salads are the king of lunchtime low cal fullness; just make sure to include some fruit in your salad so that you get ENOUGH calories to sustain you.
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    I'm on a pita pizza kick right now. I take a whole wheat pita & spread a very small amount of marinara sauce on, then I add 2 oz of shredded chicken breast that I seasoned with natures seasoning, a sprinkle of cheese & then cook until the cheese is melted. Comes to around 300 calories. Of course you could play around with the toppings, I think spinach could be good on it too.

    You know what? I might just do this next week ...!
  • wannabeafittieee
    that sounds delicious! I think I'm going to give it a go, thank you!