Question about hunger

Hello, I started my journey Jan 3rd. I've cut my calories to about 1400 a day, drink plenty of water, and get about 30 minutes a day working out. Mostly resistance, with cardio about 3 days a week. I have not been struggling with my lower calories. I eat about 5 times a day and don't tend to get hungry. However, today... I am hungry! I'm not craving anything in particular. Has anyone had this happen to them? I didn't know if it was a result from my workout or if I need to up my calories. I appreciate any help.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I've been absolutely starving the last couple days. Within a half hour of eating I'm sooooooo hungry again. It happens sometimes. I just like when it results in a nice loss on the scale - hoping that'll be the case this time around.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Yes, this happens to me every now and again. I pick foods I know are satiating to me, either because I get to eat a lot or because there's lots of protein and fat. I won't eat something I don't like - then I'm really not satisfied and looking for something else to eat. I eat things like nut butters, giant green salads with balsamic, equal volume mix of cottage cheese and applesauce (yeah, it sounds weird, but I really like it), tomato soup, etc.

    And, if I go over that day I don't worry about it. It means little in the long run as long as you don't make it an excuse to give up or go nuts for days.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes, this happens to me and most women I know. Every once in a while I just have what I refer to as 'bottomless pit days'. It's like whatever I eat it's not enough. On those days I tend to skip big meals and just graze all day, but I still usualy end up over on calories. :ohwell:

    Luckily, it doesn't happen very often.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yes, this happens to me and most women I know. Every once in a while I just have what I refer to as 'bottomless pit days'. It's like whatever I eat it's not enough. On those days I tend to skip big meals and just graze all day, but I still usualy end up over on calories. :ohwell:

    Luckily, it doesn't happen very often.

    This. I eat more than 1400 calories too.
  • henriettevanittersum
    period coming up?
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    It's ok to feel hungry, many of us are conditioned to always feel full. Just drink lots of water.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Hormones, stress, less protein or fat, not as much water, weather changes. It could be a lot of things but it is totally normal. I do what I can to stick to my diet on days like these but sometimes I just end up over my calories for a day or two. Just get back on the horse afterward.
  • jacsmcompton
    jacsmcompton Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks so much for your responses! Glad to know it's more than likely just one of those days. Plus, I didn't even think about other variables that could effect my hunger. I kind of just snacked all day, but stayed within my calorie goal. I hope tomorrow is a les hungry day.
  • lnt_helent
    lnt_helent Posts: 13 Member
    Almonds are my get out on hungry days. Quite filling, but I've heard not all of the fats are absorbed so they contribute less than you'd think to your total calories.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Almonds are my get out on hungry days. Quite filling, but I've heard not all of the fats are absorbed so they contribute less than you'd think to your total calories.

    That's a pretty bold statement. Do you have a source?
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    This happened to me last night. I try to eat real foods when I get like this. So I had some cheese, piece of toast and almonds. Just enough to satisfy that little hunger pang. Then I went to sleep! Also, try drinking hot tea...that can help. It happens to everybody. Just get back on track ASAP. :bigsmile:
  • amdarosa619
    amdarosa619 Posts: 98 Member
    Fill up on healthy food choices (high protein) and lots of water, and stick in an extra 30 mins of exercise if you can to compensate the calories, so that you dont go over. I know this feeling, and agree it could be anything from hormones to fatigue/lack of rest (mental or physical), or just because your body is starting to change, like reving up your metabolism!

    Great work!
  • poma91
    poma91 Posts: 181 Member
    This happens to me when I've had a really hard and long workout the previous day. Then I allow myself to go over my limits - normally I would go over the carbs and fat limits but manage to hit the calorie limit or just go a tiny bit over. I guess my body is so exhausted that it needs this power bomb. The day after such meal/day I would have gained a tiny bit weight but in 1-2 days it would normalize as I guess it should be only water gain. I hope this helps