Realistic weight loss by March?

I am a 5'10, 180 pound male. Is it possible to lose 10 pounds by March 17th? (2 months from now).

When I say it is possible, is it possible without completely starving myself? I've been eating at a 500-600 calorie deficit (for almost a month now and have lost 4-5 lbs) from my TDEE, which is 2900 calories.

I also exercise 5-6 times a week, sometimes more.

What do you think?


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Probably not... at 5'10 already you are probably in a normal weight range so losing weight that quickly would be challenging. Why where ya going for Spring Break?
  • DrFeelG00D
    DrFeelG00D Posts: 5 Member
    You could always increase calories and hit those heavy weights. At 180 pounds, I would slowly increase calories (~50-100) every week or so and go on a nice lean bulk.
  • Probably not... at 5'10 already you are probably in a normal weight range so losing weight that quickly would be challenging. Why where ya going for Spring Break?

    That's what I figured, but I was curious if it was even possible without having to cut down to like sub 2000 calories a day.

    Haha good call! Panama City Beach
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    10 with minimal muscle loss.. not likely.. youd know if you were genetically gifted like that.... probably more like 4-7...

    10 with no strength training and no regard for what the weight is composed of.... with the right deficit, yes, but, why?
  • 10 with minimal muscle loss.. not likely.. youd know if you were genetically gifted like that.... probably more like 4-7...

    10 with no strength training and no regard for what the weight is composed of.... with the right deficit, yes, but, why?

    I strength train 5x a week and do 45 minutes of cardio about 3-4 times a week (cardio is something I've never done, just started about a month ago).....

    I have pretty good muscle mass but like to become more toned/cut (especially my core) and that is something I have always struggled with. Any tips would be much appreciated!
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    keep protein at 1.5 grams per pound, when approaching lower BF %s, as suggested by Lyle McDonald in "The Protein Book".

    See if IF is for you.. Try other more advanced dieting methods.. Carb loads, ketogenic diet, etc... Have you reduced your calorie goals as youve lost weight? I doubt you're doing 45 minutes of intervals so you could try and switch up your cardio a bit..

    Hitting 10% isn't in my genetic makeup and I really have to work for it. The "same ol ish" will only take you so far. Really leaning out can be a bit more work and it can require patience. Id imagine you'll be 10% at around 165-170, so, you're not far from it.

    have fun on vacation.. youll get plenty of *kitten* so who gives a f... if you can cold approach on a beach than you can cold approach in a night club and most people have their shirts on in a club.. so no need to obsess about your core.. you can still get the same caliber women... dont do some stupid extreme deficit and lose gains..
  • Hahah got a good laugh out of me my friend. Appreciated!
  • So since my goal of losing 10ish lbs at my weight isn't too realistic without losing muscle mass/gains, I guess my biggest question is how do I turn fat into muscle?
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    I guess my biggest question is how do I turn fat into muscle?

    get wasted so you "dry out" then stay dehydrated while you hit the beach and youll look leaner... maybe carb load a bit too so your muscles are fuller in your dehydrated body... try to avoid a heat stroke... if you black out, blame the booze.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Just keep on the 500/day deficit and keep losing, while training and protein. Abs may pop sooner than 10 lbs.
  • Always_Smiling_D
    Always_Smiling_D Posts: 118 Member
    forget about losing weight and start picking up the weights while eating a good balanced diet....

    Visit - there are some awesome 12 week programs on there that could help you get to having a beach ready bod - and no I am not saying that not having abs or defined muscles wouldn't make you beach acceptable *rolling eyes* though it does seem that is what you are looking for
  • Just keep on the 500/day deficit and keep losing, while training and protein. Abs may pop sooner than 10 lbs.

    Is 1 gram of protein per LB sufficient?
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Just keep on the 500/day deficit and keep losing, while training and protein. Abs may pop sooner than 10 lbs.

    Is 1 gram of protein per LB sufficient?

    Yep. You can get into the studies if you want, and what you actually need is slightly lower, but 1g/lb is probably pretty easy in your situation, and it's enough.
  • seamonster1203
    seamonster1203 Posts: 118 Member
    dude, are you kidding? 10 pounds by march is what I call lazy. Look into how real body builders loose weight by increasing metabolism......people are losing 4-5 pounds per week by making major life changes, eating clean, healthy ,portion control, etc. You could youtube this ripped *kitten* guy named Brandon Carter....
  • If you stick to your 3 meals per day u deffo can. Just have porridge/oats for breakfast. Make home-made soup, like lentil etc, and have that for lunch, and have salad or vegetables with chicken or fish, and cut out all fizzy drinks, sqaushes, teas, coffee, drinking only water. And once a day eat a portion of fruit, u will do it. Obviously stick to your excercises And drink PLENTY of water. Good luck xxx
  • gretchenhill
    gretchenhill Posts: 16 Member
    Focus on how many pounds you should loose. I think you can watch your food, eat healthy foods, make a diet plan and exercise daily. It will help.
  • If you stick to your 3 meals per day u deffo can. Just have porridge/oats for breakfast. Make home-made soup, like lentil etc, and have that for lunch, and have salad or vegetables with chicken or fish, and cut out all fizzy drinks, sqaushes, teas, coffee, drinking only water. And once a day eat a portion of fruit, u will do it. Obviously stick to your excercises And drink PLENTY of water. Good luck xxx

    If I eat than sparingly, I feel I will have no energy for my workouts.... no?
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    I am a 5'10, 180 pound male. Is it possible to lose 10 pounds by March 17th? (2 months from now).

    When I say it is possible, is it possible without completely starving myself? I've been eating at a 500-600 calorie deficit (for almost a month now and have lost 4-5 lbs) from my TDEE, which is 2900 calories.

    I also exercise 5-6 times a week, sometimes more.

    What do you think?

    Assuming your TDEE is accurate, which means your BMR is 1800, you burn up 1100 calories in exercise and daily activity. And you're eating 2300 calories. You are at a 500 calorie deficit or 1 lb per week schedule. It'll be close.
  • Just weighed myself when I woke up..... 175.

    Lowest I've weighed in years! Just recently started to eat right and do cardio. Feels good.