Calories going up?

Recently I hit the minus 10 lbs point in my weight loss. Once I did that I was asked by MFP if I wanted to reevaluate my goals, which I did. After going through the options which I changed nothing except my current weight I noticed that my calories have went up instead of down which I expected. Really the only thing that has changed is I now exercise 5 days a week instead of 4, and this isn't an every week thing.

Has anyone else experienced this where MFP increases your calories instead of reducing them as you lose weight? I've googled it but found nothing.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    did you change how much you wanted to lose a week? that might do it.
  • togmo
    togmo Posts: 257
    That is strange. Technically as you lose weight you require less food to maintain your current weight which means that to continue losing weight at the same rate would require a further drop in your caloric intake not an increase.

    I don't use MFP for my calculating, I customise all my goals and determine my TDEE using a different calculator like the one at scoobysworkshop. I can only assume you told them you wanted to lose less weight or maybe put in that you are doing more exercise and it takes that into account?
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    In December, MFP changed their algorithm for recommended protein levels, and for estimated calorie needs for certain activity levels. The first time you change your goals after the change - and assuming you are one of the activity levels affected - you may see a slight increase in calories.

    See here:
  • scammah
    No changes at all beyond just adding my calories each day and exercise each day. My weight has gone down 10lbs and all of a sudden my calories went up.
  • scammah
    In December, MFP changed their algorithm for recommended protein levels, and for estimated calorie needs for certain activity levels. The first time you change your goals after the change - and assuming you are one of the activity levels affected - you may see a slight increase in calories.

    See here:

    Thanks for the link. My calories went from roughly 2,400 to 2600. Both numbers have always seemed high to me especially since the number went up. I will continue doing what I am doing but maybe stay closer to 2,400 just to be safe. Maybe once I lose a little bit more weight the number will drop. I have been doing this for 5 months now so maybe the change in December is the slight bump, not sure what constitutes "slight" bump though.
  • scammah
    That is strange. Technically as you lose weight you require less food to maintain your current weight which means that to continue losing weight at the same rate would require a further drop in your caloric intake not an increase.

    I don't use MFP for my calculating, I customise all my goals and determine my TDEE using a different calculator like the one at scoobysworkshop. I can only assume you told them you wanted to lose less weight or maybe put in that you are doing more exercise and it takes that into account?

    My thoughts exactly. I was hoping someone else might have seen an increase as well. The only thing I can think of is originally I set it for 4 days a week of working out and since I joined the YMCA I have been going on average 4-5 days. Typically I am doing 2.2 miles and weight machines each day I am going.
  • scammah
    did you change how much you wanted to lose a week? that might do it.

    No, I did not change that. I have always had it set at the lowest possible weight loss per week. I'm in this for the long haul and don't want to get discouraged.