Headaches and food?

So i've been trying to get back on track and eating right... But lately i have been getting these god awful headaches! I dont know if they are from the different way i have been eating or not... Any ideas?


  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    If you just started taking in substantially less calories, you can get a headache as your body adjusts. Also, if you've given up caffeine/chocolate, you can get withdrawal headaches as well. If you suspect you might have a food allergy to something you are eating now, you might want to consider the AllerTest which can be done in the privacy of your own home to test for the top 10 food allergies. If you'd like to discuss this or get more information on it, email me directly at cc@chacaruso.com. Be happy to send you some literature.
  • hairy_bob
    You could also check your water intake? there are possile links between dehydration and headaches (something to do with membranes drying out *shrug*)

    possibly youve lost some of the water intake through changing your diet?
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    You could also check your water intake? there are possile links between dehydration and headaches (something to do with membranes drying out *shrug*)

    possibly youve lost some of the water intake through changing your diet?


    I used to get headaches all the time, totally debilitating headaches too. I never used to drink anything. Then I started doing this, and consciously forced myself to drink more water. My headaches have all but gone away- except for the days when I don't drink enough! When I feel the headache coming on, I think, oh no, how much have I had to drink today?? And generally, the answer is nothing! (Bad habits are hard to break, I'm trying! LOL). Definitely up your water intake and see if that helps.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Migraine sufferer here...so I can understand how you must be feeling.

    There are foods that can trigger headaches - caffeine, alcohol (like red wine is a big one because of the tannins) are a couple common ones. Food allergies/senstivities can contribute, for me wheat is a problem and induces migraines.

    Also things like dehydration, increased blood pressure, neck tension, and stress can cause them. Not eating enough (or waiting too long and getting too hungry) can make your head feel funny as well.

    So it may be possible that your diet change did triggered something, or it is something unrelated to your food. If you really think it is your food you can try to add more in to test if it is that you just not eating enough, or you can work on eliminating certain foods that you've started eating to see if that makes them go away.

    And of course if they are severe, last longer than a day, and are very frequent...always check with your physician.

    Good luck!

    Oh, forgot to mention, medications can do it too. Like birth control often has the side effect of headaches listed, so if you are on any meds (new or old) double check the list of side effects as well.
  • naughtydoguk
    You could be jonesing for the diet coke.
  • txtree50
    For myself, if I have a headache, it's that I didn't drink enough water. Start the day off with drinking a bottle water as you are putting on your make up. This has helped me and then I drink my coffee with breakfast.
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Thank you all so much! I will up my water intake! I know ive been trying to drink more, but i also changed my food completely... today, i will drink more water and see if this helps!! Thanks so much for ALL of your input! :) and if it doesnt work, ill drink that diet coke :P
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I don't know what area of the country you live, but here in Maryland the cooler dewey nights have triggered my mold allergy. The last week or so I have been getting the sinus headaches if I forget to take the Allegra. Not looking forward to raking leaves this weekend!
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    Common Explanations for my Headaches:

    - dehydration
    - hormones
    - red wine
    - stress
    - allergies (mold = sinus pressure)
    - low caloric intake