T.H.E. (Try Hard Everyday) Team 11/19/10 to 11/25/10

Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Welcome team.

A week behind us, a new week in front of us. Some familiar faces and some new ones too!

This week, I would like to challenge each of you to set a goal. This one step - choosing a goal and sticking to it - changes everything. People with goals succeed because they know where they're going. Choose a goal that you want to reach this week. It can be drinking all your water, watching your sodium intake, exercising every day or eating all your veggies. It doesn't matter what the goal is, as long as you are committed to the challenge. Throughout the week, lets look at this 1 goal and see what we are doing. Are you struggling? Why? A goal is something you have to try for, not something that happens easily. Think about what you want to accomplish this week and why, then let us know what you are shooting for. And of course, ask for advice from your fellow teamies if you need it.

The holidays are now upon us. What do you want to accomplish before all the dinner parties start?

This is the new thread for the week. If you would like to weigh in and post your stats, please feel free to do so. Our weigh in days are on Fridays (or whichever day you normally weigh in, would be fine), however, some of us choose to measure our success by other means. You are of course welcome to do that as well. As always, please share what you feel comfortable sharing.

If anyone would like to start, (I weigh in on Saturday in the AM.)
The format is

Your ScreenName ~ SW/ GW/ CW = Total pounds lost

SW= your starting weight
GW= your goal weight
CW= current weight

Please use the quote function when posting your stats and copy the previous weigh-in and add your stats to the end of the list. This way we have a running list and it helps everyone to see everyone's results easier.

Welcome to a new week!!! Let's make it a good one. :0)~


  • areay22
    areay22 Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome team.

    A week behind us, a new week in front of us. Some familiar faces and some new ones too!

    This week, I would like to challenge each of you to set a goal. This one step - choosing a goal and sticking to it - changes everything. People with goals succeed because they know where they're going. Choose a goal that you want to reach this week. It can be drinking all your water, watching your sodium intake, exercising every day or eating all your veggies. It doesn't matter what the goal is, as long as you are committed to the challenge. Throughout the week, lets look at this 1 goal and see what we are doing. Are you struggling? Why? A goal is something you have to try for, not something that happens easily. Think about what you want to accomplish this week and why, then let us know what you are shooting for. And of course, ask for advice from your fellow teamies if you need it.

    The holidays are now upon us. What do you want to accomplish before all the dinner parties start?

    This is the new thread for the week. If you would like to weigh in and post your stats, please feel free to do so. Our weigh in days are on Fridays (or whichever day you normally weigh in, would be fine), however, some of us choose to measure our success by other means. You are of course welcome to do that as well. As always, please share what you feel comfortable sharing.

    If anyone would like to start, (I weigh in on Saturday in the AM.)
    The format is

    Your ScreenName ~ SW/ GW/ CW = Total pounds lost

    SW= your starting weight
    GW= your goal weight
    CW= current weight

    Please use the quote function when posting your stats and copy the previous weigh-in and add your stats to the end of the list. This way we have a running list and it helps everyone to see everyone's results easier.

    Welcome to a new week!!! Let's make it a good one. :0)~

    CW= 168

    Training for a full marathon
    Trying to get my buisness going
    Trying to get a family started
  • Areay22 SW=175/GW=160/CW= 168
    Kaltgelt SW 256.6/GW 190/ CW 254.8= lost 1.8 lbs this week!!

    Goals for the week:
    -exercise at least 6 of the 7 days this week
    -only water and crystal light this week

    I am pretty pumped b/c 4 of 7 of this week were vacation days and I did not log my food! It has been easier than I thought to get back on track. I rode the bike for an hour last night! I hadn't been on it in a week. I hope everyone has a successful weigh-in and congrats Egam for fitting into your old pants!! That is awesome!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Areay22 SW=175/GW=160/CW= 168
    Kaltgelt SW 256.6/GW 190/ CW 254.8= lost 1.8 lbs this week!!
    Jjtonic75 SW 206.8 GW 165.0 CW 164.2 Loss of .2

    Not bad for the food that I ate last Saturday nite. So, I am not complaining. I have 8 miles to run today, so I am sure I will lose another pound for tomorrow. No cheating tomorrow nite. I guess that will be my goal for the weekend. I am waiting until Thanksgiving to indulge.

    Areay-Have you started training for the Marathon or you just now starting? Do you use a treadmill or the great outdoors? I only ask since I am now just finishing up week 8 of a 12 week program for a half. I am really stoked. Good luck with your business ventures and I am sure you will do great with starting a family. :flowerforyou:

    Kelsey-You did so great for your vacation week. Keep up the amazing work. What week are you on for your C25K? How are you feeling your are doing with it? :drinker:
  • areay22
    areay22 Posts: 150 Member
    JJtonic75: I've been training for a little while. I will only run outside. I will bundle up or wear a raincoat before I go run on the treadmill
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Kelsey you are now truly my hero. You lost almost 2 pounds on vacation! That is amazing, good for you!
  • Thank you! It feels great! Now I just need to motivate myself to workout more. I am just too tired. This past time change has messed me up.
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    reay22 SW=175/GW=160/CW= 168
    Kaltgelt SW 256.6/GW 190/ CW 254.8= lost 1.8 lbs this week!!
    Jjtonic75 SW 206.8 GW 165.0 CW 164.2 Loss of .2
    egam SW 210 GW 180 CW 200 =loss of 1lb

    My goal this week is to drink at least 6 classes of water a day, I didn't quite make it this week. Also to work out 5 days this week. We've got snow here so running outside is sort of out of the picture until they salt the sidewalks, and I always fall when it's icy outside. I don't know if I'll go to the gym to work on a treadmill, because i hate treadmills, so I'm thinking of getting back into power yoga. I've got a bunch of podcasts so I can do it at home and doing some ab work would be really good for running anyways.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
  • Here I am. Sorry, my son has been sick for a few days and he passed it along to me. I am still eating well, but I have not been working out. So, my goal to work out 6 days this week is down the drain. Once I am feeling better, I am gonna jump back into working out. I hope everyone has a great monday and a super rest of the week!

    Egam- chug,chug,chug! I challenge you to drink a glass of water right now!!!
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Kelsey, I accept! I just went and got a big glass of water and a cup of tea! lol In fact, you gave me a really good idea. Everytime I check this site I'll get a glass of water. that way I'll be sure to get all my water in! Thank you! And I hope you are feeling better soon! I know how frustrating it can be when you're trying to lose weight and you're not feeling your best. Keep up the excellent work!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    JJtonic75: I've been training for a little while. I will only run outside. I will bundle up or wear a raincoat before I go run on the treadmill

    I completely understand. The dreadmill is too repetitive. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    egam SW 210 GW 180 CW 200 =loss of 1lb

    My goal this week is to drink at least 6 classes of water a day, I didn't quite make it this week. Also to work out 5 days this week. We've got snow here so running outside is sort of out of the picture until they salt the sidewalks, and I always fall when it's icy outside. I don't know if I'll go to the gym to work on a treadmill, because i hate treadmills, so I'm thinking of getting back into power yoga. I've got a bunch of podcasts so I can do it at home and doing some ab work would be really good for running anyways.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    Great job on the pounds lost. Keep up the great work. The trick is to always have a bottle of water with you where ever you go. I am attached to my bottle and I drink about 20 glasses a day because of it. You can do it. :drinker:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Here I am. Sorry, my son has been sick for a few days and he passed it along to me. I am still eating well, but I have not been working out. So, my goal to work out 6 days this week is down the drain. Once I am feeling better, I am gonna jump back into working out. I hope everyone has a great monday and a super rest of the week!

    Egam- chug,chug,chug! I challenge you to drink a glass of water right now!!!

    Sorry to hear that you and the little one are sick. I am sending good vibes your way ~~~~~~~~ Feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • Hello there,

    I love this T.H.E. idea because it has finally dawned on me that I need to be CONSISTENT! Duh. No good trying hard one day and not the next.

    SW: 196
    GW: 164
    CW: 192

    My aim is to exercise at weekends and to only drink alcohol on Friday and Saturday nights.

  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Welcome Claire!
    We are so glad to have you! And awesome goals btw!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Welcome Claire, glad you are here with us. Let us know if there are any questions you have, we are here for. I wish you luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :drinker:
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    How was everyone's week? Did you all stay on track?
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    egam SW 210/GW 180/ CW 198 =lose of 2lbs

    I am very happy about the two pound lose. 12 lbs is the most weight i have ever lost on one program, so I know this is working for me. And I'm very grateful for all of your support. Although I am a little wary, I only worked out once this week and I've been having some trouble staying above 1200 without going about 1660 for my calories. I think I need to put more calories into my breakfasts, that might work better. Also it's my mom's 60th birthday this weekend and we're having two parties, with cake and punch! But I am just going to stick to fruit and water and make sure I don't skip out on breakfast and lunch. I hope everyone else is doing well
    Kelsey: I hope your cold isn't too awful and that you are feeling better already
    JJ: How is the running going? And your band?
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    did I miss a new thread? or is everyone just really busy? COME ON PEOPLE, I NEED YOU!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    egam SW 210/GW 180/ CW 198 =lose of 2lbs

    I am very happy about the two pound lose. 12 lbs is the most weight i have ever lost on one program, so I know this is working for me. And I'm very grateful for all of your support. Although I am a little wary, I only worked out once this week and I've been having some trouble staying above 1200 without going about 1660 for my calories. I think I need to put more calories into my breakfasts, that might work better. Also it's my mom's 60th birthday this weekend and we're having two parties, with cake and punch! But I am just going to stick to fruit and water and make sure I don't skip out on breakfast and lunch. I hope everyone else is doing well
    Kelsey: I hope your cold isn't too awful and that you are feeling better already
    JJ: How is the running going? And your band?

    Congrats on the 2 pounds lost, that is fantastic!!! You are doing a great job. I definitely suggest eating before you go to the parties, that way you are not hungry when you get there and way to eat everything in site.

    My running is going pretty good. I did 9 miles on Friday and it went really well. I kept a good pace of 11:00 min miles and I felt pretty good afterward. I felt like I could keep going. This week is another 9 miles then next week is 10. I had to skip my workout yesterday and this morning. I am under the weather in a bad way. My entire body is aching and I just want to curl up and not ever get out of bed.

    My band did play out for 4 songs Saturday nite and it went really well. Everybody seemed to really like us. We are getting booked for a 40th birthday party next August. That will be kewl, it will be a private party for about 30 people. I did go to practice yesterday, but it was tough with not feeling good and all. I just did the easy songs. LOL I don't think I could have sang much after doing a really high song.

    Keep up the great work girl. and I will start the new thread here in a few minutes. :bigsmile:
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