Getting serious

Hey any and everyone! I'm fairly new to MFP, almost 2 weeks. I'm not a stranger to eating cleaner and exercising. I am a stranger to enjoying doing those things. I started using a 15lb kettlebell about 9 months ago and I'm stronger than I have ever been. My boyfriend and I work out together and he's great encouragement and support. However, it can be a little frustrating for me as our needs and goals are very different. I need to restrict my diet more and exercise more than he, as I have a sedentary job, am female, and weigh less than him. I'm not complaining, just looking for people that can relate to my struggles and help me succeed. I grumble when needing to work out 95% of the time. Very few times I wanted to work out and even less where I felt invigorated while working out. I would love to get to the point where I look forward to moving my body.

This app for me is incredible. I always thought I ate fairly decent and it's showing me where I lack the knowledge for the right food choice. I have accepted my body as is, but I would love for it to be how I want. I have never really had a weight jump until I started a medication that caused weight gain. I wasn't able to see my progress and since stopping the medication about a month ago, I'm able to focus on reaching my goals and am now able to start seeing the progress. I still struggle with wanting that "ideal body" I'm looking for, and am trying to remain objective about the way my body is transforming. Not sure what all this means, I tend to ramble when I'm nervous. :) I'm not big into social media, but I believe that this site is extremely helpful and I feel like I can see my choices, rather than just base my choices on how I feel at that moment.

Thanks for any and all input!


  • LittleonebeforethethroneofGod
    Hi there,

    A pleasure to meet you. Welcome to MFP.

    Many people think that when one has to work out, they gotta go to the gym or sweat or something like that. I have been doing well with taking several walks a day, scheduling cleaning my house (starting today) for 30 minutes. If you enjoy shopping, go do some walking in you favorite store. (That's a good way to look for Christmas presents by the way.) I enjoy parks and walking outside, so I end up walking along scenic routes where I live.

    I do try to incorporate some time of aerobics in my schedule and can 100% relate with you on having to grumble about that workout. But I figure 10 minutes a day no biggie.

    This app has made a huge difference in my life one because I can keep track of my calories, log it by scanning bar codes, but most importantly because of the huge support that is given and that I can give back. It makes getting healthy fun in my book and I am always glad to spend my extra free time here.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you like. Best of luck on meeting your health and weight goals. God bless you.
  • Shytastic
    Shytastic Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I am looking for support. I am new to MFP and my 1st goal is to lose a little over 50lbs. Feel free to add me...It is good to stay accountable.
  • gomezk04
    gomezk04 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement! And pleased to meet all of you! I'm here for you to help you all meet your goals! I love walking! I have 2 dogs and walk them frequently. Gotta tire 'em out! Other than walks, I work out at home with my kettlebell. It conquers both strength and cardio training for me. :) Anyway, thanks for listening/reading!