22 year old looking to lose 80+ lbs

Hi there!
I'm 22 years old and just finishing up my ba, an on my way to being a teacher! Three years ago I lost 60 lbs through a seriously restrictive diet (anywhere from 500-800 cal a day) and crazy amounts of exercise. I've had problems in the past, since I was in middle school, with extreme destructive eating (or lack of) and this time I'm going to do it right, and healthily. This time I'm counting my calories, but not obsessively like before, and working up to a healthy balance of exercise and eating. This time I'm putting the scale away unless it's time to weigh on, and I WONT weigh myself everyday. That's my plan anyway. I'll do it! I know I can.

My boyfriend is both my biggest support and my biggest roadblock. He's 5'9" and can hardly break 130, no matter how much he eats. He encourages me... But also doesn't understand what it's like to be so over weight, and how much it can impact your daily life. Because he doesn't get it, he makes small comments that make me want to give up. Even though his comment dot come with ill intent, they make me ashamed and embarrassed... I can get down on myself a lot and sometimes it's more embarrassing to try to lose weight than to just say, "oh well, I'm fat." He doesn't get that.

I'm looking for someone(s) who will both motivate me, and support me when I have a bad day or start being destructive again. Or when my bf is an unintentional jerk and makes me want to give up. Ideally you're a female who knows what it's like to date a string bean (I hate my boyfriend sometimes) or knows the extreme embarrassment and shame that comes from letting yourself get this way. I know it too well! Or maybe you're just a person who is serious about getting healthy, like me. Let's be friends and lose this weight!

PS- My name is Julianne. Or I go by Jules. :)


  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    you can add me I need to lose 100
  • leesyloo78
    leesyloo78 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Jules,

    I'm 35 an looking at losing 57kg I think that's like 120lbs, it's great you have great support from your partner that makes your journey so much easier, feel free to add me as I'm also new we can motivate each. I wish you every success.

    Leesa :smile:
  • bjohnson0713
    bjohnson0713 Posts: 5 Member
    Well I think you're great and doing this the right way! I'm 25 and need to lose closer to 100 lbs. I get down on myself more than I should as well and although I don't date a string bean, I do know how frustrating it can be. I'm not sure how to add folks, but if you think I could encourage you enough please feel free to add me!
  • GabSer5
    Feel free to add me! :happy:
  • lbessonproctor
    Hey, my name is Liz and I need to lose 30lbs that I gained since adopting my niece, stressed. My husband is in the military and is in very good shape and I hate that I am not. I am very motivated to lose this extra weight with you. I want to be happy in my body again :) .
  • justinthetree
    justinthetree Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Jules

    I'm also looking to lose about 80lbs, good luck with your journey!

  • nemiesha01
    nemiesha01 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there I know exactly how you feel my bf is the same way, he says I am fine the way I am and all but when I tell him I am going to the gym or going for a run he makes me feel as though there is no point because I never keep it up (which is true I never do) but I wish he would push me and tell me how well I am doing. He is super supportive in my school work I am in my last year of my BA so as you know its a stressful time I feel like this will be a stress realise.

    You have my support any time you need it.
  • chimbleysweep
    Hi there- I'm going to be 25 in about a month and I know exactly how you feel! My boyfriend is 6'4" and has been about 150-60 for the past 6 years we've been dating. He can eat whatever he wants. He doesn't understand what it's like to be on a diet. I've got about 80-90 pounds I want to lose as well - feel free to add me!! :)
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    Hello, I'm Tatajana, 22 years old and I have 121 pounds to lose. Mine isn't a boyfriend but my mother doesn't understand. I also had issues with obsessing and only eating 300-700 calories a day. I have also taken steps to make sure this time I do it a healthier. Feel free to add me. I will try to motivate you, I keep my diary public (at least I try sometimes it goes private randomly it seems). Believe you can do it and you are halfway there!
  • steffinup
    You can add me! :smile: I also have a bf that can be in pain the *kitten*. He definitely enables my sweet tooth.
  • belleamour
    you can add me too! I have 100 pounds that I'd like to lose. we can keep eachother motivated!
  • belleamour
    oh, and I'm 25.
  • fitgirldanyel
    fitgirldanyel Posts: 59 Member
    Hey Jules! I'm 28 and I am wanting to lose 75 lbs this time. I lost over 50 a couple of years ago and slowly gained it all back. I can totally relate to the boyfriend not gaining weight and eating whatever. My husband was the same way when he and I first got together. We have been married for almost six years and his metabolism is slowing down. It will catch up with them eventually :)
  • LynneW1983
    LynneW1983 Posts: 1,161 Member
    Hi I am Lynne, I have lost 70lb still have between 17-30 to lose. I am 30 doing the 30 day shred and started 3 days ago a walking challenge to walk 80 miles a month. Feel free to add me and join in the walking challenge. I am using run keeper app. I have supportive family that have kept me motivated. I know how important that is so I will be more than happy to let you know what an amazing job your doing.