I'm Hopeful

Hi. I've gained a lot of weight over the past 5 years & now I have knee pain & arthritis. I know losing weight will decrease--and possible stop--the pain. So I'm here for health & out of frustration that I'm facing being overweight--again. I could definitely use some support in this journey & I'll do the same for you.


  • I am starting too. I have lost and gained weight over the past few years. I want to just lose it and stop this yo yo affect!
  • ProactiveElder
    ProactiveElder Posts: 27 Member
    I understand! How is today going for you? One of the things I'm doing differently this time is that I'm eating 4-5 cups of vegies a day, usually mid-morning & mid-afternoon. 5 cups is a lot of veg but the calories are super-low. No dip or anything--I just enjoy them on their own. I buy organic & they are delicious.

    Do you have a favorite thing you're doing this time around?
  • RIght now I am just focusing on clean eating. Tonight is clean out the cup boards of all the junk! 5 cups is a esp if you don't like veggies ;) I get most of mine through juicing now. I found a decent one that I don't mind the taste of :)

    I am also going to start P90X3, well do my best through each workout. I don't imagine I will be able to keep up to them but I figure just moving around is at least better than sitting all day.

    I work from home and I sit in front of the computer 8-10 hours a day!
  • Hey there, I'm also new here, slowly gained a bunch of weight over the past few years. I hear you on the arthritis. When I was only 15 I had it bad and with the weight it's back! Wishing you luck!
  • ProactiveElder
    ProactiveElder Posts: 27 Member
    15? That's awful! So glad you're here--wishing you success on your journey.
  • Hi there! Losing weight definitely helps with aches and pains... you're on the right track :smile: Just take it a day at a time and the small changes will lead to big ones in time :smile:
  • ProactiveElder
    ProactiveElder Posts: 27 Member
    Clean eating--Clean cupboards! You're off to a great start! I tried juicing--I'm glad to hear you have a juice you like. I really like chewing all those vegies! What is P90X3? I believe you're right on target about sitting--moving as often as you can will be great for you! I don't envy you sitting for that long--it must be really tiring. I sit a lot at work but am able to get up & move around every 30 minutes or so.
  • ProactiveElder
    ProactiveElder Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you so much--you're absolutely right!