I have 50-70 lbs to lose, what worked for you??

Well, I have 50 lbs to lose. Actually, My ULTIMATE goal is to lose 70, but 50 will put me at my pre-pregnancy weight from my FIRST baby. I was about 170 when I got pregnant with my first daughter, and was 215 when I got pregnant with my second, who is only 2 weeks old right now. I am 220 now, and when I am cleared to exercise, I want to know what exercise program would give me fast yet healthy results. I want to know if any of you have done a specific weight loss workout program like 30DS, Insanity or anything like that, or if you have done any specific diet plans/combos with workouts. There are so many out there, and I just don't know where I want to start! I just started logging my food today, and will be eating around 1200 cals (not breastfeeding by the way.) until I can also exercise in a few weeks.Would love to hear some success stories, see pictures, or get some help on how I can lose so much weight within the year! :)


  • tawalker791
    tawalker791 Posts: 101 Member
    Oh and let me also mention that I am gone 10 hrs a day, 5 days a week as a correctional officer, and don't do too much physical activity there. So relatively sedentary job that also takes up a massive amount of my schedule.
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Hi, I started mfp Jan 2013 at 219 lbs with a 1 year goal of 170. I am a probation officer so I sit a lot. I lost 35 lbs within 6-8 months w/o exercise (around 1400 calories per day) and since then has been mainly maintaining around 185. I've started doing a little exercise (some squats, lunges, push ups) this month. No new weight gain (still 3 lbs from my lowest last year). I log EVERY food and drink into mfp, reduced processed foods but still have sweets once per day (but don't begin the day with donuts). I want to make sure this is a life change which is why although I get discouraged I am doing this slowly and still eating things I enjoy. I don't use the word diet. Good luck and feel free to friend me.
  • mkshortall
    mkshortall Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there I have a similar goal range. I have down insanity and it was great for sure. Tracking everything and really trying to eat real not processed food is helping. Sent a friend request...
  • tawalker791
    tawalker791 Posts: 101 Member
    That really is great results though considering you aren't doing anything extra hardcore! (Even though just eating really healthy is hardcore for me at this point haha) I have done calorie counting several times before and always got results, I just have to learn to stop being an emotional eater which is my biggest problem! Just 6 years ago I was 145 lb with 14% bodyfat and really in good shape, weight lifting, eating clean and the whole shebang, so it's been a while but definitely is something I have done before and know I can do again. i just have lost motivation for the last few years and having babies really made it hard too. I am so ready to be fit again though! The past few days I have just been cutting out sugary drinks and fast food, and counting calories, and I also plan ondoing baby steps so I can stick with it!
  • tawalker791
    tawalker791 Posts: 101 Member
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    Congratulations on the new little one! My mantra is "you can't out exercise a bad diet." The first 3 months of my new lifestyle, I only walked (45 minute walk 3x's a week) and ate a caloric deficit, I lost approx. 45 lbs in those three months. The rapid weight loss has tapered off as I get closer to goal. I am also exercising quite a bit more now...training for half marathon, swimming, yoga, weight lifting. I'm glad I focused on my food before jumping into a heavy exercise routine. The battle is definitely won in the kitchen.
  • tawalker791
    tawalker791 Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks so much guys! And I have never really heard of cycling calories like that before to get off a platea! Will definitely do that if/when I hit mine! Great advice!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I did 30DS, RI30, plus running, walking with incline, and some weights. I would work out up to 3x/daily, along with mfp's calorie goal set to lose 2lb/wk. I had to increase calories after losing 20lbs, but I still lost all of the weight I wanted to, and more:)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I highly recommend you read this:

    I pretty much follow this. Moderate calorie deficit, no food restrictions, just fit it into your calorie goal. Find exercise you truly enjoy.
  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    Lost my first 50lbs by watching diet only. Followed calories given by MFP so i was under for the week.

    I do a free meal once a week. I track the calories but have what I want. I make sure my weekly calories are under tho.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    I wanted to lose about 65lbs in total when I started and decided to make it very simple and easy by going out for 60 minutes of walking every day. I also counted calories and cut out all of the junk food I had been eating and replaced it with lower calorie healthier versions. I still love to snack and don't want to feel deprived during weightloss so that worked for me. After a couple of months I had lost about 10lbs just by walking and eating better. Once my fitness level was improved I added in workout videos* and since then I have lost at least 1lb almost every week for 5 months. No crazy gym regimen or huge calorie deficit required.

    I really enjoy walking so for me to put on my headphones and go out doesn't feel like tedious exercise. My advice would be to pick an activity you enjoy and work it into your day. Also listen to Eye Of The Tiger at least 10 times a day.

    Hope it goes well for you!

    *I mainly do 30DS but not as recommended, I just do it a couple of times a week as I don't see the point in working out every day through muscle pain. It is good though, definitely tones you up fast and leaves you as close to death as it's possble to be without actually being dead.