How to weigh myself?

Few quick questions ...

What is the best strategy for weighing myself? Weigh myself every day at the same time, weigh myself once a week or ???

What time of day is best for weighing yourself most accurately?

Is there any good way to take my measurements without a tape measure?

I am terrified of taking pictures of myself because I am heavy, but I want to have that "before" picture to remind myself of my progress. :O


  • hubb15
    hubb15 Posts: 51 Member
    I always weigh myself on Monday mornings. I use to weigh myself everyday, sometimes more than once and I would worry so much if I gained a pound or two throughout the day which is normal. So I don't suggest weighing yourself more than twice a week and in the morning after you go to the bathroom.

    I'm not sure about the measurements without a tape measure.

    Definitely take pictures, you'll be so happy you did. Even if the scale isn't moving you can compare yourself to old pictures and see that changes are being made.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    I used to weigh everyday until I got my Aria scale that auto logs.

    But with a manual scale I'd weigh every day to help me guage my day (less sodium, more protein, etc), but I'd only record it on Tuesday and Friday!

    I measure once a month!

    Its all personal preference. Some find over weighing and over measureing is obsessive, but for some it helps them stay on track.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member

    The way I like to weigh myself is to do so in the morning (ahem, potential TMI ahead) after I have used the bathroom and before I've eaten or drunk anything. That way I get an idea of how much my body weighs without food/liquid weight added.

    I avoid weighing myself every day. I get freaked out by small fluctuations, so I weigh about once a week.

    I don't know if there is any good way to take your measurements without a tape measure or something similar; but if you are concerned about not being able to measure yourself accurately, here is an excellent guide (meant for sewing, but quite applicable to weight loss too!):

    I encourage you to take some "before" pictures. Even if the idea is appalling now, you will probably really appreciate being able to look at them later, as motivation, to see that you have changed shape along the way, and ultimately so you can brag about how successful you were at losing weight!! ;) You can always stash them in a password-protected folder on your computer, or print them out, hide them away, and delete the digital photos.
  • eris1981
    eris1981 Posts: 58 Member
    Are you wanting measurements for the actual numbers, or are you just wanting to see a difference as you lose?

    If you're just wanting to see the difference as you lose weight, you can use a ribbon or something like that (as long as it doesn't stretch), put it around your waist and whatever other parts you want to measure, and mark a line with the date on it with a permanent marker.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Weigh yourself first thing in the morning, nekked, after a toilet visit.

    How often is entirely up to you. If you are someone that gets emotionally attached to the scale, keep it to once a week, because the chances are you won't be able to cope with the daily ups and downs.

    As for pictures, take them, or you will regret it. Pictures are often a better way to gauge progress than the scales. Don't be embarrassed, we've all been there, and you're the only one that has to see them.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357

    I officially weigh-in Sunday morning after my bathroom pilgrimage ; ). I may peek during the week just for fun but it's not official. Sunday morning is really good for me b/c if I am going to eat or drink too much, it will be on the weekend so it keeps me honest. Whatever day and time you choose, be consistent.


    Keep a visual log, the changes will astound you and remind you where you've been and keep you from going back.


    Measurements are really hard for me, I never know if I am hitting the same spot. I started measuring weekly but got discouraged b/c the marks varied wildly or did not change. I will still do it weekly but I understand that it might take 2 to 4 weeks to see real changes. How your clothes fit is also a great way to know if you are losing inches.
  • the_Tallguy
    the_Tallguy Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh myself every two weeks. i use an electric scale. i do it in the morning. I also take pictures. It is rewarding see all the progress you made. i recommend it. Good Luck. Stay Strong
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I used to weigh everyday until I got my Aria scale that auto logs.

    But with a manual scale I'd weigh every day to help me guage my day (less sodium, more protein, etc), but I'd only record it on Tuesday and Friday!

    I measure once a month!

    Its all personal preference. Some find over weighing and over measureing is obsessive, but for some it helps them stay on track.
    That's funny... I weigh in every day BECAUSE I have an Aria scale that auto logs. It uploads the measurements and then I track the trends on a Web site, without actually having to spend time entering and analyzing the data myself.
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    You can also use a piece of yarn or ribbon to take measurements and then track the inches by measuring that with a ruler or yard stick if you have one of those.
  • Kelkath72
    Kelkath72 Posts: 18 Member
    I "officially" weigh on Friday mornings, after I've gone to the bathroom, before I've eaten breakfast, and wearing my scrubs. Sometimes I weigh in Mondays too. I also use the same scale, even though we have different ones in the doctors office i work at because it seems each one says something different. I haven't taken a before pic cause I hate full lenth pics of myself so I'm using one that was taken at Christmas. It's really what motivated me to do this anyway.
  • bloggymomx
    I weigh on Saturdays or Sundays depending on how I feel my week went.

    I used to be a serial weigher..I would weigh myself every day and get SICK over the regular weight fluctuations a normal body goes through. I got out of that habit because it was getting bad for me.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    i weigh everyday..and look at the trends..i dont offically log it until friday.

    It depend on how much stress you can handle...i know for some that doing it everyday would freak them out with the fluctuations. For me it doesnt matter as long as it trends down. (which finally happening again)
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I weigh myself every couple of days, first thing in the morning, right after I've emptied my bladder. I started out just weighing myself on Sundays but the scale NEVER moved. I noticed, though, that on Wednesdays there was a steady downward trend. At this point, I stick with the lowest weight that comes up on the scale and that has worked. Don't worry about fluctuations! They're temporary. :)

    ETA: I do measurements every week and take progress pics once a month, too. It's very motivating & rewarding, to me!
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I weigh and measure about once every other month because I was weighing myself several times day. I was totally obsessed with my weight and was out of control.

    So, I always weigh myself in the morning with light clothing on and before breakfast. What ever you decide to do, just be consistent.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    You have a lot of good suggestions.

    As for the picture... If you have a friend you trust and are comfy with, ask them to take the pics for you. Use a bathing suit (bra / undies that look like one)... You'll want to be able to use them in your success story.

    Your friend doesn't even have to send them to you, if you don't want to see them.

    I did this with my mom. I took front, side, back. Used an app to record the date and her weight. And then emailed it to her. She filed it without looking.

    I can't wait until she is ready to do a compare. :-)