New here - slightly nervous!

Hi folks, I'm new here. I've tried on and off to get fit and lose weight but find it hard to motivate myself. I weighed myself today and I'm heavier now than I was at full-term with my last child which isn't good. Really want to be fit and healthy for my children (and for me too!)


  • Tonyour06
    Tonyour06 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ginger_gnome.

    I've done the same over the years - I find it's best to take one day at a time. Try and do the best you can today, don't look any further. If you mess up - then start again tomorrow. Eventually it will stick with you.
  • it's what we're here for :D what does the trick for me is a good workout playlist.
  • 2boysdad12
    2boysdad12 Posts: 1 Member
    Ive also tried on and off for 20 years to lose but always find a reason to stop. What makes it hard is I am a stress eater. Ive tried to find something to motivate me so recently signed up for a Tough Mudder in October. I've started back working out and I would like to lose 50 lbs. before then.
  • I don't have much advice beyond the obvious, but I'll go ahead and state the obvious! Track every bite and sip. Exercise, exercise, exercise. It's not always easy with kids and family demands, but try to fit it in somehow. Exercise buddies are great, but again, can be hard to schedule. Once you have some success you will feel so great you will be motivated to continue. One other bit of advice, especially if you are nighttime snacker like me, do something to keep your hands busy. Knitting is great for this!
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Congrats you have made the first step. There is no need to be nervous or embarrassed. Everyone on this site has started somewhere. Some have weighed more, some less but everyone on here (IMO) wants to make their lives healthier.
    Helpful tips:
    1. Do not get discouraged. There will be some good days, tough days and some downright ****ty days.
    2. Do your research into your calorie goals.
    3. Exercise although not required to lose weight it is strongly encouraged that you start. Find something that you like to do and that you can stick with.
    4. Have realistic expectations. You more than likely will not lose 30 in 4 weeks and it is not a realistic expectations. Lbs will come and go and sometime fluctuate on the scale on a monthly basis enough to be maddening (See tip 1).
    5. Don't expect others will support your desires and wants to be lighter and healthier. Some do, others won't. (See tip 1)
    6. Like any website, MFP has some great people on it and very knowledgeable. However, some will tell you straight up without any remorse their advice. It comes from years of fine tuning what has worked from them based off of science, not broscience. Do not take it as a personal attack and then see tip 1.

    Good luck.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    Nothing to it but to do it, or some such nonsense. One day at a time? The journey of a thousand... whatever. Just stick around, keep working on it, keep logging stuff. Let the culture seep into your brain. Feel free to send a FR if you're looking for a friend who logs obsessively and frequently says things that he probably shouldn't.
  • Hi Ginger. . . ditto! I weigh as much as I did when I was 9 mos pregnant with my first child. . . 165lbs! What intrigues me about this site is that Im realizing how counting your calories and being aware of the calorie count in each food helps you decide what to eat and what NOT to eat. . . .also how doing some exercise can get you to your goal faster! Good luck Ginger.
  • Thanks everyone ... I appreciate your support. My hubby has started this journey too so between us and you I'm hoping a healthier, slimmer future awaits :-)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member

    The best advice I can give you is to keep it simple. Follow the MFP plan (log your food, eat back your exercise calories) while you learn more about your body and the alternatives.