I want to be a skinny mom, join me, help me

Hi all, so I need to lose the baby weight because my baby is not a baby anymore :laugh:

I started yesterday, ate some healthy meals and stretched a little, today I'm hoping to do better and go for a walk.

I'm trying to incorporate more protein into my diet and exercise more.

Any other moms (or not) feel free to add me as friends for encouragement and support, let's talk about healthy meals and simple exercise, all fitness levels welcome, positive attitude is a must :flowerforyou:


  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm kinda a mom... a dog mom :)

    You've come to the right place. I've lost 73lbs with MFP. I still have 7lbs to go. Add me if you would like. Good Luck!!!
  • maanders
    maanders Posts: 39 Member
    I'm a mom too. And, can't use a baby weight as an excuse anymore since my baby is almost 2 now. Feel free to add me if you want. And, good luck!!
  • bethkrusac
    bethkrusac Posts: 45 Member
    Though I'm not a mom now, I'd like to be and in the meantime, I'm a dog mom as well.

    I've been back and forth with MFP before, but really want to get healthy this time, so that I CAN be a mom!

    You've started off well, just keep it up! If you need suggestions on healthy proteins, let me know! Feel free to add me as well!
  • Same here...my 'baby' just turned 4 in November. I want to lose weight so I'm healthy for him, but have a hard time keeping up with it since I'm a single mom. but this time I'm not letting that stop me. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck ladies! :happy:
  • I am motivated to lose weight for the same reason, to be as healthy as I can be for my future children. Dog mom currently but wanting to get fit for when we start trying. Anyone on here, feel free to add me!
  • I'm a mom too! I definitely can't use the baby weight excuse anymore...yeah, she's 6! LOL! Feel free to add me as well, I'm always up for supportive mommy friends! :happy:
  • cuzemummy
    cuzemummy Posts: 1 Member
    I want to join! I want to help! My baby isn't a baby anymore either........she's 9... EEK! I want to be a skinny mom, too. I was for a little while and I piled the lbs back on. I just started making a real effort a couple of weeks ago, but I feel very focused and ready to do this thing. What has worked for me in the past is eating low-cal protein in the morning, (egg whites with some veggies and cheese, usually) and having something light for lunch either a salad with low-fat dressing or some kind of brothy soup. Then I feel that I can have a nice dinner with fewer quantity restrictions. I know some people say to fuel up in the morning, but I like to enjoy dinner with my family and feel less deprived at that time. Anyway, that's what seems to work for me!
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    My "baby" turns 8 next month and has feet almost as big as me. I have never lost the weight (all the way) and plan to this time! Add me if you'd like, protein and exercise are my focus :)
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi all, so I need to lose the baby weight because my baby is not a baby anymore :laugh:

    I started yesterday, ate some healthy meals and stretched a little, today I'm hoping to do better and go for a walk.

    I'm trying to incorporate more protein into my diet and exercise more.

    Any other moms (or not) feel free to add me as friends for encouragement and support, let's talk about healthy meals and simple exercise, all fitness levels welcome, positive attitude is a must :flowerforyou:

    Hi! Welcome to MFP! I have been here for a few weeks.

    You took the first step, sometimes the hardest and started yesterday! Congrats!!

    I'm a mother of 3 boys, 1 with special needs and my youngest is 8 months, so staying on track can be a challenge! I'm also looking for encouragement and positive attitudes!!

    My profile picture is me at my goal weight before my last 2 children. If you feel that we would work well together please feel free to add me !

    Good luck. :happy: Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination, You are work in progress and SO worth it!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I'm a mom of two boys - all grown up now, 22 and 23. I gained 70 lbs with the first one and 35 with the second. Lost most of the weight by the time the second was 2. You can definitely get there, and I'll be glad to help in any way I can!
  • all4my4girls
    all4my4girls Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I am a SAHM with 4 girls. I'm still working on losing the baby weight. Somehow with 4 kids in 6 years the weight kept piling on and piling on. I have 28 lbs to lose to weigh what I weighed when we got married (a month before I got pregnant with my 10 year old) I'm looking for new friends so we can support one another. I've only been on MFP for 3 weeks or so
  • ksaroyan
    ksaroyan Posts: 6 Member
    Yes Yes Yes!! My kids although will be my baby's in my heart forever, are also grown up. 2 & 7.

    Honestly, I gained more weight after giving birth and did this to myself.

    Started eating healthy a few weeks back but finding time for excercise is challenging. Also making family meals that everyone will enjoy is the second most difficult thing for me.

    Would love some motivation and help!

  • Barbie_Q
    Barbie_Q Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much to everyone who responded, I added everyone here, if I missed someone please send request and I'll add you for sure :)

    Just hearing all your stories is very inspiring to me, I signed up on MFP last year and didn't do anything about it, this time around I'm 100% motivated and dedicated to make some changes in my life.

    Even though we joke around about the old "baby weight" it is very real and very frustrating no matter how many months or years it's been since our last pregnancy. I know before babies I used to work out and eat like a bird, but since my first baby was born I don't focus on myself like I used to. Our priorities change, we have added stress, shifting hormones, lack of sleep, all this adds up to extra pounds if we don't learn to manage it.

    So where do you all hang out on this forum? is there a group where we can meet and talk about menus and recipes? I'm also starting walking and lifting some light weights (I'm a beginner)

    Have a wonderful day, see you all later! :smile:
  • Hi! I'm a mom too! I have two darling girls who are 10 and 5. I am looking to loose 50-60lbs. I started at 118 when I got pregnant with my first and now I'm up to 180 yikes!!

    It's great to see moms on here, we need all the help and motivation we can get!!
  • I am a mom of three 10, 6, 8 months. I am struggling with motivation. I lost some but have been stuck. I want to get going because i don;t want the weight to pile on. Any words of wisdom?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I am a mom of three 10, 6, 8 months. I am struggling with motivation. I lost some but have been stuck. I want to get going because i don;t want the weight to pile on. Any words of wisdom?

    Look at your three kids for inspiration. You are their first and primary role model in life and they will do what you do, especially when young. If you set the example to exercise regularly and eat healthy and maintain a healthy weight, they will too.
  • AmandaK0211
    AmandaK0211 Posts: 8 Member
    lol i hear ya! my "baby" is almost 1.5 years old....time to stop blaming him :) Feel free to add me!
  • My goal is to lose 85 pounds. That will get me down to my 'maximum healthy weight'. It gets me out of the obese range. I'm tired of being fat. What kind of Floridian can't wear a bikini to the beach? The one that looks like she should be thrown back in the water. This girl. Feel free to join me on my journey! I want to be a skinny mom, too!
  • I am a 27 year old Mommy to 3, a 10 year old, 4 year old and 6 month old who I am still breastfeeding! Feel free to add me I still have 92 pounds to lose.
  • tjolley
    tjolley Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a mom to 3 but they are 23,21,18 and a grandmother to 2 baby girls. I would love to join the group