Talk to me about MORNING workouts!



  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    My suggestion is don't over think it. If you want to do it, just do it.
  • elwing
    elwing Posts: 9 Member
    I started by waking up every other day at 5am, then moved to waking up every morning just this week. When you start to realize how you feel after your workout, you just start getting out of bed!
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    When it finally warms up, I am looking forward to running in the morning but right now with sub-zero temps I just can't convince myself to do it. I'm thinking of starting easy with Yoga/fluid stretching in the morning until I get into the habit and then switching to something a little more taxing. My other problem is that my hair is CRAZY (and I"m sorry to any men who just won't understand this). I have super thick, frizzy hair so I normally shower at night because it takes 40 minutes to blow dry and I prefer not to use that, plus unless I wear it up, I need to flat iron it too which is at least another 25 minutes, so to work out in the morning I need to tack on a shower and blow dry at minimum.

    I guess I need to JUST DO IT! There's no reason I couldn't do Yoga or a DVD while my little is having breakfast either...

    Thank you all! I keep telling myself that as soon as spring hits and it warms up, it'll be easier but honestly i think as soon as I get going and DO IT, it'll be easier!!

    Its cold .... your hair ??????

    Okay, you caught yourself in the last two paragraph .. you obviously get it ... so take action

    Lastly, if you getting up early, make it worth it. Workout at the same intensity as your current level or harder. If your starting out, take it easy but add challenges. It will make it easier to get up and if you are tested.( i.e after active warm up for 8 min ish, see long it takes to do 100 burpees end goal 10 minutes)

    Getting psyched for you
  • rmfails417
    This has definitely inspired me to get back to going to the gym in the mornings. I'm going to definitely have to make a serious adjustment at night since I already have to be at work by 7am. I get up around 5am to prepare to come to work. LOL...Now to figure out what time I need to get up to get to the gym. I like doing strength training, so that's not an issue. I'm not a big fan of showering and leaving for work from the gym. Decisions, decisions, decisions! LOL...thanks again for all of the great tips this post has generated.
  • Razz_Baby
    Razz_Baby Posts: 89 Member
    I love it and I made the switch!

    I recommend the following:

    1) Set yourself an alarm for whenever- even if your little one wakes you before it goes off, it will remind you to get on with it!! I have a tag on my alarm (on my phone) that says "have you ever regretted working out? How will you feel if you don't?" I'd pick something that motivates you!

    2) Put your workout gear when you can put your hands straight on it. I sleep in my underwear so I have to put something on straight away, and it makes my gym gear the easy option!

    3) Decide the night before what you will do, and I'd recommend bodyweight circuits if you work out at home (I have a good one if you want to try it). Circuits are great because you don't get bored and you can do as many/few as your fitness/boredom threshold/baby will allow :)

    4) Put the gym clothes on a radiator at night. I put mine on the heated towel rail, and it's a joy putting them on!

    5) Get something healthy handy to refuel, with a mix of healthy carbs and protein

    GO GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great tips! I just changed my alarm clock tag. It now says, "Get up, fat *kitten*! It's time to change your life!" a little harsh, I know...But that is just how I am. :)
  • Razz_Baby
    Razz_Baby Posts: 89 Member

    I guess I need to JUST DO IT! There's no reason I couldn't do Yoga or a DVD while my little is having breakfast either...

    Yes!! JUST DO IT!!!

    I am NOT a morning person but I prefer my workouts in the am for the same reason others have listed. It's too easy to make an excuse to not work out when 5 pm rolls around. I'd rather have a beer with my boss and complain about the day then go take my butt to the gym. If I do it in the morning then not only is it done and out of the way but I really do feel more energized and productive. I also feel like I make wiser food choices throughout the day so that I don't ruin the great workout that I did.
  • asianmonkie
    Wow! This is a great thread. I've tried the alarm thing before and it never sunk in. I'm going to give it another go and adding the drinking a lot of water before bed thing :D
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    Don't drink too much. You don't want to get up at 1:00 am.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I used to do the whole morning workout thing back when I was taking stim-laden pre-workouts, but I found that even then I just couldn't push as hard as I could later in the day after I had been up for a while and had some food in me. Whether or not morning workouts are ideal, I think, really depends on the person. Not everybody performs as well on an empty stomach, and not everybody performs as well first thing in the morning. If you need some food in you and you need to be up for a while to collect yourself and get your bearings before you can do anything strenuous, there's nothing wrong with waiting until later in the day.

    EDIT: Not only that, but knowing I have to be done by a certain time in order to get ready for work really kills my motivation to push hard. I feel like I have to rush, even when I'm making good time.
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    I love my morning work-outs. I set the alarm for 4:30 and I go right up to the 3rd floor (that is where my exercise room is) and get started. I turn on the T.V. (keeps me from getting board on the treadmil) and I work-out for 1 hour, doing the treadmil then some weight training. I am like you, my hair is thick and I need 1 hour for shower and blow dry hair. But once you get into a routine you will be fine, and you will find you have much for energy throughout the day. Just wake up and get started you will do just fine
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    I work out with my 17 month old wandering around me. I've bought some 1 lb. weights because she's always trying to lift my heavier ones and I'm pretty sure one day she'll break a toe (or her head!). Sometimes she whines, and occasionally I'll have to stop for a few seconds to redirect her from something dangerous, but for the most part she just plays around me. (I work out in the playroom). And sometimes I have some extra weight on my tummy for crunches, but usually it's fine!

    Since I'm working out at home, and first thing in the morning, I also don't care if I'm in my "proper" workout clothes. More often than not, I'm working out in my jammes (with the addition of a sports bra). Less time since I don't have to change.

    I find it's easiest to be motivated first thing in the morning since DD wakes up around 6 and I don't have to start getting ready for work until 7:15 or so, what the heck else am I going to do at that time of the morning!?
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Morning workouts are the best! I work out usually once in the morning, once at night. I divide the time. Just set an alarm clock if waking up is tough. I workout with my dog watching me, it can be tough, but it's fun. Anyway. I usually wake up and do about 10-60 minutes of cardio (depending on how I feel that day). I have noticed a HUGE change in my overall mood throughout the day now. I generally feel more energized during the day, and less so at night. So, my sleeping schedule has about evened out. I'm still a night owl, but I'm not stayin g up until 3-5 am anymore. And during the day, I have more energy to get up and go even if I skip my coffee. I genuinely feel better now. I don't always have the motivation as soon as I wake up, but once I get going... I definitely do.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Love morning exercise, and I used to be a night owl, too. If you exercise hard early in the morning, you will want to go to bed earlier. I'm a little sad about that sometimes because I like being up at night. Oh well.

    You might motivate yourself to get up if you know you're allowed to take a name in the afternoon (unless you work), when the kids nap.

    I also like morning work outs because if I get really motivated, I now have the opportunity to do a twoaday. I don't usually, but it's nice to know I can.

    Another goofy tip: if you have a programmable thermostat, set it so that about 20 minutes before you intend to wake up it gets a lot warmer. If I get too warm in bed, I want to get up. It's when it is cold in the room but the bed is warm that I want to stay in.
  • ChelseaGoneAwry
    ChelseaGoneAwry Posts: 53 Member
    Morning workouts set the precedent for my entire day. Working hard inspires me to eat healthy throughout the day and say no to cravings. Plus, exercise releases endorphins and so you'll start the day in a great mood! I recommend working out in the morning and then enjoying some time to yourself to relax and enjoy how great you feel. If you make yourself do it for a week, I guarantee it will become easy to do, and you'll even look forward to it!
  • amrluvarr
    amrluvarr Posts: 52 Member
    Great post! I haven't been very successful working out at night. For example, last night I had to give my 5 month old her bottle while my husband helped our son who was fighting sleep. My daughter fell asleep while I was feeding her so naturally I just cuddled in bed with her! ;) This happens every evening!

    So- taking these tips to heart and getting up in the morning to workout! :)
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Ugh I haven't made it to one morning workout yet. Yesterday I left work early to take my kids to a doctors' appointment but I had over an hour at home before I had to leave so I did a 30 minute kickboxing video and I felt AMAZING. I wish I could workout in the middle of the day every day...but having a job kind of kills that. I'm determined to start mornings....I have a new HRM on the way so maybe that will motivate me to be excited to try it out :)

    Good luck all who are joining me!