new to the forum - not sure this is going to work

Hi all!

Well, here goes. I am way, way overweight and I keep on gaining. I am currently not working and am not active at all. I have a hard time standing for more than 10 minutes because of the pain in my back, which would no doubt be helped by losing 100 pounds say, yesterday. Because of this pain, though, I can't really walk to exercise and without exercise, I can't seem to lose weight. In addition, I just suffered a stroke two weeks ago and now I am supposed to be inactive for about another month. Before that, I was planning on exercising by swimming at the Y.

To add to this problem, I am on food stamps and I have to buy what is cheap and on sale. And just to be difficult, I tend to be a very picky eater. The problem is, if I have to eat foods I don't like, I say I'd rather be fat first and so I am. But I simply can't get past many vegetables without gagging and there are a lot more food items I couldn't eat if you paid me. So, is a diet even workable for me?


  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    First off you need to drop the defeatist attitude. If you think negatively of course it is not going to work.

    Second, take baby steps. Educate yourself about healthy eating. You local library is free! Take 10 min walks, and build from there.

    Third, you do not have to spend a lot to eat healthy you just have to shop smartly.

    Eating a defect will be how you lose weight so monitor your portions more than anything. Try different foods you will surprised when you start cutting out high fat, high salt, and high sugar foods.... other foods that are better for you taste different.

    My husband is a pizza, burger guy, and since we have changed our diets b/c of our sons high cholesterol, a whole world of options have opened up to him.

    You need to think of this as a life style change! GOOD LUCK!
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Not with that attitude.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member

    First things first, you're gonna have to get rid of the "poor me, i can't do this" attitude. Losing weight is hard. But it's doable. Eat what you are able to eat, but eat less of it if it's calorie dense. You can lose weight without exercising as long as you stay in a calorie deficit. Once you lose some of the weight, I'm sure you'll feel more up to some walking and maybe even some strength training. You CAN do this!

    Edited to correct typing ????
  • IdaBigelow
    sure it is -- don't worry so much about the types of food you don't like but more on the portions of the ones you do. You aren't going to change everything at once so start with portions and logging to see how much you are really eating. You can still lose while not doing work outs. Weigh and measure your food and LOG, LOG, LOG everything. It only takes small steps to start creating a new you!! Don't look so much at what you can't do focus on what you can!!
  • evanblove
    evanblove Posts: 82 Member
    Don't think of it as a diet, but a lifestyle change. You don't have to forego food, just moderate how much you eat. Here is a good plce to start:
    Also check out this MFP tutorial:
  • NeedsMoreButter
    Have you tried making smoothies that mix fruit with a little bit of veggies? The fruit can knock the edge off the taste of the veggies and you can gradually add more as you adjust to the taste.

    I hated veggies for years and this was the only way I could get them into my diet; now I crave them and "fruit-only" smoothies taste weird to me.

    Here are some good recipes you could start with:
  • nancym626
    nancym626 Posts: 11 Member
    Do you want it enough to push yourself to be healthy? You sound like you're giving up and making excuses for yourself before you even start. Eating a healthy diet does consist of eating vegetables, and there is a lot of different ways you can cook them, but honestly, you sound like my 7 year old daughter by saying you can't force yourself to eat vegetables. It's not always easy but if you want it enough, you can do it!!! If not, then like you said, you will just remain overweight. It just sounds like you want to lose weight, without the work. You should try it before you give up. I know it's hard. I have been going back up and down on my weight for years, and I just barely feel like I have enough motivation to lose it once and for all.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Ok so you can't exercise right now, no problem you lose weight by having a calorie deficit. You don't want to eat veggies right now, no problem eat all the same things you eat right now just measure out smaller portions. There go those 2 excuses, now the hardest part changing your attitude, because you have to believe you can do this.

    When I started a year ago, I had just been released from the hospital, was supposed to be calling to have oxygen set up at home, was told I wasn't allowed to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time, and heaviest thing I could lift was 5 lbs. Well at that moment I decided I could take control of this, I started tracking my calories and finding ways I could make small changes to cut back. I didn't rush out and buy organic or whatever, I couldn't even go to the grocery store then. But I could eat less of what I had here. Guess what if I was honest in my logging, weight came off. I did NO exercise for the first 2- 3 months, when I finally started exercising it was to stand up for 5 minutes at a time, once an hour. I've built up since then. Sorry I'm rambling but if you get your attitude and head in the game you can make drastic changes to your life.

    Good luck to you
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Start out with this one thing: come to MFP and log every bite that you put into your mouth. At first, don't worry too much about the calorie count, just get into the habit of logging. Then make small changes to bring the calorie count down.

    It will work if you work it.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    FIRST -- Make a list of the foods you do like that are somewhat healthy. You don't have to go without anything just eat the proper amounts.

    SECOND -- Go get those items and stock your cupboards with them.

    THIRD -- Go to the $$ store and get some measuring cups for dry and liquids.

    FORTH -- MEASURE EVERYTHING you eat to the serving suggestion sizes and LOG it all in on here.

    As long as you eat the correct amount of calories you will slowly lose the weight without exercise. It will take at least a couple weeks for your body to adjust to the changes so don't give up to quick. Stick to what MFP gives you for your GOAL calories and you should do fine. Also check with your doctor about what other things you might be able to try.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Talk about excuses. You don't work and you can't exercise. Really? Sorry to be a hard *kitten*. But, STOP MAKING EXCUSES. Get moving. All the time you wasted writing this load of excuses you could have exercised.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi all!

    Well, here goes. I am way, way overweight and I keep on gaining. I am currently not working and am not active at all. I have a hard time standing for more than 10 minutes because of the pain in my back, which would no doubt be helped by losing 100 pounds say, yesterday. Because of this pain, though, I can't really walk to exercise and without exercise, I can't seem to lose weight. In addition, I just suffered a stroke two weeks ago and now I am supposed to be inactive for about another month. Before that, I was planning on exercising by swimming at the Y.

    To add to this problem, I am on food stamps and I have to buy what is cheap and on sale. And just to be difficult, I tend to be a very picky eater. The problem is, if I have to eat foods I don't like, I say I'd rather be fat first and so I am. But I simply can't get past many vegetables without gagging and there are a lot more food items I couldn't eat if you paid me. So, is a diet even workable for me?

    Losing weight is like 80% diet anyway. After you drop a few pounds moving more will get easier.

    Like previous posters have stated steps. You didn't gain weight over takes awhile to fix it. Losing weight is a lifestyle change ......this is why you log food. Logging helps us figure out what our bad habits are.

    Log food.........everything. Be honest about your portion sizes. THEN see where you can improve.

    Re: you really want this? Veggies are low calorie & high fiber. You don't "have" to eat them......but maintaining weight loss is going to be difficult without this "weapon" in your arsenal.
  • rodentraiser
    Kbmnurse, I'm not sure you understand. I am not exercising right now because I am under orders not to. The way my stroke was treated was that the doctors came up through the arteries in my groin in a similar fashion to an angioplasty. The arteries have to heal completely so they don't rupture. In addition, the aneurysm wasn't completely finished and I may have to undergo the same procedure to finish it in several months.

    The reason I was wanting to go to the Y and do swimming is because of severe back pain. I would love to get moving, but just standing in line for more than ten minutes at the post office makes me have to drop to the floor to take pressure off my spine. So really, yes, I can't exercise at this time - at least not in the manner I'm sure you would want me to.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Talk about excuses. You don't work and you can't exercise. Really? Sorry to be a hard *kitten*. But, STOP MAKING EXCUSES. Get moving. All the time you wasted writing this load of excuses you could have exercised.

    you do realize she said she just had heart issues right ?!?! Doc has her on limited to no activities at this time. Don't be such a snag, if your not gonna read and consider all aspects of the situation don't comment.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    P.S: I seriously doubt that you have tasted every vegetable there is, much less every way there is to prepare a vegetable.

    Example - I used to HATE green beans because my mom opened a can and boiled them. But I'd try them every once in awhile if they were prepared differently, and now I have a green bean recipe that I LOVE.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Talk about excuses. You don't work and you can't exercise. Really? Sorry to be a hard *kitten*. But, STOP MAKING EXCUSES. Get moving. All the time you wasted writing this load of excuses you could have exercised.

    you do realize she said she just had heart issues right ?!?! Doc has her on limited to no activities at this time. Don't be such a snag, if your not gonna read and consider all aspects of the situation don't comment.

    Ummmmmmmm no; she had a stroke. That's a brain issue, not heart.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Don't worry, OP. If this was easy, more people would be doing it. Many people get started, then fall off the wagon because it takes self discipline. We don't want to see this happen to you. Just start logging every bit of food and drink that goes into your mouth. Stay in your deficit. Baby steps....
  • jessicamae0731
    Its not easy, but you can do it over time. Trust me, I feel like I blinked, and then BAM, I was like 50+ lbs heavier. Its a hard reality to face when you first start out, but take it moment by moment. The first step in losing weight is to make changes in your diet. Pick an item you over-eat, and make that your focus for a week. Don't deprive yourself, just allow yourself small treats. And don't listen to all the negativity. Everyone has their own ways of going about dieting. Find what works for you, specifically.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Talk about excuses. You don't work and you can't exercise. Really? Sorry to be a hard *kitten*. But, STOP MAKING EXCUSES. Get moving. All the time you wasted writing this load of excuses you could have exercised.

    you do realize she said she just had heart issues right ?!?! Doc has her on limited to no activities at this time. Don't be such a snag, if your not gonna read and consider all aspects of the situation don't comment.

    Ummmmmmmm no; she had a stroke. That's a brain issue, not heart.

    sorry technicality. either way she was told not to exercise at this time, and when your doc says don't do it you don't do it ,and no one should tell them they should do other wise.
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    You have to believe you can first. Whether you have 10 pounds or 200 pounds to lose - a defeated attitude from the start will get you nowhere. You have options and you will have to learn what works for you. Everyone is different and everyone gets there in their own way.