Best heart rate for burning fat


According to this the best heart rate to burn fat is 60-70% of your max heart rate. After that you actually use less fat! I was busting my butt getting as high as I could thinking I was doing more good and I was really sabotaging the efforts. It does point out that there are other benefits to the higher heart rates, but fat burning isn't one of them.


  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member

    According to this the best heart rate to burn fat is 60-70% of your max heart rate. After that you actually use less fat! I was busting my butt getting as high as I could thinking I was doing more good and I was really sabotaging the efforts. It does point out that there are other benefits to the higher heart rates, but fat burning isn't one of them.

    Don't worry about it just get fitter and exercise and you will lose weight, the difference between running at 70% and 80% is so small it is not worth a seconds thought, try and run faster/longer this will outweigh any nonsense about heart rates

    pro athletes are fitter and thinner than the 8 kmh chunksters barely sweating on the treadmill

    effort = fitness and weight loss that is the only goal
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member

    According to this the best heart rate to burn fat is 60-70% of your max heart rate. After that you actually use less fat! I was busting my butt getting as high as I could thinking I was doing more good and I was really sabotaging the efforts. It does point out that there are other benefits to the higher heart rates, but fat burning isn't one of them.
    That only accounts for what happens while you exercise, not what happens inbetween workout sessions.

    You should workout as hard as you can handle for both fitness and 'fat burning.' You are not sabotaging your efforts by working out harder.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member

    According to this the best heart rate to burn fat is 60-70% of your max heart rate. After that you actually use less fat!

    No, it says you burn a smaller percentage of calories from fat. But it burns a larger overall number of calories - and that's what matters more. The more calories you burn, the faster the rate of fat loss - regardless of whether the fuel used during exercise is fat or carbohydrates.
  • Sarahliquid
    Sarahliquid Posts: 201 Member

    According to this the best heart rate to burn fat is 60-70% of your max heart rate. After that you actually use less fat!

    No, it says you burn a smaller percentage of calories from fat. But it burns a larger overall number of calories - and that's what matters more. The more calories you burn, the faster the rate of fat loss - regardless of whether the fuel used during exercise is fat or carbohydrates.

    Ok I'll check that out. I'll do my calories at each heart rate next week and see what I get. If there is more calories at a higher rate, then the lower percentage doesn't matter as much.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member

    According to this the best heart rate to burn fat is 60-70% of your max heart rate. After that you actually use less fat!

    No, it says you burn a smaller percentage of calories from fat. But it burns a larger overall number of calories - and that's what matters more. The more calories you burn, the faster the rate of fat loss - regardless of whether the fuel used during exercise is fat or carbohydrates.

    Ok I'll check that out. I'll do my calories at each heart rate next week and see what I get. If there is more calories at a higher rate, then the lower percentage doesn't matter as much.

    why bother for crying out loud. just exercise end of, what difference does it make, the best way to lose weight for me would be to never eat and run at a steady pace every day until i collapsed, am i gonna do it? no

    you probably burn between 14000 and 21000 calories a week are you that concerned that 50 or so due to heart rate differences is even worth a seconds thought?

    do your exercise when you are spent stop rest and start again

    get some perspective