45 years old, losing 20 lbs from scratch.

Hi! I am looking for some other women who are 45 or around there, have had some trouble keeping motivated to stay healthy and are ready to go for it in small steps with me. I am in ok condition and strong, but I cannot seem to keep a routine in place that is good for me. There is ALWAYS an excuse...to eat more, to exercise tomorrow. Plus, my doc told me I have to lay of sugar AND dairy. Really?? Are you with me?


  • sarahmilner714
    sarahmilner714 Posts: 23 Member

    You've already took 1 small step by joining MFP and hopefully many more. I know how easy it is to make excuses but stick at it. One thing I was told was that if you fall off the diet/exercise wagon, don't beat yourself up, it's just one day. A blip. Get back up and on it the following day.

    I really should be staying off the sugar too, but I have a sweet tooth and find it really difficult. Always something around to tempt me :-).

    You're welcome to add me.

  • annie4545
    annie4545 Posts: 5 Member

    I am also having trouble with motivation! Hopefully this time will be it. I understand completely about making excuses for doing something tomorrow. Good luck to you. :)
  • melissazimmerle
    Just joining MFP is a huge positive step...I am 3 weeks into some significant lifestyle changes to get healthier...I am 44 y/o...I have high bp, cholesterol, and overall feeling sluggish and tired with horrible eating/exercising habits...I have committed to doing 90 minutes a week of exercise...I am cutting out gluten, cutting down carbs, soda, and most dairy...I found the first week to be awful, but it gets easier every day to make better choices...I feel better eating better and smaller portions...You can do this! Just taking accountability for what we put into our bodies makes us responsible for the good choices as well as the bad...A cheat meal once in awhile vs every meal is way less damaging to our progress...Hang in there...I am excited for the journey....It is going to be a long one, but I am in it for the long haul...You can add me if you want...I check in every day :)