whats is best for me to do.

hippygeeza Posts: 9 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
so heres my problem i was 155kg (341 lbs) so i started dieting and lifting weights. now i am 110kg (242lbs) which is still overweight as i am 6ft 1 so i should be around 85 (according to the bmi chart) but i am trying to gain mass in muscle as well as lose fat so A. should i wait until i have lost all my fat before starting to use protein whey products or should i B. not worry and start using them now? also if i should start using protein shakes or similar what really works!?!!? thanks for your help


  • I've been drinking Muscle Milk Light after I work out, it helps so you're not sore afterwards. I would use that first until you get to the weight you want and then drrink regular Muscle Milk when you want to start bulking up.

    Also, chocolate is the only good Muscle Milk flavor for some reason. All the other ones are awful. I'm not even a big fan of chocolate, but Muscle Milk is ok and I'm not sore the next day from working out at all.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Extra protein will help you maintain muscle mass as you lose weight. Most people lose muscle when losing weight, not just fat, protein helps maintain more of your muscle mass. So I would suggest adding it if you are below 30% total calories from protein, if you are hitting 25-30% without then there is not need to add more protein.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    If you are going to gain that kind of muscle weight, the BMI index is always going to show you as overweight. My brother plays college baseball and he (and all those guys) are actually "obese" because BMI is really only a general ratio of your weight to height. That amount of muscle mass throws off the accuracy of it (and its already pretty inaccurate).

    Your best bet is to proly workout/eat how you plan to and get a body fat test done to measure your progress. If thats your pic right there, chances are you proly dont need to lose more weight (or if any, not much).
  • If it were me, I would go ahead and start using protein powder. As you build muscle, muscle would then assist in the fat burning thus giving you the results you are seeking. As for type of protein? Whey is best. Any of them work. Just take them as directed.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    It depends on what school of thought you believe in: Some experts say the body can only do either weight loss or muscle building efficiently, not both @ the same time; Other experts say do both for optimum results-"killing two birds with one stone".

    Also, BMI isn't accurate for ppl as tall as you and me (I'm 6 feet fall). It's meant for men and women of average height (5'5 & 5'10) and of average build who live an average lifestyle. High level athletes, pregnant/breast feeding women, and body builders don't get accurate readings but are still considered to be @ healthy weights even tho their BMIs may be significantly higher or lower than what they're "supposed" to be.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Pre-workout protein is your friend. It will help you build muscle which helps you burn fat! Post work-out protein is important too, but personally I prefer food after the gym to a shake.
  • hippygeeza
    hippygeeza Posts: 9 Member
    thanks, guys i think i will start on the protein pre and post work out...thanks for all your answers
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