Just turned 30 with about 130 to lose...who's with me?

huzuri Posts: 28 Member
Hi All,

I turned 30 in Nov 2013. and on my vacation celebrating my birthday, I decided it was time for me to lose weight. While I always knew I needed to lose weight, I was blessed with a new found motivation.

I pray daily around my weightloss and thank God for getting me as far as he has!

I started at 283, today I am 259. I believe I am beginning to gain some muscle :)

I am working out at least 4-6x per week including classes such as water aerobics, zumba, and step aerobics. I also do a variety of machines at the gym and try to double up when I can.

I want to be sexy, hot and tempting by my next bday, lol. No, I really just want to be healthy! I am blessed to have absolutely no health issues, so I am really aiming to lose this weight before I develop any!

If you want to join me add me...i post honestly everyday even on days i am way over my calorie limit!


  • MrsD1986
    MrsD1986 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I have about 100 to lose- it seems like you've done an amazing job so far,
    You look great! Feel free to add me
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    Just turned 31 and have 100 to lose!
  • shannellose
    shannellose Posts: 6 Member
    In the same boat. Could lose about 100lbs...turned 30 in December!
  • Hi there and welcome! I'm 27 and have about 110lbs to lose. Add me! :)