Wii zumba fitness?

Thinking of buying Zumba Fitness for my Wii. Anyone have any experience with this? Is it worth the money? I have no prior zumba experience, so I can't really compare.


  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'm interested in this answer too... I've noticed a few different zumba games for wii, is any one better than the others?
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    I think it's fun and I like that I can be not so graceful in my living room and no one can see except my ever judging guinea pigs.
  • Xx_renee_xX
    haha yeah. i like the idea of being able to wail my arms and hips everywhere with no one judging me!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I love it!! I do it with my 7 year old. He has developed a nice set of moobs this winter so I thought if he does the zumba with me, he will be having fun and may reduce his cup size too :)
  • katielshelby
    katielshelby Posts: 137 Member
    Make sure you get 2 (the second one) if you get it!! It is really fun but I have noticed that the tracker (whether or not you are doing the moves correctly) isn't always accurate...but the calorie count for what you burned is way over the truth!! If you are like me, though, and just concerned with getting in an exercise every day (or if you have a HRM or something like that) it is great! Very fun and a lot of variety. Also, if you order it online, order an extra belt, too, if you want a partner to be able to participate. I would recommend getting it online --- so much cheaper!
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    Personally, I think Wii exercises are a joke or just for fun. I use my Wii for Netfix.
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    I own a Zumba fitness core for X-box and LOVE IT!

    The work out is pretty intense. I started doing JustDance on X-box in September and slowly worked myself up. I bought Zumba when I felt JustDance was a little "too easy". I got what I wished for. I don't think I would enjoy it this much if I was not primed by JustDance.

    I like the songs and choreography. Doing 40-60 minutes/day of that, along with diet control, I think I have lost about 10 lbs and dropped 2 sizes. Most importantly, it's an exercise that I really enjoy and look forward to do. Having it set in my living room makes it easier to do after a long day at work.
  • slimjame
    slimjame Posts: 128 Member
    I disagree with the comment that Wii exercises are a joke. I have burnt well over 700 calories in an hour and a half playing the Just Dance game for the Wii. I don't use this as my only source of exercise and I have a HRM, but I definitely think that the Wii can offer some decent exercise -- especially if you don't have another form of exercise. I haven't used Wii Zumba yet, but I have used Just Dance, Wii Fit Plus, and Wii Active. I don't care too much for the last two because I don't burn many calories, but I strongly believe that any of the dancing games that keep yous you moving will give you a wonderful workout.
  • katielshelby
    katielshelby Posts: 137 Member
    I disagree with the comment that Wii exercises are a joke. I have burnt well over 700 calories in an hour and a half playing the Just Dance game for the Wii. I don't use this as my only source of exercise and I have a HRM, but I definitely think that the Wii can offer some decent exercise -- especially if you don't have another form of exercise. I haven't used Wii Zumba yet, but I have used Just Dance, Wii Fit Plus, and Wii Active. I don't care too much for the last two because I don't burn many calories, but I strongly believe that any of the dancing games that keep yous you moving will give you a wonderful workout.

  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Wear a HRM to track your burn. I easily do 1100ish calories per hour of Zumba.

    If you're not panting, you're not doing it hard enough!
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    Let me rephrase then. They didn't do anything for my fitness level. I got nothing out of it, they were a joke for me. :)
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    I got it on gamefly and loved it! It didn't come with the zumba belt to hold the controller but when you buy it new it comes with. Definitely buying this game.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    I disagree with the comment that Wii exercises are a joke. I have burnt well over 700 calories in an hour and a half playing the Just Dance game for the Wii. I don't use this as my only source of exercise and I have a HRM, but I definitely think that the Wii can offer some decent exercise -- especially if you don't have another form of exercise. I haven't used Wii Zumba yet, but I have used Just Dance, Wii Fit Plus, and Wii Active. I don't care too much for the last two because I don't burn many calories, but I strongly believe that any of the dancing games that keep yous you moving will give you a wonderful workout.

    I love just dance!
  • HealthyBrandi
    HealthyBrandi Posts: 45 Member
    Is wii Zumba a lot like regular Zumba?
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    I haven't done Wii Zumba, but I got JustDance for Christmas and love it for days when I can't get to Zumba class or the gym. Definitely makes me work up a sweat, so it's great. Have fun!
  • agauth79
    I have all three of the Zumba Wii games. Core (the second game) is by far my favorite. It does have break downs of the moves in a little tutorial section for anyone new to the game. These can be helpful for starting out. If you like to dance, you will probably like these games. Live classes can vary a lot on what you get. I've had experiences with six different instructors, and they were all unique in their style. The Wii games vary with styles - you get the salsa, the cumbia, the rock, reggeaton, hip hop, swing, bollywood, etc.

    The calorie tracker is off, though. If you sit through the entire song and don't move, it will still tell you it burned the same amount of calories as if you did the whole thing perfect. It will also tell you that you burned the same calories whether you weight 150 or 50 pounds! My daughters play with me sometimes, and they get the same calorie count as I do. I usually just use myfitness pals tracker for high or medium intensity aerobics, or estimate off my fuel band calorie count.

    There are some songs that definitely get a sweat going. There are some easy, repetitive ones, and some tricky ones. I like almost all of them, too. I've been taking Zumba classes for 5-6 years now, and got certified to teach this past September, and I still am challenged by a few of the Zumba routines on Core, so there may be some tough ones in there for beginners, but some good challenges to work on for those who've done Zumba before.

    There are also options to do a Full, Medium, and Short class. Full ones are about an hour, medium ones about 40-45 minutes and short ones roughly 20 minutes. You can also make up your own custom class with your favorite songs or just do one song. The full class starts with a warm up and ends with a cool down. Those get skipped in most of the short classes.

    Be careful with form on some of the "core" exercises, too. Be sure to hold your abs in tight, pelvis slightly tucked to protect your back. For side/oblique moves, be sure to lean from the muscles versus throwing your body side to side. It makes more sense once you've seen it. A lot of the moves are actually more beneficial if you engage the abs.

    I just bought Zumba World Party, too. I do like the improved avatars, but I don't like that it seems like they condensed the songs from the full version you might hear in class to a 1.5-2 minute version. Not as many high energy dances either it seems, though I've only done it a few times and haven't hit all the songs yet, so that may be an unfair assessment.

    So, all in all, I would recommend Wii Zumba Core. It is in regular rotation for me on top of taking live Zumba classes twice a week.

    hope that helps!
  • pittmommy
    I have the 2nd one, the Core "class". I like it, and use it as a substitute when I can't make it to my regular live class. I prefer to do it in person and I feel like I sweat more, but this is a good alternative if you can't get to class or don't want to do it in front of other people.

    Some of the moves are tricky, but the more you do it, the better you will get!

    Have fun!