Wieghtwatchers, your views please



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I've never tried it because the idea of meeting up with people in real life from my own area and having to weigh in...LOL...that would NEVER in a zillion years have happened for me. I would have had about 60 separate problems and even phobias with the very idea of that. I'm very much a solo flyer when it comes to weight loss (and in total I have lost over 100 lb)...that's just personal preference.

    I guess they have some sort of WW Online program...don't know much about that, but I assume it is more expensive than the $0 I pay for MFP so I don't see the point, personally.

    Then again I don't know much about it. Just my POV.

    FWIW I had a former boss who went from size 20 to size 6 on WW in the 90s and has kept it off to this day. She stopped going to meetings after she lost the weight and also went vegetarian and started kickboxing. So clearly a lot of major lifestyle/dietary changes there too but she swore WW helped her learn to keep the weight off.
  • LB30
    LB30 Posts: 109 Member
    Why they suddenly decided to make fruit AND veggies free, I'll never understand. Some of those veg still don't fall into the free category, so why does a nice, dense banana?
    It wasn't that sudden. I started on the Core program when it was a new alternative to the Flex program, I'm thinking around 10 years ago. All fresh produce was free, so was all lean protein, eggs, oatmeal, and some limited whole grains. I lost 50 lbs. and earned lifetime membership on it. While this was going on, there was a program in England with free produce that was also doing well.

    But many people found it was too little counting/restriction so they combined into what they think was the best of both worlds.

    They're always making new plans to incorporate new info they get from members and their results and new discoveries in the field. And, of course, because a NEW PLAN is a good marketing tool, too.

    I remember the Core program. I preferred Flex for more accountability. (And MFP for even more accountability.) I just think they didn't really think through the "free fruit" option as well as they could have. Either way, I could never bash the entire system. It did work for me once. But I have also read all those reviews regarding weight gain following Fruit-Gate and I believe it was, at best, a poorly communicated change. But WW can work, if that is your style, and you go in understanding that nothing is truly "free". Moderation in all things. And I will be the first to admit, when I get back to my LT member weight, I'll probably go weigh in for some additional motivation....And for a Hell Yeah! for myself. :wink:
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    You'll hear all sorts of opinions on this, but my view is yes, it can work but a LOT of people put the weight back on after they stop buying the program foods. I think it would be a better investment to get some good cross-trainers, a DVD workout, a digital food scale, and a heart rate monitor and eat real foods in a sustainable manner. Foods you can prepare yourself without the added sodium to preserve it. Foods you can control the portions and contents of.

    Don't be afraid of making your way through figuring out what works best. It'll all work out in the end!

    Good luck!

    You don't need to buy any weightwatchers foods, all the programme does is teach you portion control with healthy foods. There's actually nothing that you can't eat as long as you keep within the "points" allowance. I did weightwatchers for years and got to my goal weight four years ago. I maintained that for a while but have regained about half of what I lost over the last 18 months or so. I now follow the same diet but count the calories on MFP instead of points, and one thing I never have are ready meals!

    I'd suggest giving ww a go for a month or two to get into good habits, then save your money and log on MFP when you get the hang of it - good luck!! :smile:

    I actually like the bagels and english muffins - the bagels because they are the right size and both because I love breakfast sandwiches lol

    I did WW for a while - I dropped a few pounds but didn't stick with it - I prefer this site over anything so far as I can enter my information myself and I don't have to "report" to anyone once a week. This has been working better for me but that is personal preference. I don't agree with the 0 value on foods though, you should log everything so you are aware of what you are putting in your body and see the nutritional value of the foods you eat.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Oh, and as for fruit? One day a banana was a 2, the next day it was a 0. I asked my WW leader how they could possibly justify such a thing (I think she really hated my questions), and her response was "common sense - I think everyone can agree we're all smart women here".

    Yeah. I read a post, with a ton of supplies, trying to figure out how WW had 0 points for fruit, but when said fruit was blended in a smoothie, or cut up and spread across cereal, suddenly the points magically came back. They were told by WW that fruits blended, pureed, or cut up in cereals somehow magically lost their fiber and thus the body procesed them differenty.

    Which is A, stupid, and B hilarious considering they also made applesauce a 0 calorie food.
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    .Which is A, stupid, and B hilarious considering they also made applesauce a 0 calorie food.

    ....makes you wonder how many points are in " corporate spoonfed bs" ... lol
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    As a few posters have also said, I have known many people who have had amazing results. I, however, know no one who has gotten off of the program and maintained their results. This is in no way saying that people who go off of the program will fail, I just don't know of any people personally.

    If you think it will be the catalyst that will launch you on a fantastic weight loss journey, then by all means give it a shot!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    As a few posters have also said, I have known many people who have had amazing results. I, however, know no one who has gotten off of the program and maintained their results. This is in no way saying that people who go off of the program will fail, I just don't know of any people personally.

    If you think it will be the catalyst that will launch you on a fantastic weight loss journey, then by all means give it a shot!

    It's all numbers. If you eat at a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. Once you hit goal, you will increase your points to where you can maintain the loss and not lose any more. Hitting maintenance is not supposed to mean going off of the program - it means increasing your daily points until you no longer lose weight.

    What happens though, just like on MFP or any other calorie tracking program, if you go off of it, you know longer know what the numbers are, and most likely end up eating at a surplus. Calorie surplus = weight gain.

    I've never missed a day of tracking on Weight Watchers in over three years, and I have maintained ALL of my weight loss since hitting goal two years ago. I have not gained a pound back.
  • sarahinsunshine
    sarahinsunshine Posts: 4 Member
    I was on WW most of last year and lost 25 lbs in 6 months. It was very successful, for me, but in the end it was too pricey. I used only the online so I wasn't going to meetings.

    There is debate about what a "point" equates to but it's suggested by many users that it's 40-50 calories. So for people like me on the minimum points, it was 1000-1200 calories per day. Which meant I had plenty of room to snack on an apple or grab some carrots. There were a lot of posts on the forums warning not to go overboard on the produce. WW also gives you weekly points as an option and you're recommended to eat your activity points. I never ate activity or weekly points but some forum posters swore by it, just like some MFP posters insist you should eat exercise calories. WW is also very focused on weighing and measuring so you're tracking accurately, just like MFP.

    I think the biggest difference between the two tools is WW TALKS about healthy guidelines, but you're not really tracking against them. So there's no real way to see if you're actually getting enough protein, healthy fats or if you're going heavy on sugar or carbs. Both MFP and WW are all about tracking but MFP gives you more detail.

    I MUCH prefer WW's online nutrition lookup and their recipe builder over MFPs.

    Another difference between the two sites is the community. WW is all about eating properly, learning a healthy lifestyle, in order to lose weight. Here there are people with other goals including weight gain/bulk and maintenance. Just gives the forums a different feel, IMHO.

    If you are successfully tracking your food and activity here on MFP, the only reason I would suggest WW instead is for the meeting support, if that's something you think you'd benefit from. If you're just looking for an online tool for tracking and accountability, might as well do this for free.
  • daimere
    daimere Posts: 31 Member
    "a LOT of people put the weight back on after they stop buying the program foods."

    You do NOT have to buy any program foods. They even have a new program called Simple Start which does not encourage frozen foods but power foods. When I was following WW to a tee years ago, I was eating around 1500-1800 calories. Yes, I tracked calories and points at the same time just to make sure I was doing okay. There are certain rules (get your dairy in, veggies/fruits in, heatlhy fats, etc). Yes, the fruits are zero points but they also increase the points you have every day to compensate. All points are higher. The WW point version that I was following years ago, I was about a 20 points at this weight, whereas now, I'm like at a higher bracket. I liked the zero points on fruit. My mother is very anti fruit because it's too "sugary and high calories." Fruits are good for you though! But I also know my limits. I just don't like fruits. So I wouldn't eat more than 3 servings anyways if I had one. If I knew I could sit and eat 20,000 apples in one sitting, I'd probably give myself a limit (I give myself a limit on dairy). But I think there is a limit on zero count foods. I can't remember.

    But the thing is, I never followed WW to a tee. Some days I wasn't hungry. So I wouldn't eat all my points (no no). I made WW my plan, not someone else's. I keep my WW subscription cause I love some of the recipes. And some of the Simple Start ones are great. I love WW magazine cause it shows REAL people.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    If you want the weekly support groups, recipes, weekly weigh in etc. sure.

    If you just want a good system to count calories, jut use MFP. It is 100% free.

    Then you can spend your money on more important things.

    I use MFP, plus have a gym membership which includes having a reassessment every 6-8 weeks if I chose (which I am right now), and that works for me.
  • Andibenni
    Andibenni Posts: 408 Member
    I lost weight with Weightwatchers on numerous occasions but I always put it back on. For me I've found tracking on MFP is just as effective. On here I'm tracking calories as opposed to Pro Points but as MFP is free and weightwatchers costs £20 per month I'm losing the weight but saving money.
  • MyFoodGod
    MyFoodGod Posts: 184 Member
    I lost 90 lbs and have kept it off for two years with Weight Watchers (online on/y). I don't buy any special foods - I just track my food and yes i do embrace the zero point veggies and fruits.

    It's a tool like any other, that keeps you in a calorie deficit. Please keep in mind that the 26 or 29 points you get for losing equals to be about 1200 calories, so if you eat the free veggies and fruits you will most likely be at around 1400, which is a good amount for the average woman to lose weight.

    The reason I've kept it off is I continued to track in maintenance, and plan on doing it for life.

    Good point about the continued tracking. Most people stop at some point.

    Anyone who likes one of their old programs could still use it. They don't confiscate your booklets.

    The claim they have new research every year. I would call it new marketing. I find it hard to digest that every year they would have enough new science to totally revamp their program if it wasn't part of their marketing plan.
  • girlyfied
    girlyfied Posts: 10 Member
    I think the biggest difference between the two tools is WW TALKS about healthy guidelines, but you're not really tracking against them. So there's no real way to see if you're actually getting enough protein, healthy fats or if you're going heavy on sugar or carbs. Both MFP and WW are all about tracking but MFP gives you more detail.

    Because WW is designed for the average person to lose weight whereas MFP has members with different goals. Plus, most WW members aren't training for anything except life. The GHG are sufficient for the average adult. It is also too much information for the average WW. Part of the sell is simplicity, the plan is easy to follow. Giving too much info is confusing and overwhelming. The nutritional breakdown they currently list (fat, carbs, protein and fiber) is too much for some people to handle. New members especially have a tendency to over think things, so keeping it easy to follow helps them stick it the plan.

    To the OP, you have to do what works for you. Whatever plan you choose has to fit into your life and be something you can do more or less forever. That's really the only way to lose weight and keep it off. Changing habits and sticking with the new habits. WW may work. MFP may work. But only you can answer that question. If you do choose WW, get a monthly pass and weigh-in at a center. You don't have to attend any meetings if you don't want. You can weigh then leave. You can do the plan at home on your own. But you will qualify for Lifetime membership if you have in person weigh-ins. Lifetime members get free etools and meetings. I mean, if you're going to pay them, might as well get something back, right?
  • WTM2014
    WTM2014 Posts: 23
    I love WW. I just recently started about 5 weeks ago. I like it because it's a sensible program that allows you some flexibility in your food. You can eat more one day and not feel like you blew your diet or new way of life because you went out to dinner or had a couple of drinks, so you can 'save your poitns' or use the extra points allowance for those times you need them. Also, the really amazing thing about WW for me is that it inspires me to cook. I hate cooking, and would much rather buy my food out or eat pre-prepared frozen dinners, but with WW online you have access to so many good looking recipes, plus all the blogs out there that have them that it makes me want to cook and prepare my food each week.

    Good luck on whatever you do!
  • stacibuk
    stacibuk Posts: 276 Member

    WW doesn't tell people fruit has no calories and it's ok to eat eight servings a day.=

    Yes, they actually do. When they updated their system to the latest Points Plus version, they made many raw fruits and vegetables "free" foods with 0 points, and that includes more calorie heavy fruits like bananas. Perhaps it's been a few years since you did it, but that's how it goes now.


    And it's faced a lot of backlash as mindless people began gorging on fruit, believing that they had no caloric impact, and seeing their weight loss slow, or stop, or start regaining. The only way many of the WW clients from the older days got their weight back on track was to switch back to previous versions of the plan that counted all food.

    My WW leader tells me that just because it's 0 points doesn't mean you eat it to ridiculous amounts. Basically, the fruits & vegs are 0 points so that you eat them rather than snacking on junk.

    In fact now I'm doing filling & healthy which involves no counting of points in WW. I'm loving it so far. It keeps me full and satisfied.
  • WW works. I was on the program after the birth of each one of my four children (4 times). I found that I did better when I stayed to listen to the meetings after each weight in. I did shop around for the leader who was most motivating. I need the face to face support and accountability of a weigh in is key for me. I don't like diet food or fat free foods. I never eat their foods bc they are more expensive than the other brands out there. I was able to loose over 70 lbs eating normal food. Lets face it....it you don't exercise and eat sensibly you will gain the weight back after any program. I have kept the weight off since 2006 however, as soon as I am up 5 pounds I head back to a meeting. Winter is a horrible season for my diet. I exercise everyday for 30 - 60 mins but winter kills my good diet and I tend to over eat or eat bc I am trapped in the house. WW meetings keep me on track. Good luck with your decision.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member

    WW doesn't tell people fruit has no calories and it's ok to eat eight servings a day.=

    Yes, they actually do. When they updated their system to the latest Points Plus version, they made many raw fruits and vegetables "free" foods with 0 points, and that includes more calorie heavy fruits like bananas. Perhaps it's been a few years since you did it, but that's how it goes now.


    And it's faced a lot of backlash as mindless people began gorging on fruit, believing that they had no caloric impact, and seeing their weight loss slow, or stop, or start regaining. The only way many of the WW clients from the older days got their weight back on track was to switch back to previous versions of the plan that counted all food.

    I know they have no points. I'm saying WW never told anyone fruit has no CALORIES. You understand there is a difference, right?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The claim they have new research every year. I would call it new marketing. I find it hard to digest that every year they would have enough new science to totally revamp their program if it wasn't part of their marketing plan.
    I think it's a combination. They don't offer a new program every year. It's more like every 3-5. And it's not always based on 'new science' alone, but also things they themselves have discovered from their own programs and peoples' successes and failures. It's rarely if ever a total revamp, too.
  • MyFoodGod
    MyFoodGod Posts: 184 Member
    The claim they have new research every year. I would call it new marketing. I find it hard to digest that every year they would have enough new science to totally revamp their program if it wasn't part of their marketing plan.
    I think it's a combination. They don't offer a new program every year. It's more like every 3-5. And it's not always based on 'new science' alone, but also things they themselves have discovered from their own programs and peoples' successes and failures. It's rarely if ever a total revamp, too.

    One year they had 3 plans. The first year of the points you had a choice between points and Fat & Fiber or something like that. Back in the 90s. People were complaining the fiber gave them gas (and I think constipation) and they really had to watch to make sure they drank water. I was a member for a year and became lifetime. ( I'm older than my profile.) I had 3 sets of program books in less than 12 months. The one with the counting of fruits, veggies etc like a food pyramid seemed less gimmick but points was introduced and supposed to make you lose faster.

    Of course you had to buy their new restaurant or packaged food reference books when points was introduced. There was no Internet tracking.

    One thing about WW is you have to calculate your points every time you pick up something new to consider purchasing at the store. Easier to read the package and decide from the nutritional info if you are tracking here.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I had those old points 'sliders' that they gave out when you joined, where you had to know the protein, fat and fiber of the food to get the points off the slider.

    They haven't had all that many major programs over the years. This is one list I found-

    1972 - Weight Watchers Program Handbook for Ladies
    1989 - Exchange Program

    1997 - 1-2-3 Success - The First Points Program

    2001 Winning Points - Redesign of the 1-2-3 Plan

    2004 Turn Around - with Flex and Core. New Core Plan - Later to be known as Simply Filling - Allows for a list of foods to be eaten 'until satisfied' - without counting points. (Some concepts similar to South Beach Diet) Activity Points can be earned, but used that day only - no banking of points.

    2008 Momentum - Points Program that takes filling foods from the Core concept and combines it with the Points program. Core has been eliminated. Simply Filling is the new name for Core. You can earn 35 weekly points and activity points based on weight, duration and intensity of exercise. Activity Points can now be banked weekly. There is a range of 18-37 daily points.

    2010 Points Plus - Points Plus and Simply Filling Technique (Simply Filling is similar to previous Core plan) - There are new daily target ranges, new point values, all the points are now referred to as Points Plus. Points are now calculated with 4 values instead of 3 - carbs, fat, fiber, and protein. Daily point range is now 26-71 daily points, with 49 weekly points - A substantial increase, however, most food now also has a higher point value.
    Simply Filling Technique (SFT) also gets 49 weekly points to be used for non SFT foods. Both plans earn Activity Points, which can be banked weekly.

    2012 - 360 Points Plus and Simply Filling with the addition of Behavioral and Environmental changes. No changes to food values!
  • BabyPhat90713
    BabyPhat90713 Posts: 120 Member
    I think it really works. I lost 55 pounds a few years ago with it but have since gained it all back. Its a life style change and I was horrible and started eating whatever I wanted again when I got pregnant. Worse time to start doing that. But if you actually learn to eat healthier like the program teaches then it will work and stay off.
  • palomalou2
    palomalou2 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been a lifetime member of weight watchers for almost 30 years and lost 70 pounds (currently 60 are still gone), although I have not been at goal consistently for all that time. Full disclosure, WW is not the only tool I've used over the years, but I first joined Weight Watchers in 1974. I guess the free fruit depends on the person. For me, if I am stuck in the office and have no food, doing a tedious task, that is sure to call me to the vending machine. So I take several pieces of fruit with me. If it's nutty buddy bars or the orange, I know which one is better. I guess everyone is different, and that's not news.
  • Pamelawagg
    Pamelawagg Posts: 29 Member
    I've tried ww's several times it didn't work for me...I am addicted to myfitnesspal and fitbit one. My motivation is over the top ! Good luck to you I hope you find something that works for you.:smile:
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    My experience with weight watchers was interesting to say the least.

    I found a cookbook by them with their program spelled out in it. It wasn't a points system, it was closer to a diabetic exchange system than anything else.

    I followed that book and only that book to the letter. I have to say it was successful for the duration of following it. The problem I encountered after losing 106 pounds following it was it was not a long list of foods and measurements given in any category for what constituted a serving.

    The most exotic thing they had in protein category to give you any relief from tuna, chicken and lean beef was BBQ chicken.

    I burned out hardcore on tuna.

    No joke I ate enough tuna on that program that to this day nearly 13 years later the thought of tuna more often than every few months makes me gag.

    They included in that book no way to calculate or categorize ice cream, Thanksgiving dressing, macaroni and cheese, meat prepared any way other than baking or steaming.

    I followed it in desperation. I lost the weight in 8 months. So yes, it did work. What it didn't include in that book was how to stop losing weight or maintain once you lost weight.

    So I went to a meeting only to discover that the book I had was from the 80's. Guess that's what I got for buying it from Goodwill.

    So I tried the new and improved program that threw me off into what the hell land. It was not a happy experience.

    That phase has taken any desire I might ever have for a few foods away from me permanently.

    I regained about 60 pounds over a 10 year period.

    I have since re-lost that weight using MFP.

    Oddly enough I still find myself while using MFP, looking at my food journal to see if it incorporates the 1980s WW plan of 3 or more veggies that are not starchy, at least 4 protein servings, 2 diary servings, 2 fruits and at least 3 fat sources in moderation, and up to but not over 5 bread type things.

    So I can suppose that WW indoctrinated me well with a book from a thrift store to a well rounded diet.

    So while I am clueless about their current program and the validity of it, it just seems like they over complicated the hell out of it for profit. I like MFP much better. calories. only calories.

    Much better advantage, no tuna and I can have Nutella and Chinese food and go out to eat. Armed only with that cookbook, I could do none of that.
  • faeriecake
    faeriecake Posts: 18 Member
    I haven't been on weight watchers myself, but my Mom has. She has lost over 60 pounds. She goes to the group weigh-ins every week, is very active online, and swears by it. She's tried Jenny Craig and Atkins, but I think she likes WW so much because it actually tells you how to eat properly, not to buy into some fad. She has gotten some of her friends to join as well, and they also have lost a significant amount of weight.

    I never understand why there is so much ~controversy~ around WW because it's really just applying common knowledge to an easy tracking system. Instead of counting calories, you count points. You have "flex points" or something like that, but if you eat too many of your flex points, you obviously won't lose weight (my mom saves them for special occasions, such as parties or family reunions).

    Having seen my mom's success on it, I would say go for it.
  • I did weightwatchers. I didn't go to the meetings or eat the food. My mum had done it before so I used her books and the old points system. I lost 2 stone in about 9 months. I liked I could still eat the things I liked but in moderation. It takes longer but it's worth it. I have kept the weight off for over a year. I've put some on over Christmas so I'm not trying to lose that then tone up!
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I am thinking of joining the above, is it worth it! and does it work, your views please, many thanks. PG!":love:

    Is it something you can sustain over a long period of time? If 99% of the people who lose weight gain it back within 5 years, did it work? Lifestyle change, slow and permanent. Best of luck with whatever you choose.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    I did weight watchers for a year and lost pretty steadily, about 2 pounds a month. I never ate any of the WW brand foods...the thing that I liked about it is that fruits and veggies don't cost any points, which I think helps a LOT of people increase their intake of fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, etc. And I really enjoyed going to the meetings - it was nice to physically talk to people in the same boat, and they sometimes set up coffee dates and hikes and things.
    The only thing I didn't like was the cost, that's what brought me to MFP
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    I am thinking of joining the above, is it worth it! and does it work, your views please, many thanks. PG!":love:
    It has never worked for me because it allows me to eat stuff that is all or nothing for me. I need stricter rules
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    The only people I have ever known on WW are those who do it until they reach goal then quit and sit on the sofa eating pringles until they are miserable again and begin the whole cycle over. Still, it seems to get them out of the house once a week.
    I think little Britain put the final nail in it's coffin for me!