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Any other ladies have PCOS?



  • getfitgal123
    getfitgal123 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and have started Metformin. (and Femara -- for TTC) Like many of you, I have been feeling like I was going crazy -- gaining weight despite calorie restriction/weight watchers/exercise, etc etc. My doctor said PCOS women basically have to work twice as hard to lose weight. Honestly it feels 100 times harder. lol. Frustrating for sure to put in SO much effort for so little results. Feel free to add me. I have been experimenting with lower carb and the 5:2 diet.
  • katnotfat
    katnotfat Posts: 58 Member
    Hey ladies! Yuuuuup, PCOS here too! I've tried Metaformin and hate it, but I need to try it again before I totally give up on it. I also need to change my settings to do more of a low carb high protein diet like the doctors suggest. It's tough! Please add me! We can support each other! :)
  • ResaBoBesa
    ResaBoBesa Posts: 20 Member
    I have PCOS and celiac. Interestingly, when I went off gluten my period resumed. I also get a tonne of sleep. I started at the end of November and have lost 10 lbs.

    I have PCOS and Fibromyalgia, when I did some research on my digestion issues, I cut out gluten immediately. After two days my stomach bloat deflated and within two months not only did I get my period, my fibromyalgia is gone, all my digestion issues have gone away and I've dropped 17 pounds and I've never been able to lose the weight like this before. I don't want to say that all ladies who have PCOS should stop eating gluten, but it's definitely something to look into! Good luck!
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    I've just been diagnosed with pcos and feel really low about it but at least I now have an answer for my symptoms. Definitely think we should set up a support group on here for it. Feel free to add me :) I comment a lot!
  • kazzsjourney2goal
    kazzsjourney2goal Posts: 56 Member
    I have PCOS and gave managed to date to lose 156 pounds
  • I too have PCOS. yes its hard to lose weight but the craving food or carbs is horrible too. i have had success using natural herbs for the insulin resistance which is part of it. Try gymnema herb it works good for balancing sugar levels. try hard to stay away from carb stuff, bread, chips, cookies, deserts. my greatest success was eating a lot of veggies and protein. the protein will crave your appetite and carb cravings. Exercise helps with balance hormones too. Sugar and carbs are our enemy.
  • how did you loose the weight.
  • I too have PCOS. I was diagnosed 6 months after giving birth to my baby girl 3 years ago, I managed to lose a large amount of weight once after the diagnosis but ended up putting it back on due to stress and Now I am having problems losing the weight again. Any help and support would be lovely, and I am willing to give support and help back :smile:
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I've had PCOS for decades. I spend over ten years just trying to find out what was wrong, and finally, after exhaustive research, I diagnosed myself, printed off tons of information and took it to the doc for confirmation. He was clueless and sent me to a specialist. Since I already had children, nobody was interested in addressing my fertility or menstrual issues, and my body reacted badly to the synthetic hormones (they nearly killed me) and to Metformin (chronic, explosive and uncontrollable diarrhea for over three months) that they did try.

    I found my answers in alternative medicine. Herbs and other supplements regulated my cycles and have helped me - along with diet and exercise - to manage the associated insulin resistance. When I got it under control enough that I wasn't sprouting new whiskers, I had the old ones lasered so I no longer have the tell tale chin shadow.

    You may think you're alone, but the odds are that you know a number of people who have it - some undiagnosed, others who don't easily reveal it or discuss it. People get that way after a couple of failed, unsympathetic or downright painful conversations trying to explain it. I know I did.
  • Hi,

    I have pcos too! Only got diagnosed a few months ago after having an ectopic pregnancy, now on a weight loss mission b4 ttc again.
    Feel free to add me

  • GreatGreenSea
    GreatGreenSea Posts: 47 Member
    I've had PCOS for decades. I spend over ten years just trying to find out what was wrong, and finally, after exhaustive research, I diagnosed myself, printed off tons of information and took it to the doc for confirmation. He was clueless and sent me to a specialist. Since I already had children, nobody was interested in addressing my fertility or menstrual issues, and my body reacted badly to the synthetic hormones (they nearly killed me) and to Metformin (chronic, explosive and uncontrollable diarrhea for over three months) that they did try.

    I found my answers in alternative medicine. Herbs and other supplements regulated my cycles and have helped me - along with diet and exercise - to manage the associated insulin resistance. When I got it under control enough that I wasn't sprouting new whiskers, I had the old ones lasered so I no longer have the tell tale chin shadow.

    You may think you're alone, but the odds are that you know a number of people who have it - some undiagnosed, others who don't easily reveal it or discuss it. People get that way after a couple of failed, unsympathetic or downright painful conversations trying to explain it. I know I did.

    May I ask what herbs you've been using?
  • minipiggle
    minipiggle Posts: 4 Member
    I have PCOS too, diagnosed in 2005 and no medical help at all to manage the condition except fertility treatment when needed. I am now 32 with 3 children and awaiting endometrial ablation to try and solve my bleeding issues and avoid hysterectomy.
    Weight loss is hard but it's doable. I find cutting carbs down and lots of cardio really is the only way to make progress, it's slower than some people's and I sometimes "fall off the wagon" but each day is a new day and I just wipe the slate clean and start again.
  • kmjoctober
    kmjoctober Posts: 29 Member
    Yes I have it, I was diagnosed when I was 17. It makes life difficult in all aspects, not just weight. I hate it and wish there was a cure for it.
  • Rachelle_Ohh
    Rachelle_Ohh Posts: 146 Member
    I have PCOS, and I did so well when I was eating clean and the only type of bread I ate was Ezekiel bread, and that was very rarely. I was also able to eat Barilla Plus pasta, but only half the suggested serving. Going to go back to that, I slipped quite a bit. :P
  • lizpuga1
    lizpuga1 Posts: 11 Member
    If anyone starts a pcos support group please let me know! I would love to join!
  • uchube
    uchube Posts: 44
    i was diagnosed at age 18 with double the normal testosterone, cysts covering both ovaries, no periods in 7 years, excess hair/severe hirsutism and acne. I was borderline UNDERweight when diagnosed, I think a lot of doctors refused to grant me the time of day re: getting a scan or blood tests because they assumed I was starving myself. I was just a lean kid, but underneath my clothes they would've seen the thick hair and abdominal fat. I remained on Dianette until I was 20 then refused to take it anymore, it hadn't resolved anything, I'd developed migration of cells from my uterus down to my cervix (chronic painful sex as a first-timer with my other half was awful and the straw that broke the camels back). I also couldn't fit into any of my shoes the retention was pretty extreme.

    I was placed on 500mg metformin by an amazing (female!) endocrinologist at age 21 and 3 months later I began having normal cycles.

    I'm now 24 and up until November 2013 had maintained a normal cycle, light and regular. I then began stress eating carbs (dried fruit) for six months while studying and experienced annovulation once more, along with a rapid 10lb weight gain, pretty much all in my stomach.

    I've been on MFP religiously for about 6 weeks, 4 weeks less than 60g net carbs and the last week less then 25g net carbs. I got a period yesterday. I haven't weighed yet, but feel I've lost some. I would love to get back to 104-109lbs by the end of August, which is where I was before the November binging began. I'm 5ft 2, 116lbs last checked. Moderate protein and High Fats seems to help me, along with no grains, and really restricting fructose/including fruit.
  • FrancescaWebb
    FrancescaWebb Posts: 211 Member
    For those of you that have asked about a support group, i think there are a few of them already. Here is the one I am in: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/3087-p-c-o-sis

    I have PCOS & Hypothyroid...feel free to add me!
  • I have PCOS too! I was diagnosed at 16. I was having crazy problems with my menstrual cycle. I didn't notice the weight problems until my 20's though. Which I am now currently struggling with. There are different supplements you can take to help with some of the problems. Cinnamon, Insitol, B vitamins, milk thistle and chromium are some that help with different symptoms.
  • Interesting. I also have PCOS and IBS.
  • Malthuura
    Malthuura Posts: 3
    I've had one doctor tell me I "probably" have it but I've considered myself self-diagnosed for the last three or four years. I think I stumbled upon the information for PCOS online and was amazed to find that it explained so much about what I'd been through. My menstrual cycle lasted for ten years with only a few days a month with no bleeding. Luckily I rarely had cramps. Getting on birth control for about a year helped straighten things out for the most part, though my body doesn't stay on a strict schedule sometimes being closer together and occasionally lasting for nearly ten days. It is frustrating to find that now I get terrible cramps at least two days out of my cycle but I think that's a fair trade for having weeks in row where I don't bleed. *smiles*

    I am diabetic, though it's been years since I've had my A1C done so hopefully soon I can get that checked. My family has gone through a few ups and downs- losing weight for months then life kicking us so hard we coped by falling off the wagon. But we're back at it now and I'm looking forward to the rewards of a healthier lifestyle.

    One of the issues I'm finding is that when I work out strenuously- Like taking a spin class- the bleeding comes back for the next six to twelve hours. Do any of you suffer from this symptom of PCOS? I know it can also happen if I get really stressed or emotional, too. Have any of you have any suggestions on how to curb this issue?

    The hair growth, acne, hair loss, etc... Yeah... it sucks. I know it makes good self-esteem difficult some days as I'm sure you guys can attest to.

    I'm happy to see others on here willing to admit what's going on with their bodies. It gives me some incentive, some hope, and some comrades in arms as far as wrangling control away from our PCOS.