Breakfast and lunch Recipes?

dollarstitch Posts: 26 Member
I need low calorie breakfast and lunch recipes, Please help...


  • youtubeworkouter
    youtubeworkouter Posts: 19 Member
    I like progresso light soups for lunch, but they are high in sodium. I love they have healthy section and all the recipes have nutrition guide so you log it in MFP.:happy:
  • amystr
    amystr Posts: 1
    This past year I've given up bread which makes finding things to eat for breakfast and lunch really really hard at times. However, I've come up with good substitutes to breads from my diabetic niece. She is 9 and amazes me with her knowledge of food and the affects it has on your body.

    Anyway, back to food ideas:

    Scrambled eggs made with only eggs and a little milk - no butter, not even in the pan to fry them. If you want to cut down on calories and fats, use one egg and a couple egg whites.
    Bacon, it can be high in fat, but you can find turkey bacon which is much healthier. I cook a bunch on Sunday and take 4-5 slices on my way out the door if I'm in a pinch. It helps me kick-start my protein for the day.
    Special K also has a high protein higher fiber cereal that is really good and filling - with Skim milk, this isn't a bad meal.

    Wendy's small chili
    Deli meats and deli cheeses or cheese sticks - 6-8 slices of meat, each slice rolled up with a thin slice of cheese
    Left overs for lunch are awesome, I try to always cook an extra chicken breast and veggies when I'm making dinner to take to work the next day.

    I'm a firm believer in giving up bread and the associated "white stuff" (white flours and sugars) I was 240 last year and on Feb 15, 2013 I made a goal to "try" giving up this food, it has been hard, and sometimes I cheat, but 11 months later I am down 65 pounds, cutting down on carbs is the only thing that helped me lose. Good Luck!
  • Nightdust
    Nightdust Posts: 171 Member
    Healthy choice cafe steamers run around 300-350 calories for most and are delicious and filling. Not sure about the sodium though.
  • dollarstitch
    dollarstitch Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you these are really helpful. I ate 2 boiled eggs for dinner, but lunch was 1/2 cup rice with pat of butter, (garlic/salt) I ate 1/2 cup of green beans with potatoes. and 3 dr peppers all day, (cut down from 7 a day) my hope is to get off them soon with out the migraines. I figured cutting out 4 a day and eating right is okay for now. (till I give them up completely) I just didn't want to eat the same thing everyday lol...
  • ModQuad
    ModQuad Posts: 20
    I like snacking so I try to keep my meals fairly low cal.

    For breakfast, I chose filling whole grains and lean protein, like oats and eggs or greek yogurt. 1/4 cup steel cut oats and 1 egg is about 220 calories (like a previous commenter said, an egg w/o butter is pretty lean and low cal). Apples are also pretty filling. Sometimes I'll take 1 apple and 1 6oz container of greek yogurt. That's less than 200 cal and is super filling.

    For lunch, when I want to feeling like I'm eating a HUGE meal even though I'm not, I'll eat 2-3 cups of lettuces or other leafy greens with a light dressing like 1tsp olive oil with 1tbsp acid (mustard or vinegar or lemon juice, etc.). That's less than 100 calories. Then I'll have about 100 calories of a grain and 100 calories of a lean protein, or 200 calories of a grain. Total for lunch, under 300 calories.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    egg whites are very low cal and good protein - can't beat em for breakfast ( I usually make some sort of breakfast sandwich using thin buns or the WW english muffins or small bagels)

    Lunches I have been doing smoothies the past couple days and like that and tonight I have been baking mini honey buns and turkey and beef sliders that I am going to throw in the freezer for my lunches next week (recipes for all are on my recipes section)

    I like homemade soups they are very low cal (depending on what you put in them I make hearty veggie type soups with lots of root veg)

    yogurt with something added like sliced almonds or a bit of cereal

    cottage cheese with some fruit

    Just a few ideas for ya!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I like progresso light soups for lunch, but they are high in sodium. I love they have healthy section and all the recipes have nutrition guide so you log it in MFP.:happy:

    I also love this site :)
  • dollarstitch
    dollarstitch Posts: 26 Member
    I would love to know how you make your mini burgers! :) and mini cinnamon rolls :) they sound good and something I could totally do :)
  • jessicabejarano
    jessicabejarano Posts: 1 Member
    i would also like to know mini burger recipes. thanks
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    i would also like to know mini burger recipes. thanks

    jessica I added the ones I made (turkey and beef) to my snacks so you can view them - I guess you can't view a recipe until someone has entered it in their diary - I will just delete them from todays diary tonight before I close my diary for the day and messaged you about my mini honey whole wheat bun recipe
  • slcrane90
    slcrane90 Posts: 35 Member
    Lately I have been eating Lean Cuisine - Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry twice a week for breakfast as a change. It is delicious, very filling and only 220 calories. I am really finding if I eat a bigger breakfast and lunch, I am not looking for any snacks after dinner.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I would love to know how you make your mini burgers! :) and mini cinnamon rolls :) they sound good and something I could totally do :)

    I hadn't realized that people couldn't view my recipes unless i clicked to share the recipe - but the buns and sliders are now shared recipes. The buns are honey whole wheat that I make mini for my sliders but you could easily convert it for cinnamon rolls - I would just roll out the dough fairly thin - lightly brush some butter on the rolled dough and lightly sprinkle it with cinnamon and brown sugar and sprinkle some raisins on it - roll it up and slice it into as many buns as you want - place on a lightly greased cookie sheet and let it rise for an hour - bake at 350 for 12-15 mins be sure to weigh and measure the cinnamon roll ingredients as they could add up quickly and just enter the recipe adding whatever it is you used. Change the servings according to how many cinnamon buns you get out of it.
  • dollarstitch
    dollarstitch Posts: 26 Member
    Could you email the recipes to me at I can't see how to view your diary on here :(
  • sambritty
    sambritty Posts: 1 Member
    Egg Muffins
    (Makes 12 muffins, recipe created by Kalyn with inspiration from The South Beach Diet book.

    15 eggs (for silicone muffin pans, use 12 eggs for metal muffin tins. You can use less egg yolks and more egg white if you prefer.)
    1-2 tsp. Spike Seasoning (optional, if you have food allergies or don't have Spike, use any type of seasoning blend that's good with eggs.)
    1-2 cups grated low fat cheese (I like sharp cheddar or a blend of cheddar/Jack cheese, use less cheese if using meat)
    Optional, but highly recommended, 3 green onions diced small.
    Optional: chopped veggies such as blanched broccoli, red pepper, zucchini, mushrooms, etc. (Using veggies will reduce the fat content)
    Or try: diced lean ham, or crumbled cooked turkey sausage
    Preheat oven to 375 F. Use regular or silicone muffin pan, 12 muffin size. If using silicone pan, spray with nonstick spray. If using regular muffin pan, put two paper liners into each slot, then spray liner with nonstick spray.
    In the bottom of the muffin cups layer diced meat, if using, vegetables, if using, cheese and green onions. You want the muffin cups to be about 2/3 full, with just enough room to pour a little egg around the other ingredients. Break eggs into large measuring bowl with pour spout, add Spike, and beat well. (I used to add a bit of half and half or milk, but lately I like the way they turn out without it.) Pour egg into each muffin cup until it is 3/4 full. I like to stir slightly with a fork. Bake 25-35 minutes until muffins have risen and are slightly browned and set.
    Muffins will keep more than a week in the refrigerator without freezing. Egg muffins can be frozen and reheated, but I like them best when they're just refrigerated. For best results, thaw in refrigerator before reheating. Microwave on high about 1-2 minutes to reheat.
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    Scrambled eggs (2 whole eggs, dash of milk)
    1/2 avocado
    Grilled boneless skinless chicken thigh.

    Comes in under 400cal and had enough protien to keep me going quite a while.

    As for lunch.

    I don't really eat it, I kinda just snack between breakfast and lunch. But I can tell you what make for good snacks?

    25-27 cheese it's (depending on flavor you get a few more crackers)
    About ten baby carrots
    Cheese stick
    Small salad (2cups mixed greens and a drizzle of balsamic vinigrette)
    And if I'm being honest here, tall skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks because 100 calories to get to feel like a normal person and get a coffee is worth it to me.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member

    1/2 cup Quaker Quick oats
    1 Tbsp cocoa powder
    1 Tbsp sugar
    1 Tbsp peanut butter

    1 cuppa coffee with 1/2 tsp sugar & 1 Tbsp half and half.

    327 Calories, 15g fat, 42 net carbs, 7g fiber, and 10g protein.

    I'm full until noon, and my breakfast is at 0500.