FOCUS T25 - Any users out there?

I have been doing the FOCUS T25 from Beachbody for about 3 weeks, have not been as consistant with it as I hoped I would. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who has done this workout or is doing it and what kind of results have they seen with it.


  • suzanak87
    suzanak87 Posts: 4 Member
    I been doing t 25 since it came out till November ...and I love it... have to get back to it had to stop due to a long flu and December vacation to Europe... but results are amazing!! I am maybe 200lbs but very fit!! I might switch to P90x3
  • fitfan11
    fitfan11 Posts: 544 Member
    My girlfriend and I are only on week 2, day 4 of Alpha and we are enjoying the workouts. We are measuring every week but no real notable results there. However, we are pretty active so we are using it to stay in shape. Feel free to add me if you need a little motivation or just want some advice.
  • meghanwasham
    Lost 14lbs!
  • suzanak87
    suzanak87 Posts: 4 Member
    That's awesome Meghan!! Great Job
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I'll be finished with week 4 of alpha once I get my butt up and do the two workouts today. :)

    I've lost about five pounds and maybe two inches total over my whole body so far. But my strength and endurance have improved tremendously.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I've just finished week 2 of Alpha. Focus T25 is a part of my bunch of New Year's Resolutions. I'm also eating at a (reasonable) deficit, eating more healthy stuff, walking more and doing some strength training, so I can't say that all the credit belongs to T25, but I really feel and look better every day.
  • vbodyme
    vbodyme Posts: 113 Member
    I've done until Gamma and am currently doing a second round all over again combined with another program. T25 is to me a solution that accelerated my fitness results and I will be sticking to it and other workouts of the type.

    Currently running an accountability group where I give out tips and recipes. Feel free to add me if any interest.
  • Nu_Journee
    I am on week 3. I am extremely consistent with my workouts having missed only one Stretch workout in week 1. I am eating clean most of the time. I have lost 6 pounds but no measurable loss in inches although my family and I notice changes in my body. My 14 year son is a bit overweight and doing it as well. He didn't weigh himself in the beginning and has only made small changes to his diet but his face is slimmer and I can tell he has dropped some pounds as well.
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    I finished Insanity in December, then started T25 two weeks later. I love it. I had excellent results with Insanity, but I did not follow the eating plan at all and I still had a bit of a belly (this is where I have always stored my fat - I have slim hips and a flat chest and have always hated my belly, no amount of gym/running/cycling seemed to shift it) I decided to give T25 a go to see if it would shift that last bit and I'm so glad I did. I also liked the routine and accountability of Insanity and I missed having that structure in the week - and I had to give up my gym membership when we moved house!

    I am now in the last week of Alpha. I have been eating more than the nutrition guide says as I do not want to lose any more weight and I have an active job, but I have followed the "eat less more often" theme and use the app to track the amount of protein/fats/carbs I eat so they are in the right proportions. I don't always manage it but I'm doing OK! Even though I completed Insanity, I still find the workouts challenging, just in a different way. They are certainly easier to fit into the day and on the days I work early shifts and get up at 4am I don't dread having to come home and workout quite so much when I know I'll be done in under half an hour :laugh:

    With Insanity I went from 26% body fat to 19%. I am now at 17.5% and am so proud of myself I've done something I would never have done before - changed my profile picture to my tummy, the part of me I have detested since I was 12 years old (I'm now 29). My boyfriend is doing the workout too and he is also impressed.

    I'm not a Beachbody coach or anything like that, I just love the workouts and I would recommend them to anyone. There is a modifier so if you get stuck you can try those, or just stop and have a breather! As long as you know you've done your absolute best that's all that matters.