Post in your workout routine

Heya there

I have my routine all ready to start up when my gym in open again from renovations. I was wondering if some people would post in what they do at the gym. I have been spying on peoples exercise diaries, but most often than not, I cant get any info from there cause there is alot of calorie adjustments with the fit bits, or other such stuff.

5 foot 6
Goal: 60kg

Well anyways, heres my plan, please comment.
Day 1
Warm up - 10 min Skipping rope
Weights - 30 min
push ups, arm dips, 2 tricepts 2 bicepts 2 chest 2 abs
Cardio - 15 min
Interval running 8-9km/h

Day 2
Warm up - 10 min Skipping rope
Weights - 30 min
4 legs, 3 glutes, 2 abs
Cardio - 15 min
Bike 80/90 rpm

Day 3
Warm up - 10 min Skipping rope
Weights - 30 min
3 shoulder, 3 deadlift, 3 abs
Cardio - 15 min
Interval running 8-9km/h

Day 4
Warm up - 10 min Skipping rope
HIIT - 30 min
Arms or legs or Abs and glutes
Cardio - 30 min
Interval running 8-9km/h

Day 5 Rest day

I have about 5-6 exercises per different muscle group so every time I change what I did the previous time. I do badminton every Saturday for 60 minutes.

I listed myself as lightly active because I also walk to work and back (15 min there and back). I am an ALT so I stand and teach for 4 hours a day. I also walk to the shops and doctors and all that. I dont list my walks as exercise unless I do a walk outside these ones.



  • Fitnessaddict90
    Fitnessaddict90 Posts: 17 Member
    6 minutes warm-up with Planks and Mountain Climbers, 10 Push-Ups, 10 Squats (7,5 kg), 50 Skullcrusher (2,5 kg), 50 Leglifts (5 kg), 100 Legraises (2,5 kg), 100 Bridges, 200 Weightlifts (2,5 kg), 60 Bicycle Crunches,60 V-Ups und 60 Russian Twists
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    For advice on your routine, give names or descriptions of the lifts you do. That'll help folks :)

    Mine is very customized, I'm afraid. I have a few medical restrictions.
    5 foot 6
    Goal: 145? 148?

    Day 1: UB weights and bodyweight, heavy (33ish minutes). Yoga or bellydance (working up to 30 min but not there still).
    Day 2: LB weights and bodyweight, heavy (35ish minutes). Yoga or bellydance (different focus).

    Maybe Rest Day

    Day 3: UB dance and bodyweight; weights if up to it (now at 45 minutes. Want longer.)
    Day 4: LB weights and bodyweight and dance, depending on condition. (Now at 45 minutes. Want longer.)

    Rest or repeat from start and rest the next day.

    Abs and yoga are every day but only weighted abs 2x-3x a week. They just don't cause any flare-ups for my conditions, so I always do Pilates, bellydance undulations/bellyrolls and back/ab yoga to get the blood flowing. That is only like 12-15 minutes sometimes, depending on what kind of rest day or warmup I want :) No longer than 45 minutes, though, on rest days.
  • briniepoo
    briniepoo Posts: 73 Member
    Heya thanks.
    Basically I pick and choose exercises from a list I have, because I cant do them all right? I forgot to add that I usually do 4 sets of 8-12 of each.

    So legs:
    Barbell splint squat
    Front squat
    Leg Press max 75kgs
    Side to side squat
    Calf raises
    Single Leg extention max 15kgs
    Stiff leg deadlift
    Supine straight leg hip adduction
    Leg cockup.

    Arms: max 6kgs
    Hammer curl
    Wide grip bicept curl
    Barbell curl
    Incline dumbell
    Tricept kickbacks
    Skull crusher

    Deadlift: max 10kgs
    Barbell good morning
    Back fly
    Bend to opposite knee
    Kneeling to one arm row
    Wide row
    Bent over barbell row

    Shoulder: max 6kgs
    Military press
    Barbell upright row
    Front lateral raise
    Dumbell shrugs
    Dumbell shoulder press

    Glutes: max 10kgs
    Barbell hip thrust
    Flutter kick
    Kneeling squat
    Single leg bridge

    Chest: max 20kgs
    Dumbell incline press
    Decline dumbell fliers
    Chest press

    Decline crunch
    3/4 sit up
    Air bike
    Bridge 1.00
    Side bridge 1.00
    Bent knee raise
    Leg raise
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Bump for input for you :) Looks very good to me, but since I can't do many compound UB lifts, I'm not the one to be talking to about that half the body :D
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5. Just started the program again last week after a 7+ month hiatus due to a health issue.
  • briniepoo
    briniepoo Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks everyone. How much cardio do you guys do? I plan on doing 15 to 20 either biking or running 3 days a week, then I will do I day of 30 min of HIIT then 30 min of Running. Does that sound like enough to help shred the pounds and fat?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    You're going to get a lot more bang for you buck if you follow a tried and true weight training routine rather than just picking and choosing certain exercises. I also noticed that you're lifting on consecutive your routine properly split so as to allow the muscles you used to previous day to rest. The weight lifting "magic" happens with rest.

    As to your original question...

    Monday: 30 minutes or so walking at lunch; PM weight lifting at the gym (45-60 minutes...derivative of Wendler's 5/3/1 routine aimed more at athletic performance than power lifting). If I have time I will do some conditioning like pushing the sled, farmer's carries, etc after I lift.

    Tuesday: 45-60 minutes cycling at lunch

    Wed: 45-60 minutes cycling at lunch

    Thursday: 45-60 minutes cycling at lunch; Weight training PM (same as Monday)

    Friday: Rest Day

    Saturday: AM Weight Training and usually 45-60 minutes of cross training cardio afterwards...swimming, row machine, elliptical, etc...something that is not riding my bike.

    Sunday: Whatever day....I often do some restorative yoga in the morning...I often take a nice long ride on my bike in the afternoon...or go for a hike in the mountains...basically, whatever I feel like doing. Sometimes I do nothing and just work to get things done around the house...or I'll take the kiddos to the zoo or whatever. Like I said, it's a "whatever" day and usually just generally active.
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    my routine is varying from week to week since im prepping for a meet.
    this week:
    saturday Squats: warm up, then 5x2 and then 6 heavy singles
    Monday: bench: warm up, then 5x2, then 6 heavy singles
    wednesday: deadlift: same as others.
    Next Week:
    saturday: squats: warm up, then progressive heavy singles to 1RM
    Monday: Bench: same
    Wednesday: Deadlift: same
    it keeps progressing from there for the next 5 weeks til my meet in march. then ill revert back to my own progressive 5x5 plan til time to prep for my next meet.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    bench press
    bent barbell row
    stiff leg deadlift

    TuesWeds- cardio 30 mins

    stiff leg dead
    overhead press

    Fri- cardio 30 min
    Sat/Sun- off

    for my lifting I do 3 sets of 5. the next week I go for 6 reps, the following week 7 reps. When I get 7 reps, I add weight to the bar and start back at 5 reps,
  • kazzsjourney2goal
    kazzsjourney2goal Posts: 56 Member
    Mine is :

    monday : 30 minutes boxing plus 60 minutes body balance
    tuesday : 30 minute PT session (all over body weight work) & 20 mins HIIT
    wednesday : 45 minutes RPM class
    thursday : 45 minutes RPM class & 30 minute CXworx class
    friday : 30 minute PT session (all over body weight work)
    Saturday : 10-20 minutes HIIT & 60 minutes body pump & 60 minutes body balance
    Sunday : rest day
  • briniepoo
    briniepoo Posts: 73 Member
    Heya there

    Thanks for the comments guys. So do most people just do few reps? I plan to do 12 reps 4 times, is that too many? I usually do struggle on the 10th though for my arms, and on the 11th for my legs.

    Yeah, I learned my lesson on properly separating my workouts. I usually do my legs and glutes between my upper body work. I heard abs can be done everyday though.
  • beccyt24
    Start weight 11st 13lb 2 wk ago (that was when i signed upto mfp)
    Weight today 11st 7lb
    Goal 10st 4lb

    monday- circuits class, a mix of cardio and strength
    Thursday- same
    Saturday- same
    and i fit in spinning when i can get on the list tuesdays and wednesdays.
  • briniepoo
    briniepoo Posts: 73 Member
    Well done for your loss! So you find mixing cardio and strength together ok? Not tiring or anything?
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,720 Member
    I do cardio to make room for wine in my diet. That would be 65 minutes daily on the elliptical targetting a heart rate of 140-155 using a HRM. I also do some lifting afterwards. My splits are 1-4 exercises. Usually 3 sets of 8 for upper body and 3 sets of 12 for lower body. My lifting is limited due to neurological disorder which affects balance so I have to use machines instead of free weights nowadays. I rotate between legs (leg press, abductors, adductors, hamstring curls), push (shoulder press, bench press, flies), pull (lat pull downs, seated rows). On rare occasions might throw in an arm & neck day (bicep curls, tricep extensions, upright rows ) or a core day..
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    I don't have a routine other than both cardio and strength 5-6 days per week. I try to do different stuff each time. today I ran 2 miles, then did upper body weights. tomorrow ill do a class
  • carolyn000000
    carolyn000000 Posts: 179 Member
    Monday - Cross Fit
    Tuesday - 45 minute spin class; 30 minute jump rope class
    Wednesday- cross fit
    Thursday- Cross fit
    Friday- rest
    Saturday- Functional Fitness class (Sort of like Cross fit but longer)
    Sunday - 3 mile run

    I don't always hit all six days but shoot for at least 5. Also if I can't get to the gym ( lots of bad weather here) I do a Fitness Blender workout- highest difficulty level duration at least 60 minutes.
  • carolyn000000
    carolyn000000 Posts: 179 Member
    Mine is :

    monday : 30 minutes boxing plus 60 minutes body balance
    tuesday : 30 minute PT session (all over body weight work) & 20 mins HIIT
    wednesday : 45 minutes RPM class
    thursday : 45 minutes RPM class & 30 minute CXworx class
    friday : 30 minute PT session (all over body weight work)
    Saturday : 10-20 minutes HIIT & 60 minutes body pump & 60 minutes body balance
    Sunday : rest day

    Wow! I am super impressed! I checked out your blog, you are a rock star! I don't usually snoop around at people's diet, profile and stuff, but when I saw your exercise routine I had to take a peek. So glad I did! You are an inspiration!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,720 Member
    Didn't realize you wanted weight too on the workouts. I am middle aged and disabled due to getting a neurological disease in 2011.

    Single leg, leg press 3x 8 @ 45kg
    Lat pull down: 3 x 8 @ 51 kg
    Seated row: 3 x 6 @79 kg
    Shoulder press: 3 x 8 @ 34 kg
    Abduction 3 x 12 @ 20 kg
    Adduction: 3 x 12 @ 17 kg
    Hamstring curls: 3 x 12 @ 52 kg
    Machine bench: 3 x 8 @ 61 kg
    Machine fly: 3 x 8 @ 18 kg
  • briniepoo
    briniepoo Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks everyone, this is great stuff!!