New to MFP...buddies?


I'm new to MFP and am determined to succeed in weight loss this year!
I'm 5 ft 4 and 130 lbs and am wanting to get back to my old 110 lbs more or less.
Last year I lost a lot of weight and was extremely fit and healthy but since starting uni i;ve gained more than the 'freshers 20lbs' and am struggling to eat less and healthier!

If anyone's experiencing/experienced the same or looking for a buddy for support or motivation add me :)



  • JennUxx
    I'm totally experiencing the same problem, the calories in alcohol and the cheeky packet of crisps to last you in the library have surely snuck up on me... I'm currently 5ft 8 and 147lbs looking to get down to 126lbs so I guess it's a similar weight loss we're looking for :)
  • MadKatter9
    MadKatter9 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey guys. I'm a newbie too. 5'4, currently 160lbs. Hoping to get back down to 140, and then possibly to 130. But 140 for now. :)
    Add me up if you'd like. :)
  • CariDani
    I'm newer, though our weight loss goals are different i'm still looking for motivational buddies! I'm 23 married with 2 little ones and wanting to get back down to my BEFORE baby weight =) I'm 5' 6" 169lb right now wanting to get to 140 for my first goal then down to 130.