Do you occasionally break calorie deficit?

I follow my calorie deficit fairly well and exercise 5-7 days a week. I've heard of some people giving themselves days where they break their deficit and then continue on with their diet as usual. I'm curious does doing this make dieting or weight loss easier for you? (I realize everyone is different, but I want some opinions and thoughts on those with their experience of doing this.)


  • AbstractSilver
    I normally have a 500-1000 calorie deficit after exercise every day. On special occasions, I do allow myself to either eat at maintenance or go slightly over (but I track EVERYTHING and make sure not to overdo it.) I've actually found that as long as I don't do this very often (maybe once every couple of weeks), it can actually boost my weight loss if I've been struggling on a certain number for a while. Basically, if you want to break your deficit I don't think it will kill you, just don't overdo it. Also, consider if doing that is something that might trigger intense cravings after the fact. I know that some people can't eat outside of their plan without 'falling off the wagon' for several days or weeks. So just listen to your body. However, do I think that breaking deficit every once in a while will slow you down? Definitely not, and it may even help you.
  • taylormoooon
    taylormoooon Posts: 130 Member
    It's definitely okay to go over once and a while. Unless you've eaten to extreme excess, you're really not going to hinder your weight loss. You just won't lose anything that day. Also, this month for me I have been strictly sticking to my deficit but one day I ended up having no choice but to cheat with foods I don't normally eat and I couldn't even track how many calories it was which was probably a lot. The next morning, I was down 1.5 pounds and at the lowest I've been since starting and perhaps it was just a good shock to my system to keep it going. I've lost weight since that day too. I've heard it is those that don't ever cheat that end up going crazy once they reach their desired weight and end up gaining back. So like AbstractSilve said, every couple weeks, or every two weeks it is fine cheat.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I've been at this logging business for a little over 2 years so far (with the rest of my life yet to go). I don't think it's reasonable to assume that I will be under my calorie goal every day (or even averaged out over the week) for all of eternity. I don't necessarily start with the intention of being over (a "cheat" day), but enough life situations come up that it happens. Parties, outings with friends, business travel, etc all make it more difficult (not impossible) to adhere to a calorie deficit. And sometimes, I just want cake (or pizza or a bacon cheeseburger or something else that just isn't going to fit my calorie goal for the day). I also have had numerous illnesses, injuries and a surgery that prevented working out on "schedule", which also makes it more difficult (not impossible) to adhere to a calorie deficit. There are times I know I'm more likely to exceed my calorie allowance, but I don't have regular "cheat" days. Life happens enough that those days just happen. I presume they will continue to happen for the rest of my life, so I'm not worried that I'll not lose this week or lose .5 lbs less than I could have or whatever. It'll happen. And I'm enjoying life and not getting mired in minutia. Others have different experiences and philosophies.
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    When I first started here I had a cheat day (upto 5000cals) every Saturday and lost 89lbs I don't tend to do it now because I haven't got as much to lose so I now have a cheat meal, I just ate a 1000 cal pizza! But thanks to a really good workout today I'm still under my calorie goal for today.

    If you're wondering about my weight loss ticker it was reset this year.
  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    Daily, yes. Weekly, no.

    Weekly deficit is more important to me than daily because some days I will go out and enjoy myself, while other days I have some calories left over.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    When I first started here I had a cheat day (upto 5000cals) every Saturday and lost 89lbs I don't tend to do it now because I haven't got as much to lose so I now have a cheat meal, I just ate a 1000 cal pizza! But thanks to a really good workout today I'm still under my calorie goal for today.

    If you're wondering about my weight loss ticker it was reset this year.

    I lost close to 60 lbs and doing the same thing :)
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I will eat at my TDEE at times if I feel I need a break. I still track though!! I cant trust myself yet not to. I also agree with looking at your weekly goal.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I try to stay under my goal, or at least under my TDEE, but some days I go over. I don't sweat it too much... Just get back into it the next day.
  • apercanis
    Thanks for all the helpful responses so far! I never thought about the weekly deficit before.
  • kristinirene82
    kristinirene82 Posts: 2 Member
    I do occasionally break it. I was wondering. I usually eat about 800 to 900 calories including breakfast and lunch is that normal.
  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    I do occasionally break it. I was wondering. I usually eat about 800 to 900 calories including breakfast and lunch is that normal.

    Yes it is normal. It doesn't really matter when you eat your calories, just as long as you don't go over your goal net calories per day.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    while I think what everyone says is correct you have to ask yourself how good you are with discipline, what i mean is some people tend to loose motivation and momentum once they go off rail, if you are that person DONT DO IT.... if you are only starting out and have a long way to go I advise not to do it yet, understand that the people in here saying its alright are the people whom already build the habit of eating healthy and doing exercise regularly to reach their goal, if you are new acquiring those new healthy habits will be hard if you sabotage it once or twice a week... I THINK TREATDAYS ARE GREAT i did it myself yesterday but just a side thought that it could derail you if you havent have that 'STRONG FOUNDATION' YET.... goodluck, just my 5 cent thoughts
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    I personally prefer to go by weekly calorie/macro goals. I'm not hungry for the same amount of calories day in and day out. Some days I'm 1K over goal, others I'm 300-500 under. Whatever works for you, just be consistent.
  • jcorpern
    jcorpern Posts: 96 Member
    I break calorie deficit every weekend. I can control my calories and my alcohol perfectly well during the week, but don't exercise self-discipline during the weekend. Having said this, I'm obviously still at a calorie deficit for the week or else I wouldn't be losing weight. I don't recommend my practices to anyone else, as it's not the healthiest diet, nor the optimal for losing weight. Having said that, I am still losing weight, and don't anticipate changing my pattern unless my weight loss slows.
  • FattyFatsoMcTubby
    FattyFatsoMcTubby Posts: 170 Member
    Most of the time, if I eat too many calories, I exercise more so I still hit may daily goal. However, I am more focused on my weekly goals, and I sometimes let myself miss a daily goal as long as I hit my weekly. This allows me a night out or helps in situations where I have less control of the menu, and frankly it allows me a more sustainable approach to my weight loss and ultimately my maintenance.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Yup. Sometimes it's only by a few calories, 50-100. Others it is by a 100 or 200 or so.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Yes. Sometimes by a large amount.
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    I don't believe in cheat days, but sometimes if it is a special occasion I have a meal that will bring me over for the day. This helps my health and fitness goals fit into real life. In real life, sometimes there is cheesecake. This is forever, not a diet, so it has to be maintainable and realistic. I can eat healthy knowing that I am not depriving myself. That was a big epiphany for me!