Want to be a vegetarian again AND lose weight

I stopped eating meat about 4 years ago and did so for a year. It was for personal reasons (I adore animals more than anything), but somehow I got back to eating meat. I hate myself for it and want to be a vegetarian again. I found myself eating junky food when not eating meat, but don't want to head down that path.

Vegetarians - give me some advice? How can I go back and continue to lose? What are some staples you eat?


  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    If you did it for a year, it sounds like you already know the answer to that question.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Beans, nuts, seeds, tofu, eggs & dairy are all good sources of protein. Fit yummy, portion-controlled snacks into your macros. Eat "good" or "clean" or "healthy" (whatever those words mean to you) 80% of the time.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-Sexypants
  • find things that fill you up so you don't feel the need to snack on unhealthy things. my staples are varieties of quinoa salads, steamed broccoli, baked cauliflower, protein shakes, ooh baked sweet potato, fresh veggies & hummus… the list could go on and on. if im craving something sweet ill have a few dark chocolate chips or sliced banana with peanut butter sprinkled with unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Being prepared is the best way I find to avoid junk, if you have homemade dishes in the freezer you are less likely to reach for the junk. Make sure you have enough fruit to reach out for that you enjoy.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Anything that fits your calories and macros. Very important to make sure you get enough protein.

    Feel free to check my logs, I very rarely eat fast food. Maybe once or twice a month. I eat lots of beans, nuts, greek yogurt, cheese, eggs and once or twice a week tofu and fish. Saitan is amazing too, full of protein
  • snootmaster
    snootmaster Posts: 69 Member
    Sounds like a similar path to my own-been vegetarian for periods of time throughout my life and I agree, in the past I have eaten less healthy for sure. I actually recently made the switch to vegan eating and find I get the most satisfaction eating a diet that is skewed toward the asian side. I make a lot of vietnamese food which tends to be fresher and brighter tasting. I eat more tofu than I should but nasoya has a light, firm brand that is quite calorie friendly. A lot of pinto beans and garbanzo beans made into either a burrito or into a hummus wrap. I have been eating some fake meat but not a lot as I have been trying to not eat as much highly processed foods. Nuts-love 'em, would eat them all day long if calories were not an issue. I have really appreciated the internet-there are a lot of really good vegan food blogs out there that have some outstanding recipes. Additionally, I bought a book by Isa Chandra Moskowitz called Appetite for Reduction (low fat/calorie vegan), a lot of nice recipes in it. Good luck!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Meat-free products like mince, meatballs, sausages, bacon, burgers... the list is endless.
    Protein shakes and bars
  • TheRosyOne
    TheRosyOne Posts: 4 Member
    I also was vegetarian in the past but have gotten away from it. (I got married to my husband, who doesn't eat any veggies at all.) I'm working my way back and find that one of the easiest things for me is to make a big pot of vegetable lentil soup on the weekend and then I have something quick and ready when I first get home from work. The biggest problem I'm working on now is having healthy homemade snacks in the house instead of the junk food that is usualy around for my husband. It's a work in progress. :)