Need support and help with motivation!

My name is Danyle and I have been on again off again with Myfitness Pal. I only have a few friends/family members on here and for the most part they are private with their information or simply keep track of their own information. I am in need of supportive people to help me. I am one of those people that always needs a pat on the back, you go girl keep up the work kind of person. I started using this account back in September with a friend of mine who only stopped a month later. It is harder for me to log on and journal stuff if no body cares what I'm saying or supporting me to keep me motivated. I was doing good for a while. I started last February and gave up in November with the holidays. I lost about 24 pounds but I truly cannot get back on the wagon, I have tried. I use to go to a gym during my lunch 3 or 4 days a week. I have been there twice in a month! My husband got me a treadmill for Christmas and I think I have used it twice since. My personal goal here is to loss as much as I can with a goal of 25/30 more pounds by June 1 when my daughter graduates high school. Right now I am the person that hides in the photos, I want to be able to stand tall beside her and not hide from myself and my image.

So, I am looking for a few people that are going to be honest/supportive and most of all give motivation at times, someone that does not mind sharing their food diary for days when I'm looking for something new. Someone that is going to be honest with me I eat something bad or skip on my exercise. Most of all....someone that is serious about this because back in September I became friends with a few people on here and after about two weeks or so, I never heard from them again so I deleted them and while I was back to square one.

Anyone willing to help me? (serious people only as I really need girl support as the only support is my husband and well, he doesn't get it most of the time.)


  • mlima14
    mlima14 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm on here almost everyday, and my diary is open. I'm honest with everything that I log in because the only person I would be lying to would be myself. I added you and welcome back!:wink:

    Oh, by the way, I'm training at the gym to compete in the gym competitions, I want to loose at least 15 lb. to begin with (I have about 40 to loose total though, lol!:tongue: ).
  • danyleewell
    danyleewell Posts: 61 Member
    You can say that about about the only person you are lying to is yourself. I feel the same way.....

    Thank you for adding me, look forward to supporting you too.
  • forevermaryb
    forevermaryb Posts: 108 Member
    I log in every day and offer support as long as it is reciprocated. I am near maintenance after losing nearly 65 pounds since last January (I didn't join MFP until June), but I will continue to log and be active in order to keep the weight off. My diary is open.

    I, too, have a son who is graduating in June and I am in the position to be handing out diplomas this year. The thought of how I would look in everyone's picture was one of the keys in motivating me to lose.

    Friend request sent!
  • DawnMarie1970
    DawnMarie1970 Posts: 97 Member
    You can count on me! I've added you
  • 50lbslighter2014
    50lbslighter2014 Posts: 3 Member
    i added you! im also looking for motivation and hoping we can motivate each other. I have lost 22lbs since november but did horrible after christmas and now trying to get back on track! WE can reach our goals together.
  • danyleewell
    danyleewell Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you!