Who Else Struggles on the Weekends?



  • kbkeats
    kbkeats Posts: 103 Member
    Ugh I'm the same way.
    What I try to do is wake up late, then do yoga at home right away. This will usually take me to at least a "brunch" hour so I'm already down to 2 meals for the day. I ALWAYS make sure I have hummus and cauliflower cut up for the weekend because it feels more "sinful" than my weekday carrot sticks
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    For some reason, the weekends are when it is easiest for me to stay on track. Part of this reason is that I have the time to hang around the gym for two hours or so and get an extremely high calorie burn.
  • maanders
    maanders Posts: 39 Member
    I tend to do better on weekends actually. I end up so distracted with a non-routine schedule that I'm not thinking about what to eat so much. And time flies on weekends since I'm not working! It helps that my husband is very supportive, and while we do go out to eat pretty much every weekend, it's only to places where I feel okay about the food calorie-wise. Maybe become busier with non-food related activities?

    This. I wake up late, so "brunch" can be like 600 calories if I please. And then I manage to get much more exercise on weekend days than during the work week. So I often feel like Sat and Sun I can eat "whatever I want" (within reason and my MFP cals/macros that is)

    I would give my right arm to sleep in on the weekends!! So, jealous! Seriously though....thanks for the advice.
  • maanders
    maanders Posts: 39 Member
    Weekends are the worst for me too.. I tend to not even log them... ugh. I need to break this habit.. Sunday family dinners are NEVER healthy!

    Oh, I log mine! I think it's important to be honest with myself even if I am bad. And, logging the bad somehow makes me more honest with myself.

    I feel your pain though..
  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    I do eat more on the weekends as well. I'm just starting out on mfp but I plan to leave myself a little bit of calories each day so that it will even all out by the end of the week. To me the weekly deficit is more important than the daily.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I get the same way. I have been prepping and portioning out my snacks a week at a time, to include weekends. I find if I have something healthy around that I don't have to take the time to measure and weigh, I'm more likely to eat it.

    I tend to sleep in on weekends as well, which derails my whole food schedule for the day.

    As for parties, if you know the person well, ask if there will be a veggie and/or fruit tray. If not, offer to bring one. Then at least you know you'll have decent munching options.
  • I find it terrible at weekends. I have to keep really busy to ward off the cravings. I currently have a book that I am reading (The Stand by Stephen King), A book that I am writing (2nd book in my Odes & Rhymes of Life & Times Series), A Professor Layton game that I am playing on my DS, a room that I am decorating and a TV series that I am following (Breaking Bad - series 1-5 catching up with the world on this one). But I do find that when sitting in the evenings in front of the TV I do crave a nibble or 2. Currently, I am having what I call 'A Day Off Everything' once a month to coincide with the worst day of the month for a woman and this all seems to help. Plus I am rewarding myself with a massage every 3 months too. It's good to have rewards otherwise life will seem rubbish.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I struggle in the week because I seem to want to eat everything in sight when I am bored...don't know why.
    My job is soooo boring sometimes
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I struggle on the weekends because my fiance and I go out a lot to eat. Its hard to order the salad rather than the jumbo bacon cheeseburger! I have made it easier on myself by allowing an extra bit of calories on those days that we eat out. Like 200 to 300 calories extra on Saturday and Sunday. That way I get to eat a few nibbles on his burger and still not feel like I ruined everything! Or have 2 oreos while he eats a whole row of them lol.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I'm the same. The week is great, but the weekend is when my family cooks these amazing meals and I'm home and it's so haaaard to resist. Great lunches, desserts etc. :X
  • HollieDollieeeex
    HollieDollieeeex Posts: 116 Member
    This is me all over - time to sort my life out, beginning this weekend :smokin:
    I have been doing this for a long time and have lost a lot and gained a little.

    My weekend eating is the determining factor of whether I will lose weight or maintain.

    If I am on track all week, but eat too much on the weekends, I maintain. If I stay on track 6.5 days a week, I lose. If I'm off track all week, I'll gain.

    A day or two definitely makes a difference.
  • maanders
    maanders Posts: 39 Member
    This is me all over - time to sort my life out, beginning this weekend :smokin:
    I have been doing this for a long time and have lost a lot and gained a little.

    My weekend eating is the determining factor of whether I will lose weight or maintain.

    If I am on track all week, but eat too much on the weekends, I maintain. If I stay on track 6.5 days a week, I lose. If I'm off track all week, I'll gain.

    A day or two definitely makes a difference.

    Great attitude!!:happy:
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    I make my weigh-in day on the weekends..it seems that if I know I have a weigh-in in the morning during the weekend I tend to try harder to stay on track and also log.
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    Right there with ya! When I started this, it is supposed to be for the rest of my life. I thought if I was good all week, then I could be "normal" on the weekends, go out for a few drinks with friends, out to dinner, etc. I have made changes in those days, drink water in between drinks, no mixed drinks, only do protein and veggies, no bread, when eating out and immediately cut it in half to take half home. I feel like my weight loss has been slow and my weekends are probably the culprit. I am still trying to find the right balance.
  • I have a really hard time with weekends! I'm 25 and deal with all my friends going out most nights/weekends. During the weekend I find myself making excuses and it works. However the weekend comes around and I feel like I either have to go out with everyone or stay in and do nothing. Going out typically prevails. Any advice for weekends? Whether its staying in or going out and staying relatively healthy
  • jodiemhorton
    jodiemhorton Posts: 33 Member
    Yes i definitely do. during the week i have set foods/breaky and really don't feel like snacking much.. but on the weekend i find it hard to have a low calorie breakie and skip that cake and coffee.

    Ive found that a scone at mackers is an okayish snack and then i go for a walk after it.

    Parties... hard!
  • Littlemissjackie1
    Littlemissjackie1 Posts: 122 Member
    I am having troubles on the weekends too. But what I have decided is instead of having a cheat day, do one cheat meal or indulgence and eat light for the rest of day.
  • Bambalina_1
    Bambalina_1 Posts: 78 Member
    Me too! I try to "bank" 100-200 cals a day Monday to Friday so by the weekend I can have a Saturday "off"... I'm still in the first month of calorie counting (again) so to early to tell if this will work but I'm trying to look at my calories on a weekly basis instead of a daily basis so as long as I hit my quota by Sunday night I feel okay with having a large Fri/sat.

    But like I said it's to early to tell yet if this will work...I'm also toying with a fat idea...Say I eat really low fat 3-4 times a week then I can have high fat stuff 3 days a week and theoretically it should balance out over the course of th week...I'm going to really try this from tomorrow onwards so again in a month or so I'll know if it works.