I am 230lbs 5ft 3, 1200 a day only losing 1lb

I am only losing 1lb a week, and am really sticking to 1200 cals a day, I can't exercise much, but am disheartened with such a small loss when I have dramatically changed my eating habits. Nutrition wise I am close to the recommended, any tips please x I am 3 weeks in to this x


  • BettyChampion
    BettyChampion Posts: 40 Member
    -Portion size? Or are you weighing/measuring everything. I know I am guilty of logging 'tuna pasta'
    on MFP when I haven't weighed the pasta so could be much more!
    -Thyroid (get it checked, mine was underactive and I needed meds)
    -Exercise (more moovement, whatever it is, to get things moving)

    Losing a pound of fat a week is still good. It didn't go on overnight so don't get annoyed that it doesn't disappear that fast!!!

    Good luck.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I can only suggest that you weigh and measure everything. :smile:
    I often lose around that amount that's seems okay to me.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Assuming that you are actually eating 1200 per day ill start by saying just stick with it. Some actually put ON a lb or two at first when trying to lose weight.

    1200 does seems low for 230lb is MY opinion but listen good luck and keep asking questions.
  • What's wrong with a steady 1lb loss per week? You'll have less chance of loose skin if you lose at a steady rate.
  • tikka29
    tikka29 Posts: 23 Member
    I am weighing everything, I think I will to to gp just to make sure, thanks for advice, and at least it is going down and my diet is healthier than all the junk I ate before x feel more positive now x
  • danalynn25
    danalynn25 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 4'11 and started at 235 I have lost 10 lbs so far. It has taken about 8 weeks to do this. I have back issues due to a car accident 5 years ago so I know exercising can be challenging for some. The only thing I can say is to make sure you are drinking HALF YOUR WEIGHT IN WATER, Get up and move when you can. I bought a fit bit flex and that has helped me to try and push myself farther with walking. Also I have joined a few groups on facebook that help me keep accountable.
  • Wideloadamy
    Wideloadamy Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with roybeck,1200 sounds to low did you work the daily allowance on here? But must say a steady loss is far better than a big loss it's easier to keep off in my opinion so well done,I understand it can be frustrating tho,keep up the gd work x
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    You probably could up your cals at least a couple days a week. I don't know your age but for what I through in there it looks like your tdee (total daily energy expenditure) is 2110 and you bmr (basil metabolic rate) is 1685. Your calories should be between those numbers to lose weight in a healthy way. If you go too low it can be counter productive. Also weigh and measure everything. Don't just guess on serving sizes. If there are things you eat often you can use one dish for that item and measure so you know what it looks like in that dish so you don't have to measure each time (works great for cereal). One final thought is if you haven't already, you may want to go see your doctor and have some blood work done just to rule out thyroid or anything else that can inhibit weight loss. Good luck. :)

    Edited for spelling
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    In my case, when i drastically cut down too much, weight loss was really slow but when i ate more calories, it started moving as i thought it should have done. Eating too few calories can sometimes slow down progress. Try eating at 1400kcal
  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    1 lb a week is good. But why arent you exercising? You really must burn calories in order not to set yourself up for eventual failure because of your metabolism shutting down. If you have physical limitations, see your doctor for advice on what you can do. Even the very basic idea of working up to 10,000 steps a day will make a difference.
  • klcol3
    klcol3 Posts: 1
    Stick to it. You are not very far into the journey. 1lb a week is actually a really good amount to lose, so that you do not put the weight back on quickly in the future.
    Try sneaking incidental exercise into your day ie. parking your car at the far end of the carpark, doing your shopping quickly (walking with purpose to gather items), or taking the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator
  • lvbor
    lvbor Posts: 50 Member
    1lb per week is a healthy rate to lose weight. What's the rush? You're not on a stupid tv show risking your health for money (I hope). So there's no reason to be discouraged.

    (Add me to those who think 1200cal is probably too low, btw. I'm about 10% heavier than you and losing at a similar rate on 1800/day, which is easily sustainable)