How to stop hunger after exercise?!

I exercise a moderate amount, an hour 3-5 times a week. This is mainly cardio that i do.

However I'm faced with a problem, each day that I exercise I get extremely hungry, its not just after the exercise but the entire remainder of the day as-well and i struggle to maintain my calories. (I eat about half an hour before I go to the gym)

Does anyone have any advice?


  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Eat something after the gym, it's okay to go to the gym on an empty stomach, just switch your meal to post workout.

  • Iwantchange_22
    Iwantchange_22 Posts: 49 Member
    I eat after i go to the gym too :(
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    Are you getting enough protein based calories? That will stick with you longer whether you eat before or after.
  • serenity56
    serenity56 Posts: 79 Member
    Drink a lot of water and have a snack. Somebody more experienced can probably suggest exactly what *kind* of snack you should be looking for, but... maybe a big salad, because you can eat a LOT of veggies for fairly few calories? Or a shake?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    There isn't much to your diary and I can't see your carb and fat intake, so it's hard to give you advice. Eating more protein will help, as well as eating back a portion of your exercise calories.

    And read this:
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I exercise a moderate amount, an hour 3-5 times a week. This is mainly cardio that i do.

    However I'm faced with a problem, each day that I exercise I get extremely hungry, its not just after the exercise but the entire remainder of the day as-well and i struggle to maintain my calories. (I eat about half an hour before I go to the gym)

    Does anyone have any advice?

    You might need to drink more water. People often confuse hunger and dehydration.

    Also, your protein intake is very low. Yesterday you only ate 48 g of protein. You should aim for around 100 g per day. Make sure you're getting enough fiber as well as that will help keep you full.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I eat after i go to the gym too :(

    Something filling. If I don't have a lot of calories left I'll have a Quest bar and chase it with a tall glass of water, that's usually plenty. I avoid anything involving bread because it makes me hungry. A banana and some carrots seem to work quite well to, but I typically get in some protein.

  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I'd also suggest eating something after. Some protein and a complex carb maybe. I like egg whites and sweet potatoes or spaghetti squash after. Sometimes spinach and mushrooms, then I eat an actual breakfast (I work out first thing in the am) a few hours later. A protein shake or bar could work, too.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Greetings, fellow Washingtonian!

    I see your goal is set at 1300-1500 but I think you might feel better if you eat just a little more. I don't know exactly what your stats are but if you are doing moderate exercise 3-5 days a week then 1500 might not quite be enough. I'm not sure what your settings are but if it's MFP method you should track and eat back a portion of the calories you burn, or try the TDEE formula as that allows more calories.

    Lean proteins also tend to keep you more full than carbs, and make sure you drink plenty of water.

    I have been able to lose on 1700-1800 calories and I work out several days a week.
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    I exercise a moderate amount, an hour 3-5 times a week. This is mainly cardio that i do.

    However I'm faced with a problem, each day that I exercise I get extremely hungry, its not just after the exercise but the entire remainder of the day as-well and i struggle to maintain my calories. (I eat about half an hour before I go to the gym)

    Does anyone have any advice?

    Do you workout in the morning? unless you do vigorous cardio such as training for a marathon, you don't need to eat before the exercise, and can save those calories for after the workout and during the day.

    It is natural to be hungry after the workout, your body is asking for fuel and that's alright. Are you eating your exercise calories back? If not, you should if you're on MFP system, so to reach your NET calories.

    What do you eat post workout? It has been proven that unless you do workouts that exhaust your glycogen stores more than once in 24 hours, you don't need carbs immediately after the workout. Your glycogen stores will replenish naturally during the next 24 hours, so you can eat something more filling with protein and fat. I have a protein shake with fresh fruit after workout, holds me for another 2 hours until my early lunch. If I have 6 egg whites and 2 whole eggs, it gives me a similar amount of protein, but it holds me for the next 4-5 hours, thanks to the fat in the yolks.

    So experiment with protein and fat in your post workout meal, that's the recommendation I can give you from my experience.
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    I have dealt with this as well.
    Normally, I will eat something maybe an hour before working out (usually eggs with salsa, but that's just what I like). After a workout, I always have a protein shake or protein bar. I have tried other things, but this is what seems to work best for me. More protein in general should help, actually. Go protein!
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Oops, I see Perth, WA is Western Australia. :blushing:
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Well, I only really saw like 2 days logged in your dairy so it's hard to give accurate advice based on that, but I'll give it a shot.

    I would say more protein since it helps you to feel fuller for longer, Also more fruits and veggies, fiber helps to keep you full as well. I've really started liking Greek yogurt for the creamy texture and the extra protein it has.

    You may also want to consider that you may not be eating enough and may need to up your caloric intake slightly.

    Good luck!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I would say make sure that your after-exercise snack is a good balance of protein, fat, and carbs. Green yogurt and some almonds is a good option. Or a protein bar like Power Bar or Clif Bars.

    Make sure you are getting plenty of water; sometimes we interpret thirst as hunger. You should probably get about 1 pint of water for every 30 minutes of cardio exercise (drink as you workout if you can, or take quick water breaks for a few swallows every so often). This is in addition to what you drink the rest of the day.

    Maybe try playing with your timing of your workouts. If you are working out early, try putting it later, so you have less of the day feeling like you need to "catch up" on your eating. Or, maybe work out earlier in the day, so you have more time to recover and have more calories left after your workout. Find what works for you. Play with your calories, too. It looks like your net calorie goal is 1300; that's pretty low, so maybe you can change your settings to lose 1 pound or 1/2 pound a week to start, it'll give you some more calories. I'm guessing you don't have very much to lose (just from your profile picture, it may be fooling me :wink:) so that is ideal any way. Some times we make too many changes at once and it's harder to adjust. Get used to the regular exercise with a few more calories available to eat, then consider changing the calories if you need to. And, for now, don't feel bad eating back your exercise calories (I peeked at your diary, and you're only over a little bit on the days I say, once you take exercise calories into account). Once you get the hang of it all, you can see what needs to happen with your calories.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Eat some complex carb (2-300 calories) within 30 minutes of exercise and then eat some carb/fat and more protein (or have a protein shake) an hour after. Your muscle is really carb absorbent after your exercise so the the carb you eat straight away will mainly go straight back into your muscle as glycogen. The food after the hour is there to fill you up and keep you going (as well as repairing your body after the workout).

    Source - peer reviewed research given in Joe Friels "The triatheles training bible"
  • Iwantchange_22
    Iwantchange_22 Posts: 49 Member
    Wow thanks for all the replies.

    I eat back my exercise calories, I have about 8-10 glasses of water a day and about half of that while I'm at the gym.

    I looked into my eating an noticed almost all my protein is consumed after I go to the gym, would it be better if I ate this before or does it really not matter?

    I'll definitely start having more protein, if its going to finally stop me being hungry!
  • DivaxDee
    Always best to only eat after going to the gym. If you do eat beforehand make sure it's only a tiny portion of something that contains carbs, otherwise your limiting how much you can burn. My sisters a nutritionist, and she's adamant her clients only lose weight when they avoid eating 2 hours before exercise, then eat a meal 30 mins after. I stick to this as it seems to work fine.