Looking for motivating friends!

Hey im erin, Im 28 years old and my starting weight was 288lbs, im now down to 275 in the past 3 weeks.

Im looking for motivating friends, i seem to have had friends who didnt motivate me so ive deleted them all. Harsh i know but i need the support from people to be 2 sided and not just me motivating them.

I love trying out new recipes that are low cal and swapping ideas with people. And im also currently on week one of t25.

So if theres anyone out there that likes to motivate and be motivated, swap ideas and general support then feel free to add me.

Good luck everyone on your journey....

Erin xx


  • bchgrl8
    bchgrl8 Posts: 55 Member
    Congrats on your recent weight loss! Feel free to add me, I've been away from MFP for 6 months but definitely need some motivating myself and to get back in the swing of things!!
  • amindyleigh
    amindyleigh Posts: 17 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far. I am working towards losing 100 lbs and would love to have another friend to cheer on/ cheer me on!!! Add me!
  • katielshelby
    katielshelby Posts: 137 Member
    Feel free to add me, everyone! I am going to start making blogs about my recipes for other users as well! :)
  • You are doing amazing! Congrats! I log on daily and am super motivated. Work out 6 days a week, always looking to swap healthy recipes as well. Feel free to add me!

    Good luck to you girl! :smile:
  • reeny34
    reeny34 Posts: 72
    Sorry.. posted twice :blushing:
  • reeny34
    reeny34 Posts: 72
    Congratulations..13 lbs lost in three weeks - keep up the good work!! :flowerforyou:

    I also log in daily and am super motivated.. I work out 3-4 days at my local gym, 1-2 days using my Kettleworx DVDs at home and have just started using my new Zumba Exhilarate DVDs I got from my partner. I also love trying out new recipes that are low in calories and swapping ideas with people too.

    Feel free to add me (and everyone else) :happy:
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    You do what you gotta do for you young lady. People are either with you or they are not. Oober proud of you for reaching out to some genuine folks on the journey. Always looking for new friends who are in it to win it!!!
  • Feel free to add me :-)
  • Have added you all :)

    Personally i think people just like to collect friends on here a bit like facebook, which is fine but for me i need a kick up the bum at times, and recognition when im doing well. I had over 20 friends and for the last week ive not heard from any of them. It seems rather pointless to me!

    Im doing T25 5 days a week and i walk as much as possible, but im not gonna lie, the weekends i just dont do much, its the time me and my son get to chill out
  • MaegK
    MaegK Posts: 12 Member
    I would love to be your buddy too! I think positive motivation is so important on this difficult journey.
  • phyl88
    phyl88 Posts: 51 Member
    Great job on your weight loss thus far. I just deleted about 15 people whom I am constantly encouraging that I've not heard a word from. It is a 2-way street. I'm at my goal and on maintenance. I am on MFP everyday and I encourage my true friends daily. I work out most days to DVD's at home. If you'd like to add me, feel free. I will support you as I will expect the same in return. Good luck on your journey.
  • Hi Erin
    I am also looking for friends to motivate me and to encourage each other. You are doing great. I will be 50 in April and I want to be healthier by then. I started just last week weighing in at 290. I will weigh again on Thursday. I am not sure yet how to add friends. If you would like I would like to be your friend. Thanks:smile:
  • cinabunnie2012
    cinabunnie2012 Posts: 13 Member
    Looking for motivating friends! Please add me also!
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    I just did the exact same thing. I just got back on the boat after falling off and looking for people to keep me motivated too. EverYone is welcome to add me.
  • Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • I have had gastric by pass 2 yrs ago and i have started to put weight on so i am looking for an encouragement pal
  • my email is kgayres@yahoo.com lets get a group of support
  • i hope this means you are added, the directions are not clear my name is kathy
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I'm great at motivating people..... to defriend me. Does that count?
  • karenh
    karenh Posts: 44 Member
    Add me too! I have just recently made friends with people on MFP although I have use the food tracker for years. It really does help to have friends in this journey with you. You can do this! So many people have something to offer the help and support it has been great!