New to This : 30 day shred~



  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Hey everyone I started 30 day shred yesterday I have a group I'm trying to revive would love to have you guys join and motivate each other like op this is my first time doing 30 DS I have done bb ones I just completed insanity last month I moved on to p90x but quit two days ago it was too time consuming and my child is still a baby so he whines halfway through but he let me finish 30ds day 1 yesterday so its good for me I might add Zumba or insanity for cardio if time lets me anyways link below for group I also have an open diary as far as pizza that was my biggest thing during insanity I manage to still lose 12 lbs and some inches but I sometimes got dominoes once a week yes not healthy at all towards the end I started making my own found this 90 cal light flat bread and just put sauce low skim mozzarella topping of choice like turkey pepperoni and added green & red peppers shredded lettuce garlic powder it was awesome you can play around with different things

    Sorry for long post

    Group link:
  • courtneyjacobss
    courtneyjacobss Posts: 4 Member
    Try replacement pizza!! A flat out wrap, prego heart healthy sauce, fat free shredded cheese and then whatever meat, I use canned chicken or anything really. It's a much much healthier replacement to pizza, which I have a love for as well. :)! You place it on a pizza pan spray the pan with olive oil and leave it in the oven for about 8 min or however crunchy you want it, it's not the exact same as pizza but it satisfying your craving:)