long road ahead

Hi guys I returned earlier this month and so far I'm doing OK but with 130lbs to go I have the longest hardest journey of my life ahead and I'm just looking for new friends to share it with. Any support, tips and advice would be amazing :happy:


  • Shar_ncfl
    Shar_ncfl Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome back! I felt the same way when I started...had 102 to lose but, I changed my outlook on it and instead of thinking that I had 102 lbs to lose I aimed for 10 lb goals. It was very motivating for me when I hit the 10 lb mark and got the alert on MFP asking if I wanted to lower my calorie intake since I lost 10 lbs.

    I believe that what helped me lose the original 45 lbs was:

    1) Tracking everything in MFP!
    2) I was a major caffeine junky -would drink either coke or sweet tea all day long... I went completely cold turkey and switched to nothing but water. Eventually I started to add Crystal Light favoring.
    3) I would add (lots of) salt to everything before ever tasting my food. I completely stopped using salt and never missed it for a minute!

    When I started to gain weight back in October (13 lbs) the only thing that changed for the above 3 things was that I stopped #1!! I am back now to tracking everything!!!
  • dkknipe
    dkknipe Posts: 1 Member
    hello. i just joined MFP today. i have about 120 to 140 lbs to lose (depending on how i look/feel in my clothes). my goal is to lose the bulk of this by next year january. i'm hoping this app keeps me motivated. good luck to you - and to me. :-)
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I'm slowly ticking away the pounds... I also choose to look at mine in smaller increments. My first goal is 36ish pounds. I'm already halfway there in only 26 days... it keeps me motivated! Anyone that wishes to can feel free to add me.
  • Well back! We are certainly in this together. I just joined a few weeks ago and I certainly need support. For me I started workout at the gym and track EVERY single thing that I eat or drink on MFP. I aim to stay under my calorie goal each day and I measure my success weekly by weighing my on Mondays. And....I drink my water faithfully.
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    It is a long hard journey but it can be done. My suggestions:

    Record everything you eat.

    Make smaller goals. I made the goal of losing 10% of my weight. My doctor told me just 10% can make a huge difference. When you accomplish that, go for another 10%.

    Start exercising if you aren't already. Don't start with a high energy Zumba class if you haven't been active. Start with a 15-20 minute walk and build on that.

    But my #1 suggestion: DONT GIVE UP! if you have a bad day accept it was a bad day and move on. Don't say I've blown my diet and quit.
  • Hi,
    I just joined last night. I weigh 232.0 and need to loose 100 pounds. I also have a long journey. We need to remember that we can do it if we put our minds to it!!!! so let's buckle down buckle down and do it, do it do it!!!!! :0)