TMI WARNING: Sugar Alcohols and GAS *ew*

steffipaulina Posts: 161
edited 5:02AM in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone else have a problem with this?

I JUST bought a whole box of protien bars and only skimmed the nutrition info and when I got home realized there was 10g of sugar alcohol in them. I know I should have payed more attention because I wouldnt have bought them. But I ate 2 in the last 24 hrs and have had the worst gas and discomfort.

Now I'm stuck with a full case of protien bars that I don't want to touch again - I'm honestly considering throwing them out because today has been so bad. *sorry - but it's true*

Am I the only one that this has happened to? Or maybe it's something else - although that's really the only thing I can think of.


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