So, this is embarrassing. And possibly TMI, but please help.

Ok. So here goes. I come to you all with red, embarrassed cheeks but needing help.

For as long as I can remember, years...I've had 90% of the time suffered from diarrhea. When I was 130lbs, when I was 160lbs, now. I go around 5 times or more a day. And whatever I eat, I read is supposed to take at least a day to go through your system. Mine seems to only take hours.

Milk upsets my stomach, but not yogurt or cheese. So I don't think I'm lactose intolerant, or at least not badly. And I don't really eat those things much anyways. A little milk in the coffee, a little in shakes. Even when I was on soy milk for a year, same problem.

And if I eat a meal, or even some snacks, I'm going to the bathroom ten minutes later.

It happens regardless of my food choices or fiber. I've tried high fiber, fiber supplements, etc. Not even Imodium helps.

Does anyone know what this might be?


  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    I think you should make an appointment with a GI dr.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    You definitely need to see a doctor. I suffered from this problem before. You may have IBS or something more serious. It's not normal to have diarrhea that often. Do you suffer from anxiety? Are you stressed? Could you be gluten intolerant? There are a lot of different answers out there. I found that when I cut back on alcohol, my diarrhea seemed to have subsided.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    It could be a number of things. You need to see a GI specialist.
  • lforsythp
    lforsythp Posts: 1 Member
    I think you should make an appointment with a GI dr.

    I agree!! I have a very sensitive stomach; it's not fun.
  • lynleeg88
    lynleeg88 Posts: 104 Member
    It could be a number of things. You need to see a GI specialist.

    A general doctor wouldn't help? I couldn't go before because of money and no insurance. But I have insurance as of this month.
  • aimee614
    aimee614 Posts: 3 Member
    I have the same problem but I have tried all kinds of diets to make it stop. Nothing has worked and I've been to doctors they have labled it I B S. If you find something that works let me know.
  • bglm17
    bglm17 Posts: 2 Member
    You can be lactose intolerant and still eat cheese and yogurt due to the active bacteria in them. I recently found out that I am both lactose and gluten intolerant, but had to go to a specialist to learn this. My system is much better now and I don't have to spend hours in the bathroom anymore. I would agree with seeking medical advice as well though, to be safe.
  • 000Linda000
    000Linda000 Posts: 50 Member
    You still might be lactose intolerant since cheese and yoghurt are very low in lactose (they're been already digested), so try taking that out of your diet and see if it helps.

    Maybe try taking out various other foods?

    I suggest you see a doctor though. There are certain bacteria that could also cause that.
  • Yeah you definitely need to see a doctor, I'm not sure exactly how the healthcare system works in the US but here in the UK I would recommend that you get the advice of a general practitioner who will either be able to help or refer you to a specialist who can.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Definitely go see a doctor! I know I'm probably going to get trash talked for saying this but...I'm just sharing MY experience. I had a similar problem. I seemed to get sick to my stomach with diarrhea, bloating and stomach cramps almost every time I ate. Turns out I'm lactose, soy, AND gluten intolerant. The moment I cut those things out of my diet I was ok AND my stomach went down a lot. I did see a doctor and was tested for a plethora of things and my doctor ended up just confirming my suspicions so maybe try cutting out a few different types of foods for about 2 weeks and see what happens. No harm in trying it, right? But yea...go to the doctor too lol.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Agree with above, best to see a doctor. Could be a number of different reasons.
  • tiffanydawnn
    tiffanydawnn Posts: 122 Member
    It could be a number of things. You need to see a GI specialist.

    A general doctor wouldn't help? I couldn't go before because of money and no insurance. But I have insurance as of this month.

    I agree. You should see a GI doc, not a family doc. Your primary doc will probably just refer you anyway. They are specialists for a reason.
  • personally I would say that this is IBS irritable bowel syndrome, but I would get checked out sweet just to be on the safe side, you may find that your lacking in vitamins and nutrients as the foods you are eating are not staying in your system long enough to do any good. Don't be embarrassed honey, we all poo, wee, fart, burp etc... it's what humans do.
  • lynleeg88
    lynleeg88 Posts: 104 Member
    You definitely need to see a doctor. I suffered from this problem before. You may have IBS or something more serious. It's not normal to have diarrhea that often. Do you suffer from anxiety? Are you stressed? Could you be gluten intolerant? There are a lot of different answers out there. I found that when I cut back on alcohol, my diarrhea seemed to have subsided.

    When I worked, I was very stressed and anxious because of my job. My husband finally had me leave there about 2 months back. Since then, my stress and anxiety has lessened. I don't get those feelings of panic anymore.

    I never thought about gluten. Lactose, yes. But never gluten. I had assumed it had different symptoms. an old manager of mine had it and said it would hurt if she had it. She ate some on accident once and looked like she was pregnant ith a belly suddenly on her tiny frame.

    As for drinking, I haven't drank in weeks. And rarely drink at all. Oh! I was a smoker, but quit about 2 weeks ago.
  • lynleeg88
    lynleeg88 Posts: 104 Member
    personally I would say that this is IBS irritable bowel syndrome, but I would get checked out sweet just to be on the safe side, you may find that your lacking in vitamins and nutrients as the foods you are eating are not staying in your system long enough to do any good. Don't be embarrassed honey, we all poo, wee, fart, burp etc... it's what humans do.

    Thank you. It is a topic I hate to talk about, lol. I do take a multi-vitamin, and in preperation of trying to have a baby in a few month I am getting a pre-natal today. But for all I know, that goes right on through too.
    I agree. You should see a GI doc, not a family doc. Your primary doc will probably just refer you anyway. They are specialists for a reason.

    I'll try to find one in my area then.
    I have the same problem but I have tried all kinds of diets to make it stop. Nothing has worked and I've been to doctors they have labled it I B S. If you find something that works let me know.

    I will! What did they do to treat the IBS?
    My older brother (who is not genetically related to me, we are both adopted) has similar problems just minus the diarrhea. Goes all the time, has pain though where I do not. And always after every meal.
    You can be lactose intolerant and still eat cheese and yogurt due to the active bacteria in them. I recently found out that I am both lactose and gluten intolerant, but had to go to a specialist to learn this. My system is much better now and I don't have to spend hours in the bathroom anymore. I would agree with seeking medical advice as well though, to be safe.
    Definitely go see a doctor! I know I'm probably going to get trash talked for saying this but...I'm just sharing MY experience. I had a similar problem. I seemed to get sick to my stomach with diarrhea, bloating and stomach cramps almost every time I ate. Turns out I'm lactose, soy, AND gluten intolerant. The moment I cut those things out of my diet I was ok AND my stomach went down a lot. I did see a doctor and was tested for a plethora of things and my doctor ended up just confirming my suspicions so maybe try cutting out a few different types of foods for about 2 weeks and see what happens. No harm in trying it, right? But yea...go to the doctor too lol.

    Wow, what can you both eat, being intolerant to both gluten, lactose, and then soy as well?
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Wow! Could be all sorts of things, IBS, Chrones, celiac disease, lactose intolerance, cancer? Go to a GI doctor indeed.
  • el2k10
    el2k10 Posts: 2 Member
    First and foremost, you should see a doctor. But I think you may have IBS D. Stress is a huge trigger, also watch your gluten, wheat and diary intake. With IBS its not the lactose that sets you off, its usually the milk protein. Also watch your fat intake(mainly saturated fat intake) and look into antispasmodic medication like meviberine or buscopan and over the counter medication to help thicken your stools. fibre supplements make you go more frequently.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Eliminate or cut way back on gluten.
    For at least a week. And see if that helps.
    If not, get in to see a doctor.
    Worked wonders for me.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Ok. So here goes. I come to you all with red, embarrassed cheeks but needing help.

    For as long as I can remember, years...I've had 90% of the time suffered from diarrhea. When I was 130lbs, when I was 160lbs, now. I go around 5 times or more a day. And whatever I eat, I read is supposed to take at least a day to go through your system. Mine seems to only take hours.

    Milk upsets my stomach, but not yogurt or cheese. So I don't think I'm lactose intolerant, or at least not badly. And I don't really eat those things much anyways. A little milk in the coffee, a little in shakes. Even when I was on soy milk for a year, same problem.

    And if I eat a meal, or even some snacks, I'm going to the bathroom ten minutes later.

    It happens regardless of my food choices or fiber. I've tried high fiber, fiber supplements, etc. Not even Imodium helps.

    Does anyone know what this might be?

    You sound EXACTLY like me.

    I have inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's Disease). I take a medication called Levsin which is an antispasmodic. It decreases acid production in the stomach, slows down the natural movements of the gut, and relaxing muscles in many organs.

    I literally spend about 95% of my life on the toilet (I don't remember the last time I had a normal, solid stool).

    Due to the constant diarrhea, I am deficient in magnesium. Some people also become deficient in potassium as well when they have chronic diarrhea. Make sure you are taking a magnesium supplement as well as eating a lot of bananas.

    I can't drink milk but I can tolerate SMALL amounts of yogurt and cheese. I drink almond and coconut milk instead. I don't like soy milk and can't tolerate it.

    I LOVE salad but can't eat it because it goes straight through me. The only veggies I can tolerate are broccoli, carrots, celery, asparagus, peppers, and mushrooms.

    I highly recommend seeing your physician to get a referral to a gastroenterologist. They will do a bunch of blood work to check for celiac (gluten allergy) and they will check your SED rate (amount of inflammation in your body). Average SED rate is 0-20. My SED rate varies from 32-60 depending on when I am having a flare up. If your SED rate comes back high, the gastro will most likely want to perform a colonoscopy and endoscopy. My gastro has been nagging me about having both procedures done for a while now but I haven't been able to have them done yet because I can't fast due to my hypoglycemia.

    Add me as a friend if you want to talk more!
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    Please, please go get checked.

    It could be something as simple as a food intolerance (gluten is a big one)

    I had diarrhea for years,and I ignored it. Being tested for Celiac and going on a gluten free diet helped immensely and I refused further testing even though I still had diarrhea if I went off my prescribed meds (to stop the diarrhea) and because it wasn't checked out properly I went through a ton of pain and hospitalizations after finding out in the ER a year later that I have Crohn's. My only symptom was diarrhea up until my stomach started to hurt.