So, this is embarrassing. And possibly TMI, but please help.



  • Ladyluna39
    Definitely go see a dr ASAP. My sister in law at age 25 thought she had some sensitivities to food, then her doctor said Crohn's disease, and then she finds out later that she has a form of intestinal cancer and now has a port installed in her chest for regular radiation treatments. And it all started with the runs multiple times everyday no matter what she ate. not to be a fatalist here, but when it is your health, take no chances.
  • Eroshound
    Eroshound Posts: 2 Member
    there is very little lactose in most cheese, so don't rule out intolerence, as a high percentage of people are L.I. without knowing.

    I have a similar condition, and find that a mostly 'green' unprocessed diet works the best for me. No flour, no milk, just whole food.
  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    I had that same issue. I never went to the doctor for it. I just assumed it was IBS. I just thought that was how my stomach worked. After I cut out almost all processed food out of my diet, which was 6 months ago, I haven't had that issue since. But I'm not a doctor -- so please don't just take my word for it. :ohwell:
  • Timeforsomechanges
    Your not the only one! I have the exact same problem and it sucks! I always have to go about 10 mins after I eat, if i drink milk i go about 5 mins after and ice cream too. I have been like this for as long as I can remember. When I travel I dont like to eat because I know whats gonna happen and its a hassle. My doc said that nothing is wrong with me so I think some people are just blessed with this type of problem! But just in case you should see your doctor!
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    You definitely need to see a doctor. I suffered from this problem before. You may have IBS or something more serious. It's not normal to have diarrhea that often. Do you suffer from anxiety? Are you stressed? Could you be gluten intolerant? There are a lot of different answers out there. I found that when I cut back on alcohol, my diarrhea seemed to have subsided.

    When I worked, I was very stressed and anxious because of my job. My husband finally had me leave there about 2 months back. Since then, my stress and anxiety has lessened. I don't get those feelings of panic anymore.

    I never thought about gluten. Lactose, yes. But never gluten. I had assumed it had different symptoms. an old manager of mine had it and said it would hurt if she had it. She ate some on accident once and looked like she was pregnant ith a belly suddenly on her tiny frame.

    As for drinking, I haven't drank in weeks. And rarely drink at all. Oh! I was a smoker, but quit about 2 weeks ago.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    Sounds like IBS to me, it'd be a good idea to check in with your doc. I started a whole foods, plant-based diet six months ago and it almost completely took care of my digestive issues (I say almost, but really I've been straying a little lately and some of the symptoms have come back)
  • sunshine45356
    sunshine45356 Posts: 78 Member
    I agree absolutely you should see a Dr. In the meantime you may want to give Probiotics a try. I had a bad gallbladder for about 40 yrs. and due to diverticulitus had to have part of my colon removed. After having my gallbladder removed I developed a very sluggish digestive system. I went on probiotics and I have not suffered since. I won't ever be without them! they seem to correct whatever is causing the problem. You can get them at your local health food store but make sure you talk to someone there who can tell you what kind you need for your problem. Different probiotics for different needs. It could be anything, Chrones, IBS, Gluten intolerance ,Lactose intolerance or a combination. Please see a Dr. ASAP. constant diahrea alos cause a number of health issues over time. Good luck sweetie!
  • mattgrenier9
    mattgrenier9 Posts: 49 Member
    Do you take any medications because sometimes the side effects cause diarrhea
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    It could be a number of things. You need to see a GI specialist.

    A general doctor wouldn't help? I couldn't go before because of money and no insurance. But I have insurance as of this month.

    I agree. You should see a GI doc, not a family doc. Your primary doc will probably just refer you anyway. They are specialists for a reason.

    How does it work in the US? do you just book an appointment with a specialist yourself? in the UK you have to see your GP (family doctor) who then refers you and they are generally in an outpatient clinic in a hospital or larger medical centre. You can't generally just book an appointment with a GI or ENT etc doctor yourself. You can go to a private one of course, but that's different.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    DON'T be embarrassed - DO go see a doc! Don't waste a co-pay on a regular dr. They're most likely going to refer you to a GI specialist anyway. Just call and tell them your symptoms and they should get you in asap. If they don't, then find someone else! I'm nowhere close to being an expert, but this sounds like some kind of intolerance. That's easily fixed by diet, but it could be something else. I hope you get this figured out
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    It could be a number of things. You need to see a GI specialist.

    A general doctor wouldn't help? I couldn't go before because of money and no insurance. But I have insurance as of this month.

    I agree. You should see a GI doc, not a family doc. Your primary doc will probably just refer you anyway. They are specialists for a reason.

    How does it work in the US? do you just book an appointment with a specialist yourself? in the UK you have to see your GP (family doctor) who then refers you and they are generally in an outpatient clinic in a hospital or larger medical centre. You can't generally just book an appointment with a GI or ENT etc doctor yourself. You can go to a private one of course, but that's different.

    You can book the appointment yourself here.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Someone might have suggested this but...

    I had a friend with the same symptoms...when she finally gave in and went to a doctor they discovered that she was highly gluten intolerant. Within days of eliminating it from her diet...she was over it.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    Ok. So here goes. I come to you all with red, embarrassed cheeks but needing help.

    For as long as I can remember, years...I've had 90% of the time suffered from diarrhea. When I was 130lbs, when I was 160lbs, now. I go around 5 times or more a day. And whatever I eat, I read is supposed to take at least a day to go through your system. Mine seems to only take hours.

    Milk upsets my stomach, but not yogurt or cheese. So I don't think I'm lactose intolerant, or at least not badly. And I don't really eat those things much anyways. A little milk in the coffee, a little in shakes. Even when I was on soy milk for a year, same problem.

    And if I eat a meal, or even some snacks, I'm going to the bathroom ten minutes later.

    It happens regardless of my food choices or fiber. I've tried high fiber, fiber supplements, etc. Not even Imodium helps.

    Does anyone know what this might be?
    Possibly IBS or a hiatal hernia?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I've seen a GI doc for my issues as well. He couldn't figure it out. Turns out it was gluten (this was 10 years or so ago when folks weren't as aware of gluten sensitivity). I cut gluten out and the problem was almost immediately resolved.

    See a doc, and do an elimination diet. There are a lot of possibilities.
  • JustJessicaRabbit
    JustJessicaRabbit Posts: 16 Member
    I agree with others that a visit to a GI specialist is probably in order. I had the same problem (sounds like dumping syndrome) for a few years and a specialist eventually told me a prior gallbladder removal was to blame. If you have had some sort of previous surgery a specialist would know to look for complications. Good luck with your belly :)
  • kschlap
    kschlap Posts: 15
    I'm not a doctor so this is just my own personal experience, but you might be eating too many carbs and not enough protein. When I eat high carbs, I'll usually end up having the same issues as you, but when I balance everything into something like a 60/40 split in favor of protein, I usually am more regular.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    i sec going to a gi.. i had the same thing for years. ulcerative colitis . since going gluten free. its gone.. if you want to talk more add me.. i know how you feel

    elimination diet take out gluten, corn, dairy than gradually add back..
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I would recommend, "It Starts with Food". It is a 30 day elimination diet, and after you add things back slowly to see what you react to. I would bet gluten and diary are both issues for you (they often go hand in hand.)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Since you have insurance, do not change your diet prior to visiting the doctor. You can skew the results of any tests. But yep, you should go.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Loads of people have digestion and intestinal issues, most just don't talk about it. :tongue: My husband has ulcerative colitis, and we quickly learned that there are so many people out there suffering similar symptoms and problems, but most keep it between them and their doc. We are no strangers to poop talk around here! LOL

    Definitely get it checked out. Good gut health is so important - you want to take care of your intestines. Hopefully it's something as simple as eliminating the gluten or some other food type. I hope you find an answer quickly! Good luck! :smile: