Too little calories! feel dizzy, but not hungry...

OK, so, let me start off by saying i in no way suffer from any eating disorder. i just started dieting b/c i am dangerously overweight and just had a baby to top it all off. i have been watching what i eat, but not really weighing and measuring. i think i am not getting in enough calories because i realize at the end of the day how little i actually ate, and i got dizzy sitting here at my desk a few minutes ago even though i just ate lunch. however, i am not really hungry. (i know, WTF?!?!) this shocks me b/c a few years ago, i tried the LA weight loss plan and lost 65lbs., but i got hungry alot for a long time before my body adjusted. i am planning on going to the gym tonight to start off my exercise routine- i plan to go 3 to 6 days a week and at least walk on the treadmill for 30 mins., if not more, and a little bit of strength training, working my courage up to join classes again (kickboxing, step, etc.). should i make sure i am getting enough calories even though i really don't feel hungry? i don't want to overdo it and like, pass out at the gym or something crazy like that!!! lol :0)


  • lili8184
    OK, so, let me start off by saying i in no way suffer from any eating disorder. i just started dieting b/c i am dangerously overweight and just had a baby to top it all off. i have been watching what i eat, but not really weighing and measuring. i think i am not getting in enough calories because i realize at the end of the day how little i actually ate, and i got dizzy sitting here at my desk a few minutes ago even though i just ate lunch. however, i am not really hungry. (i know, WTF?!?!) this shocks me b/c a few years ago, i tried the LA weight loss plan and lost 65lbs., but i got hungry alot for a long time before my body adjusted. i am planning on going to the gym tonight to start off my exercise routine- i plan to go 3 to 6 days a week and at least walk on the treadmill for 30 mins., if not more, and a little bit of strength training, working my courage up to join classes again (kickboxing, step, etc.). should i make sure i am getting enough calories even though i really don't feel hungry? i don't want to overdo it and like, pass out at the gym or something crazy like that!!! lol :0)
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    You should definitely mention this to your doctor. It could be a drop in blood sugar.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    I agree, talk with your doctor, feeling hungry when cutting calories at the start is not uncommon but you shouldn't be getting dizzy. Maybe the calorie calculations on this site are not enough for your body needs and a professional needs to evaluate your neccessary/safe caloric range for losing weight.
    Take care of yourself, we want you to have safe success.

  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Okay, first of all I wasn't very hungery after I had my babies. Here my theory. When your pregnant the baby takes up a ton of room, so you seem to get full faster than normal. You feel full so you eat less so your stomach shrinks. So after you have the baby your stomach is smaller, therefore you will get fuller faster.

    It is very important that you get enough calories so your body don't go into starvation mode (especially if you are nursing, don't know if you are or not). This site makes it pretty easy to keep track of your calories. Also make sure you are making good eating choices. I have one friend who thinks its okay to just eat junk and skip meals, because she isn't eating that much; however, our bodies need the nutrients in "good for you" foods. If you are finding it hard to eat big meals, try to eat smaller ones, that is better for you any way. And if you don't feel like eating try some thing like Carnation instant breakfast which has lots of things you body needs, plus the calcium from the milk you mix it with.

    Congrats on the baby, Good luck on the weight lose.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Did you try eating an orange or drinking juice when you got dizzy?? Talk to your doctor. If it happens again, try taking in some sugar and see what happens.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    First dizzy doesn't sound good and you maybe should check on that since it could be a sign of alot of different things. Second how many calories are you eating. I am guessing that you might need to up them. I eat between 1400-1600 calories a day. I am moderately active. So please check your calories. Third thing is my daughter is sometimes shaky not dizzy but shaky, not sure if you get that way, but anyway if she has something with protein it helps a great deal.

    Hope those thoughts will help. Please be careful though.

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    You should also take into account that breastfeeding zaps calories right out of you. You need to eat more than you normally would to diet, because your little one can milk 300 calories a day right out of you!
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    You should also take into account that breastfeeding zaps calories right out of you. You need to eat more than you normally would to diet, because your little one can milk 300 calories a day right out of you!

    Yes, it is recommended you take in at least an extra 300-500 calories when breastfeeding. I was famished both times I breastfed.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Ok, if you are nursing a baby you do need to take in an additional 500 calories or so a day. So if you are trying to loose weight but need to nurse you should eat your alotted cals + the babies cals.

    second, I get dizzy every now and then and have discovered that sometimes it is caused by allergy medication or caffiene. If you are taking in less calories and you are still getting some coffee or tea the caffiene can make you get a little "buzz". I take sudafed for allergies and sometimes excederin for migraines and between the sudafed and the caffeine in the excedrin I can get light headed.

    However, I would recommend that you start setting times that you absolutely eat, hungry or not. It sounds crazy but taking in a little food every few hours did help the dizzy spells go away for me. I eat every 3 hours or so, and as little as an apple, and I have continued to loose weight.

    You should call your doctors office and speak with one of the nurses or the doctor and explain what is going on, they may have better advice, or they might want you to come in to check for blood sugar issues etc.

    And your baby is cute!