Anyone using Jefit or any other tracking apps?

I started using Jefit to track my workouts about 6 months ago. Prior to that, I was using the phone app but found it to be slow and clunky. Jefit has been awesome! There are a lot of user-made workouts, but I tend to make my own. While this can be tedious, it does allow me to create sets/reps and has a timer. I like that it shows the numbers for the last time you did that exercise. This is great if you don't remember exactly what weight range you were working in. Even better, once you complete a set and log it, it tells you what your calculated 1RM max is for that set, as well as your PR calculated 1RM is. This is great motivation for me to keep pushing. I just try to beat my last max every time I work out! If you use Jefit, feel free to add me there - Terizius

Anyone use anything else? What is great about it?


  • jorralee
    jorralee Posts: 74 Member
    I have jefit and I find it incredibly useful.. you can put in your work out sets and reps and calculate your 1 rep maxes. track your progress with picttures and but I just use notebook and pen to write my training in. Most of the time of the time I put my phone away while I am in the gym so that I wont be distracted.