Girls with tattoos....



  • NikiDavis
    2 so far - one on mt upper hip and one that covers the tops half of my back - that one came after my daughter was born and represents 4 generations of women in my family! I thought I was done, but new adventures sometimes call for more ink :wink:
  • sierramist13
    sierramist13 Posts: 15 Member
    awesome... girls with tattoos!
    i have between 13 and 15.. my favorite but least meaningful- the tribal that goes from my left wrist all the way down to my left ankle.. my smallest is a quarter size red star on my wrist for heineken.. have to finish the inside of my left calf.. then i'll get more!
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    I have 3 right now. An Ankh over my heart and a large tattoo for each of my kids on my back. I have 2 of them done and need to get the third added. Still trying to work out the 3rd to fit the pattern on my back.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    :sad: I have none at this time never had the money.but when i reach my goal my hubby said I can get one as a reward.I am pierced all over:wink:
  • Enchantica

    I have 2 right now, with future plans for one more. I have one on the left outside of my calf (blue butterfly on a black-eyed susan for my mom) and one on my left shoulder blade (green and yellow Gerry bear with a black rugby ball). I want to get a crying superman logo on my outside right hip (for my dad).

    Has anyone else here been asked to cover your tats up for a wedding and felt upset about it? My friend is getting married and she picked a bridesmaid dress that is sleeveless and kneelength. I am the only bridesmaid with tats and not sure how I should feel. I do understand its her day but they arent going to show unless its candid shots or oddly posed pictures. I love my tats and they are part of who I am, and part of me thinks I shouldnt have to cover them up. Any thoughts?

    My lovely daughter is getting married next year and has asked her cousin to be a bridesmaid. Cass has a Nightmare Before Christmas chest piece amongst other things. I'm sure some people who are seeing her for the first time will look at her and be shocked but she's our Cass, we love her for who she is and her tats are part of the package. Wear them with pride! :)

    I have 2 at the moment. A cute little dragon on my left hip and a red rose on my right shoulder. The rose was done many years ago and isn't looking great any more. On April 6th this year I will be 50 years old and my lovely daughter has booked me in for a cover up. I'm having a beautiful mermaid - in remembrance of my granddad who passed away almost 30 years ago. I'm also looking to have something for my grandma (not sure what yet) and also want something on my foot - again I'm not sure what yet!

  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    I have 5 so far, those three are kind of attached....I want a nice upper leg piece but working on getting my legs into tip top shape for that!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I have 2 right now, but they are small. Going for my next one soon!

    I have my children's names in an ambigram on my right wrist. I have a shamrock on my right foot.

    As far as covering them up, I was waiting on getting my tattoo on my back until after my sister gets married. Then, I realized that it shouldn't bother her. If she wants me in her wedding (she's not even seriously dating yet- and I'm tired of waiting to get a tat!), then she'll deal with it and not have it showing in photos. If she can't handle it, then don't ask me to be in the wedding.

    There is also make-up which is pretty good at hiding a small one if thats all someone needed to cover up.