I am looking for alot of motivation

Hi everyone, I'm new at this. I am really wanting to get healthier and need alot of motivation. If you have some to spare, I would appreciate it alot. I was on this before and ended up having to quit for a while, so no weight lose. But I'm hoping this time, maybe I can get a really great helper and stay at it. thanks for all your support.


  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    You are supported!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • NikiDavis
    Consider yourself supported! I've found some great support - an only been here for a few days now!
  • luvinggal
    :bigsmile: :smooched: thank you!
  • Chiquita_Banana
    same here been on here for about 10 days, and have had a lot of support...
  • oracle730
    My hubby has been doing this for a while and he got me started. He suggested that I take a picture (just for me, not anyone else to see) the first week and then every week (or month) take a new one to see the progress that I am making. It is motivating to see myself in a picture and think "I used to be a lot ...well, thinner." Now, my focus has shifted from just looking better to being healthier. I have realized that thin does not always mean healthy. I get a bigger kick out of seeing that I came in under my fat grams than I do my calories. I also like to track my water intake and make the glass on the site "overflow".

    This site is motivating too...you have your tickers and the reports...it all contributes to getting you motivated.

    Smile and don't think about the food that you can't eat...think about the food that you can eat that will make you feel like you can climb mountains! The best part about this site is that it holds us accountable for what we put in our mouths and makes us take a look at exactly what foods are pushing us over our limits (so we can limit those). It is not about restrictions as much as it is about choices. That's what I like about it.
  • rokikio
    You are in the right place! This site is so wonderful and the people on here are AWESOME!!!! Feel free to add me if you like and best wishes on your weight loss journey!
  • luvinggal
    Everyone on here is so nice and helpful. I appreciate all the support I can get, and I'll give as much as I can. thank you all.:smooched: :happy: :glasses: